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Bich N Tran trngbich
PhD candidate in Water Resources Management | 🐳🌱#ecohydrology 🌾🐄 #agrohydrology 🌍 #EO 🛰#RS 🗺 #GIS 📊 #WaterAccounting 💧#IWRM ♻️ #SDGs


Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Chen Chao heiwa0519
A student from China University of Mining and Technology, researching on GNSS data processing, multi-sensor fusion and high precise positioning.

China University of Mining and Technology XuZhou, JiangSu Provience

raino ruierzhao
About GIS.你对技术的热爱,决定你不会是一个菜鸟。




Magí Pàmies Sans magipamies
GIS specialist

Les Borges del Camp

Allan Irvine NewGraphEnvironment
The biggest lie is that we will never look after each other

New Graph Environment Ltd. Earth

OMID Zamani OmidZamani
Tiny DevOps Guy

Freekancing Currently, Iran!

Young jyy1752645604
Master in Remote Sensing, AOD retrieval and atmospheric correction

Nanjing University Wuhan, China

Jenna Guffogg jennaguffogg
🛰️ PhD Geospatial Science | Remote Sensing Specialist 🌏

Melbourne, Australia

Niklas Jordan NiklasJordan
Hej – I am Niklas 👋 Geologist and Earth Observation Engineer, bridging the complexity to empower users decoding climate risks and natural hazards 🌍 🛰🔥🌊

EUMETSAT and Innoflair Denmark

Chimango CChisuwo
Lounge Dj @808Computing

@808Computing Lilongwe

Chenhui Zhang danielz02
MIT IDSS 28' | UIUC CS 23'

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA

Moshe Jonathan Gordon Radian VehpuS
🏳️‍🌈 FullStack @Nucleai-ai, formerly: @albo-climate Autodidact. Polyglot programmer. Interests: human computation, crowdsourcing, ML, programming languages

@Nucleai-ai Israel

OuyangWenyu OuyangWenyu

Dalian University of Technology Dalian, China

Victor Pedroso Curtarelli curtarelli
Sanitary and environmental engineer in search for new experiences and knowledge in the World of data science.

GIZ Brazil

Mikkel Kirkgaard Nielsen mikini
father, thinker, minimalist, global soul, free software & culture proponent, sw developer

Mikini Services Esbjerg, Denmark