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James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

The edge of knowing

Antony Barja ambarja
I love geography, geocomputation and spatial data science 🤓🌎⚕️.

Innovalab - UPCH Lima, Peru

Thomas M. Parris tm-parris
President, ISciences L.L.C.

ISciences LLC Burlington, VT USA

Santiago Mota santiagomota
Freelance Data Scientist | Big Data Professor at UCM and UNED | Kaggle Master

Freelance Madrid (Spain)

Jakub.Miszczyszyn j-miszczyszyn

University of Agriculture in Krakow - Department of Forest Resources Management Kraków

Andrew Allen Bruce andrewallenbruce
Healthcare Data Analyst


Raphael Saldanha rfsaldanha
Geographer, Master's in Public Health, PhD in Health Information and Communication. Postdoc at @INRIA.

Inria Montpellier, FR

Andreas Beger andybega
Freelance Data Scientist.

Basil Analytics Tallinn, Estonia

Loïc Baron loicbaron
Lead software engineer

@usertesting Edinburgh, UK

Brian Gomez briandgomez
Full stack developer excited to work on creative projects

Rutgers University Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Alexander Quevedo alequech
Remote sensing, spatial statistics, GIS, R.