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CaramelDelight8491 CaramelDelight8491
I am A Cancerian Galactic Ambassador on a mission of love & unity, bridging worlds through empathy & acceptance.

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Andrew Blount andrewblount
Lifetime creator. Invented first AI for PC in 1980 open sourced in Rainbow Magazine. Lead 4000+ engineers at public company. #biotech #revenue-management

Biocurrent, Inc. Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

Link Safe Iinksafe
Welcome to the official Link Safe's Github account. Here, we provide text utilities powered by artificial intelligence.


lyxal lyxal
Hi there, hello, my name is lyxal. I like programming language design and implementation, code golf (e.g. @Vyxal), memes, and trolling AI LLMs.

@Vyxal ‏ɹ‏‏ǝ‏‏p‏‏u‏‏n ‏u‏ʍ‏‏‏o‏‏p‏ ‏p‏‏u‏‏ɐ‏‏l ‏ǝ‏‏‏Ι₯‏‏‏ʇ‏ β€’ ‏ɐ‏‏ᴉ‏‏l‏‏ɐ‏‏ɹ‏‏ʇ‏‏s‏‏nβ€β€βˆ€β€

Nathan Lloyd Ward wardnath

FedEx Dataworks Ann Arbor, MI, USA

Adnan Ahmed adnahmed
Computer Scientist

Islamabad, Pakistan

Jed Fox j-f1
Instruments/Profiling Tools at Apple

@apple Cupertino, CA

Jonathan Keller NobodyNada
Senior Engineer at @Infineon, working on embedded software architecture and security

Corvallis, OR