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Night Glow NightGlowww
Life is beautiful. China Shanghai

Jason Mobarak silverjam

@YurtsAI San Ramon, CA

Clownsw Clownsw
until you have.
Maciej Olejnik hydromac
HVAC & Pipe Desinger | MEP | Energy auditor | Python | Machine Learning | BIM | QGIS | Bonsai | OpenBIM | FreeCAD | REVIT | VBA | DAX | Power BI


Mirza Polat mirzapolat
Computer Science @ TUM

Technical University of Munich Munich, Germany

Steven B sblack4
Taking it easy

@rhythmictech Washington DC

Jeffrey Fetzer jrf
Seeker of the wisdom of the ancients

Mayo Clinic -- @MCGAIL Rochester, MN

Tom Leary tomleary
Data analyst from Atlanta


Finley Zhao fayfeifay
stupid. UCAS,DTU 2023-2026
Simon_Hornet SimonHornisse
I hope I am gonna add here sth one day


Makis Christou MakisChristou
BE7E A8AD 876A E1C1 F452 917C 479F E47C 2672 2214

Common Prefix Cyprus

Eastward New eastwardnew
Hey! I'm Eastward New 🔭 I’m currently working on backend projects looking for exciting job opportunity to learn more. 🛠️ My tech stack is Python, Django,

Forward company (FIJI) Nadi ,Fiji

newnewcoder newnewcoder

Taiwan Taipei

Gabriel H. Nunes nunesgh
Cotutelle Doctoral candidate in Computer Science at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), Brazil, and at Macquarie University, Australia.

Sydney, NSW, Australia

爛柯人 rankanin
Full Stack Web Developer


Let me stand up like a Taiwanese.


Vikash Kothary VikashKothary
See my GitHub Profile README for a list of all my projects. <br/> Individual repositories can be found here: @Vikash-Kothary

@Vikash-Kothary London, United Kingdom