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Valentin Badiul S valentininua ES

Laxmikant Swami swamilax
Read Here

SPPU India

Luis Alberto Trabuco Agüero MrLata-UAA
I love Tecnology and all references informatic
Eikonsphere Eikonsphere

Eikonsphere Eikonsphere

jose 0joseDark
lover of science, biology and robotics, and programming is fun

Barreiro, Portugal

hottypotty_dev hottypotty
On process --> Full Stack Web Developer (Student Mode)
Natã Martins natamartinscodedev
There is no easy way, just only hard work So don't think, just do it!

... moon...🚀

Samet ARAS sametaras
hayat için biraz kod.


Amrita amrita-shrestha
Learn with mistakes

@JankariTech Nepal

Milad Mehraban miladmehraban
I'm a software engineer with more than a decade of experience in web and mobile applications architecting, design and development.

Alfa Plus Inc.

Mei Giyanto meigiyanto

Banyumas, Indonesia

Bunyamin Sevgin bsevgin
PHP, Python, JavaScript, Vue.js, AWS, Laravel, Symfony, Lumen, Django, Flask, Selenium, Docker...

Istanbul, Turkey

Wildy Sheverando shiwildy
Linux enthusiast | Backend Developer | Sysadmin | Focused on system efficiency and security | Indonesia 🇮🇩

North Jakarta

Robson Barbosa brcomgvsoft

GVSoft Tecnologia Vitoria-ES

Anmar A. Mr-Anmar
I specialize in Mobile Development and Backend Systems, proficient in languages and Libraries such as C, PHP, HTML, CSS, Dart, and JavaScript, SocketIO..etc
Joseba ochefo

Joseba Roldan Basque Country

Tom Michelon Bourgogne kainovaii
Full-Stack développer & CEO at @LayCloud-fr

LayCloud France

Balaji K balajiCubie
🚀 Founder & CEO of Cubie Group | Full-Stack Dev(MERN, Django, Python) | Passionate about Quantum Physics ⚛️ | Innovating at the intersection of code & science.
Abhijeet Anil Rathod Abhijrathod
Developer Network Admin


Kang Cahya dyazincahya
a connoisseur of coffee without sugar.

@x-labs-myid Jakarta, indonesia

Rahul Alam rahulalam31
Debugging @ & dorking google, Since 2018 ☠️☠️☠️

Jaigaon West Bengal India

Pixobit Solutions pixobit
We are a small team, we identify, we plan, and execute the job. We get things done, and we are on a mission to change the online world for the better.

Pixobit Solutions

kanagasabai kanagasabai-Hub
i write code and ..-> works! :)
Martin N. martiz
IT specialist by trade. Wanna-be developer/operator with interest on data science, script automation and game development.

Berlin, Germany