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22 y/o - A diehard computer nerd by heart, an advocate for human rights by cause, and a content creator for fun.


CreeperTV 1CreeperTV
Check our project named NDS Shop !


Cooper coopeeo
that's me. I like to code, but im bad... anyway, I go full ADHD mode, bye!
#Wifi Got Minecraft PokeyManatee4
Im a person who exists, doing coding during my free time
Skye SkyeDoesThings1
Hey! I'm Skye I code stuff sometimes. Mostly websites cause "I'm good at that" (no I'm not)
ibrahim ibrahim6657
this is where I make my dumb projects

Skye's basement Aberdeen

Joshua Peisach ItzSwirlz
Ubuntu Cinnamon Lead - BCA ATCS 2026

@ubuntucinnamon New Jersey, USA

David Joaq davidsosa2022
Wii U web app developer

Braden`s house Lima, Peru