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Dennis Mbithi D-Mbithi
Someone with passion for technology and innovation

Nairobi, kenya

Dhaneshbb Dhaneshbb
👋 I'm Dhanesh B B, merging data science with finance 📊. Exploring ML, stats, and quant analysis 💻. Let's revolutionize finance together! 🌱 Connect with me.


Anna Laurinavichyute annlaurin

Universität Potsdam Potsdam, Germany

Upalabdha UpalabdhaD
PhD Student, Bioinformatics

Tezpur University India

Kozo Nishida kozo2
PyData Osaka organizer, Bioconductor Community Advisory Board, Software Carpentry Japanese Team

Tokyo, Japan

Val. Lucet VLucet
Ecologist & Research Software Engineer. M.Sc. (2020) McGill University


Dmytro Chumakov dmytrochumakov
Passionate iOS developer


Haroon Chughtai HChughtai
Senior Research Software Engineer - @UCL-ARC | Part-time PhD Student - @UCL-QIG

@UCL London

Milan Malfait milanmlft
Research Software Engineer at UCL's Advanced Research Computing centre

@UCL-ARC London, UK