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KR. Laboratories krlabs
Information Technology Research and Development Labs

KR. Laboratories Lviv, Ukraine

Atharv Mane thepasswordspoiler
SSPU CSIT Pune IISC Banglore
Never Mind the Electric Reign

Black Lantern Security

ac1d AssassinUKG
I love to make software that helps or automates a process.
ChefOffSec GloStarRx1
I'm Student at ChefOffSec University .

ChefOffSec University Bangladesh

Sohay sohay666
Am a cat software engineer and spent much time on Cat magazine

lynpawz /dev/null

Agustino Thadeus aguthadeus
More learning but even more practical work
Fly DragonFly BypasserThe
Android Reverse Engineer


antoine cletqui
cybersec engineer, web dev enthusiast

cybersecurity consulting ::1/128

Kalki Kriva DNA krivadna
Self learned Ethical Hacker, ex Photojournalist of India Today, Writer, Psyientist and AI Filmmaker. Commissioned by USAF for AI short film on Cybersecurity


Anirudh patki idiotboxai
Exploring security, technology and humans | Bug Bounty Hunter | Security Researcher.


happycoder zhangkaibin0921
Focusing on cyberspace security
Harsh Navgale Harsh-Navgale
Bug Bounty Hunter | Security Researcher | VAPT


Romain J. Rom1-J

GnousEU France

schur xschur
keep calm and carry on.


Aaron Meese ajmeese7
enjoyer of reading and writing code

@meese-enterprises Baltimore, Maryland

Adam Pielak adampielak
.itsec. Września