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Ajmain Yasar Ahmed Sahil FromSaffronCity
Friendly neighbor of Team Rocket

CSE, Pennsylvania State University Pennsylvania, USA

Muhammad Imtiyaz Ahmed MuhammadImtiyaz

Oxford University Press cambridgeshire, cambridge england

Konstantinos (Kostas) Lagogiannis kostasl
Ex-Res King's College London CDN @dafishcode, Neural mechanisms of behaviour and learning

@dafishcode London,UK

Hang Haotian haotianh9
Student in Mechanical engineering at USC

University of Southern California Los Angeles

Ricardo de Azambuja ricardodeazambuja
I'm an Electrical Engineer trying to make the world a better place with the help of electronics, robotics and machine learning
andrew hongduongdaika
Numerical model to research on Marine dynamics; RBF collocation method; Ocean modelling
KOSUMA Banboo-glich
I'm majoring in plant at university. I have a strong interest in artificial intelligence.
