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Petr Pajdla petrpajdla
Computational archaeologist.

Czech Republic

Michael Škvrňák skvrnami
east european data plumber / not a penguin
Jan Netík netique

Department of Statistical Modelling, Institute of Computer Science, Czech Academy of Sciences Prague

Dipto Farabee Dipto-Farabee
👋 Hi there! I'm the Founder of Afflayo and – two innovative platforms in the social media space. I'm passionate about AI and Social Media, constantl

Origiin Dhaka

Priyanka O priya-gitTest
Love everything Python (Pandas) and SQL, Data Management, Open Data, Open Source, Open Science in that order ... [* relaxed Tiger Mom ]


Jakub Pavlík igneus

Kralupy nad Vltavou, Czech Republic

Michal Josef Špaček michal-josef-spacek

Red Hat Kutná Hora Czech Republic

Martin Salo salomartin
Tech founder with a 15-year track record in AI, merging deep industry knowledge with fresh innovations in my upcoming venture.


NewEdit NewEditOfficial
FiveM research guy, web-development

self-employed, Czech Republic, Pardubice


Freelance SW developer

Michal Landsman landsman
{"bio": { "work": "ex-cto @graet; ex-cto @trisbee", "hobbies": " programming; sci-fi; rap; youngtimer cars; green-energy; linux; geek to the last byte!" }}

Prague, Czech Republic

Vítejte! Jsem specialista informační a kybernetické bezpečnosti 🔒🌐 jednatel a společník CZECHMATE CZ s.r.o. Sledujte mě pro tipy a triky o online bezpečí! 🛡

CZECHMATE CZ s.r.o. Česko, Teplice

Michael Kubin mikekubn
I love hiking, so when I'm not coding I enjoy the peace and quiet there. ⛰🥾 Prague

Michal Kuban michalkuban

@opendata-mvcr Prague