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Larix Kortbeek larixk
Tech Director, creative developer, and former start-up CTO with passions for digital product development, AI, creative coding, and Typescript.

@plusoneamsterdam Amsterdam

Lou Kail Loustoc
into hardware, creative tech, interactive experiences and all things tinkering

🏢 associate creative web dev @AKQA-Group || 🏫 Student at @Gobelins Paris

CharlotteTusset CharlotteTusset

Build in Amsterdam Amsterdam

Moritz Salla moritzsalla
Developer and creative technologist based in Amsterdam


Veerle veerleprins
Hi there! My name is Veerle, a 27 year old woman that loves being creative and writing code.

Build in Amsterdam Hoofddorp, The Netherlands

thenew thenew
Full frontend

Build in Amsterdam Amsterdam

Bruno Tomé brunotomedev
Front End Developer


Vicente Akira vicenteakira

Build in Amsterdam Geneva

Margot Gabel margotgabel
Designing at @buildinamsterdam

Build in Amsterdam Amsterdam