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Choraimy Kroonstuiver axlon

@23G Rotterdam, Netherlands

Danilio Veldhoen daanilio
Student Software Developer

The Netherlands

E. van Houdt houdtbaar

Van Houdt Cybersecurity Rhoon

Julian Hulsdouw julianhulsdouw
Web developer & designer with experience in the development and production of web systems. Focused on creating and maintaining high skilled products.

23G Gorinchem

Noël Hagestein Neol3108

Rotterdam, Netherlands

Jeffrey Angenent devfrey
👨🏼‍💻 Senior Back-end Developer at @23G. Laravel and AWS Certified.

@23G The Netherlands

Jim van Eijk jimvaneijk
AWS Certified | Front-end developer @23G & Owner of @five10-nl

@23G @five10-nl Nieuwkoop, The Netherlands

Tristan Weij TristanWeij
Back-end developer | Certified Laravel Developer | Student @The-Hague-University

Worldstream - IT Infrastructures Hoek van Holland, The Netherlands