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Muhammed Hussein karimi mhkarimi1383
DevOps Engineer | Programmer | Open Source Enthusiast

ParminCloud Iran, Qom

Abolfazl Abbasi aabolfazl
Every Day Curious

@Teknasyon Istanbul-Turkey

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Kasi Lakshman Karthi Anbumony kasilakshmankarthi
Passionate about identifying performance bottlenecks and fixing them by working closely with microarchitecture, compiler, or optimizing open source software!

austin texas

0xSimulacra 0xsimulacra
Solertia deest (nunc fere acquisita), sed vincit qui patitur; dum spiro, spero.


jstinapoll jstinapoll
Game engineer


Mateusz Maciaszek speedcom
Living between bits and clouds 🇵🇱🇬🇧


Junaid Malik junaidpk
Experienced software engineer with practical knowledge of scaling web application using best practices.

Lahore, Pakistan



hiworld-nan hiworld-nan
senior software engineer and now looking for a new job


jefby jefby

Hangzhou, China

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Riju Chatterjee rijuc-amd
QA Automation

@Xilinx-CNS New Delhi

BİLAL Dogrucu engineerarea
C,C++,VHDL/Verilog,CPL,C#;Pyhton Embedded Software Engineer </> sprintf<Just try to Code >
Peter Dunning pdunning-xilinx
Test Automation Engineer

@Xilinx @Xilinx-CNS Cambridge