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Junjie ZHANG junjzhang

SJTU -> Umich -> Lionrock AI Lab Shenzhen

Po Tsui PoTsui99
Never Settle.

JLU.CSW(B.Eng) | BUAA.SCSE(M.Eng) Shanghai, China

Yuchen Mu TephrocactusMYC
Coding, Learning and Swimming.

Tianjin, P. R. C

Qi Luo rocky-lq
M.E. student at SUSTech, working on LLM4SE, LLM4Decompile. Previously a B.E. student at Xidian University.

SUSTech Shenzhen, China

danerli(李润) daneren

Tencent Shanghai, China

AIQH clover2024
More than code


Xie Zejian fecet
Researcher at @cmiat

SUSTech Shenzhen