Chris Adams
Environmentally focussed tech generalist. User research, product management and strategy, and yes, even code sometimes
Product Science Berlin, and occasionally London
Felix Kronlage-Dammers
cyclist, unix, bsd, linux, crypto (in the original meaning ;), infrastructure, monitoring, outdoor, foo^bar @SovereignCloudStack
Oldenburg, Germany
Gerald Hokamp
Software developer for over 30 years.
Mainly Java (since Java 1.2) but also C++, perl, Ruby and JavaScript.
IT-Systemhaus der Bundesagentur für Arbeit Nürnberg
Manuel Steinberg
I am founder of the web agency kreativ-anders. As a Full Stack Developer and Software Architect I create lean and customized software solutions.
@kreativ-anders Nuremberg
Ralf Heiringhoff
Jack of all trades | Open Source Enthusiast | Technology Geek | Gamer | Dad of 3
@pluscloudopen Guetersloh, Germany
Gert Glatz
I am a life long learner and a practicing software craftsman.
adesso SE Munich, Germany