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Ericc Whiskey87
Married man looking for things to try and keep myself busy Projects for work Apps for fun w/e. Just enjoying the journey while I still have time :)
Y11 XiaomingX
Software Dev @ X | Linux, Java, Spring, Python, Go, Next.js | Open Source Enthusiast | LLM Innovator | M.Sc. in Software Engineering 🚀

uhaka japan

Lemagex Lemagex
Lover of all things Linux.
Nikita Senko hacker-niki
BSUIR student


Salahudin Salahudin-cloud

Magelang, Jawa Tengah , Indonesia

Andril 4ndril
I am gamer, tech, geek, nerd and lover of everything Linux, DE (GNOME), MW (BSPWM & Hyprland) related. Just started to use Arch and want to learn more.

Pembroke Pines, Florida & Dallas, Texas

Murad Rustamov therteenten
a front-end developer from the Republic of Dagestan who doesn't do shit.

@tutlinux ~/home

chao_wang wangchaoxx
Stelios Petrakis stelabouras
📱 Mobile app developer 🕹 Aspiring gamedev 🌊 I love water shaders

Breakpoint Mobile Greece

i have no mouth and i must beatbox
Lune Lovehearn lunelovehearn
Art lover, Graphic Design Student, Arch Linux user, beta tester, tech hobbyist.✦♪ 🍎


XieXiLin XieXiLin2
Railfan / Student / Bangumi Lover / Manga Lover すみません,ごめんなさい


Electronic Ghost Eghost303
E-Labyrinth, E-Sci-Tech. Come and join us in GitHub.

East China Normal University Shanghai, China

saasha saashaspace
love tinkering with open source software. devops | AI-ML | technical documentation


Jakub Ziopulos hermes860
Guy who love Computer / Hacking and everything around.

Prague/ Czech Republic

aktsu_ruan ruanpereira
learning languages, just having fun. Python, Rust, Julia, arch user (u know the drill)

Federal University of Ceará Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil

Gil V. B. P. gilvbp
Software Developer/Architect, MBA IA/Big Data - Computer Scientist - Skilled on Scala, Java, R, Python, Spark, C++, C. ❤️ Linux/GNU, FOSS, IA.

Showtech IT Brazil

Damian deimon777
Soy un Diseñador Multimedial y Programador especializado en desarrollar interfaces amigables.


Youness younesselbrag
Data Scientist & AI Engineer At AIgot

@AIgot morocco

tonmoymojumder tonmoy998
Nothing to show now but will have in future

Mote Bangladesh

Vinicius Libero liberom
Full Stack Dev & Crypto Enthusiast

Nobordist Brazil

Wildan Fadhlulloh wildanfadh
Hi, I'm a Full Stack Developer who loves working with React


Just a junior Front-end Developer !

Iran, Masshad

Ícaro M. Sales oicarosales
Seja específico!
