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uFork LISP/Scheme Derivation

A LISP/Scheme dialect is implemented as a surface-syntax for uFork programs. It handles both "interpreted" and "compiled" code. The semantics of this dialect are derived from LISP 1.5 (over several incremental steps). Important features include:

  • Mostly-functional semantics, with controlled mutability
  • Lexical scope in lambda definition and evaluation (ala Scheme)
  • General destructuring bindings and multi-value returns
  • Explicit-evaluation operative definition with vau (ala Kernel)
  • Classical macro definition with quasiquote support
  • Smoothly-interoperable Actor primitives

Meta-circular LISP Interpreter

The assembly-coded implementation is a McCarthy-style meta-circular LISP interpreter. The algorithm is based on the listing on page 13 of "The LISP 1.5 Programmer's Manual".

eval[e;a] =
    [atom[e] → cdr[assoc[e;a]];
     atom[car[e]] →
             [eq[car[e];QUOTE] → cadr[e];
              eq[car[e];COND] → evcon[cdr[e];a];
              T → apply[car[e];evlis[cdr[e];a];a]];
     T → apply[car[e];evlis[cdr[e];a];a]] 
apply[fn;x;a] =
     [atom[fn] → [eq[fn;CAR] → caar[x];
                  eq[fn;CDR] → cdar[x];
                  eq[fn;CONS] → cons[car[x];cadr[x]];
                  eq[fn;ATOM] → atom[car[x]];
                  eq[fn;EQ] → eq[car[x];cadr[x]];
                  T → apply[eval[fn;a];x;a]];
      eq[car[fn];LAMBDA] →
      eq[car[fn];LABEL] →

A LISP rendition of the assembly-coded implementation (with a few enhancements) might look like this:

(define eval
  (lambda (form env)
      ((symbol? form)                                         ; bound variable
        (lookup form env))
      ((pair? form)
          ((eq? (car form) 'quote)                            ; (quote <form>)
            (cadr form))
          ((eq? (car form) 'if)                               ; (if <pred> <cnsq> <altn>)
            (evalif (eval (cadr form) env) (caddr form) (cadddr form) env))
          (#t                                                 ; procedure call
            (apply (car form) (evlis (cdr form) env) env)) ))
      (#t                                                     ; self-evaluating form
        form) )))

(define apply
  (lambda (fn args env)
      ((symbol? fn)
          ((eq? fn 'cons)                                     ; (cons <first> <rest>)
            (cons (car args) (cadr args)))
          ((eq? fn 'car)                                      ; (car <pair>)
            (caar args))
          ((eq? fn 'cdr)                                      ; (cdr <pair>)
            (cdar args))
          ((eq? fn 'eq?)                                      ; (eq? <left> <right>)
            (eq? (car args) (cadr args)))
          ((eq? fn 'pair?)                                    ; (pair? <value>)
            (pair? (car args)))
          ((eq? fn 'symbol?)                                  ; (symbol? <value>)
            (symbol? (car args)))
          (#t                                                 ; look up function in environment
            (apply (lookup fn env) args env)) ))
      ((pair? fn)
          ((eq? (car fn) 'lambda)                             ; ((lambda <frml> <body>) <args>)
            (eval (caddr fn) (zip (cadr fn) args env)))
          (#t                                                 ; expression in function position
            (apply (eval fn env) args env)) ))
      (#t                                                     ; not applicable
        #?) )))

(define lookup                                                ; look up variable binding in environment
  (lambda (key alist)
    (if (pair? alist)
        (if (eq? (caar alist) key)
            (cdar alist)
            (lookup key (cdr alist)))
        #?)))                                                 ; binding not found

(define evalif                                                ; if `test` is #f, evaluate `altn`,
  (lambda (test cnsq altn env)                                ; otherwise evaluate `cnsq`.
    (if test
        (eval cnsq env)
        (eval altn env) )))

(define evlis                                                 ; map `eval` over a list of operands
  (lambda (opnds env)
    (if (pair? opnds)
        (cons (eval (car opnds) env) (evlis (cdr opnds) env))
        () )))                                                ; value is NIL

(define zip
  (lambda (xs ys env)
    (if (pair? xs)
        (cons (cons (car xs) (car ys)) (zip (cdr xs) (cdr ys) env))

Meta-circular Evolution

A series of evolutionary steps take the meta-circular evaluator above and enhance it with various new features. The features implemented here are:

  • Match dotted-tail in lambda parameters
  • Lexical scope in lambda definition and evaluation
  • Implement define for top-level symbol binding

The hybrid reference-implementation looks like this:

(define eval
  (lambda (form env)
      ((symbol? form)                                         ; bound variable
        (lookup form env))
      ((pair? form)
          ((eq? (car form) 'quote)                            ; (quote <form>)
            (cadr form))
          ((eq? (car form) 'if)                               ; (if <pred> <cnsq> <altn>)
            (evalif (eval (cadr form) env) (caddr form) (cadddr form) env))
          ((eq? (car form) 'lambda)                           ; (lambda <frml> <body>)
            (CREATE (closure-beh (cadr form) (caddr form) env)))
          ((eq? (car form) 'define)                           ; (define <symbol> <expr>)
            (set-z (cadr form) (eval (caddr form) env)))
          (#t                                                 ; procedure call
            (apply (car form) (evlis (cdr form) env) env)) ))
      (#t                                                     ; self-evaluating form
        form) )))

(define apply
  (lambda (fn args env)
      ((symbol? fn)
          ((eq? fn 'list)                                     ; (list . <args>)
          ((eq? fn 'cons)                                     ; (cons <first> <rest>)
            (cons (car args) (cadr args)))
          ((eq? fn 'car)                                      ; (car <pair>)
            (caar args))
          ((eq? fn 'cdr)                                      ; (cdr <pair>)
            (cdar args))
          ((eq? fn 'eq?)                                      ; (eq? <left> <right>)
            (eq? (car args) (cadr args)))
          ((eq? fn 'pair?)                                    ; (pair? <value>)
            (pair? (car args)))
          ((eq? fn 'symbol?)                                  ; (symbol? <value>)
            (symbol? (car args)))
          (#t                                                 ; look up function in environment
            (apply (lookup fn env) args env)) ))
      ((pair? fn)
          ((eq? (car fn) 'lambda)                             ; ((lambda <frml> <body>) <args>)
            (eval (caddr fn) (zip (cadr fn) args env)))
          (#t                                                 ; expression in function position
            (apply (eval fn env) args env)) ))
      ((actor? fn)                                            ; delegate to "functional" actor
        (CALL fn args))
      (#t                                                     ; not applicable
        #?) )))

(define lookup                                                ; look up variable binding in environment
  (lambda (key alist)
      ((pair? alist)
        (if (eq? (caar alist) key)                            ; if key matches,
            (cdar alist)                                      ;   get binding value
            (lookup key (cdr alist))))                        ;   else, keep looking
      ((symbol? key)                                          ; get top-level binding
        (get-z key))
      (#t                                                     ; value is undefined
        #?) )))

(define evalif                                                ; if `test` is #f, evaluate `altn`,
  (lambda (test cnsq altn env)                                ; otherwise evaluate `cnsq`.
    (if test
        (eval cnsq env)
        (eval altn env) )))

(define evlis                                                 ; map `eval` over a list of operands
  (lambda (opnds env)
    (if (pair? opnds)
        (cons (eval (car opnds) env) (evlis (cdr opnds) env))
        () )))                                                ; value is NIL

(define zip
  (lambda (xs ys env)
      ((pair? xs)
        (cons (cons (car xs) (car ys)) (zip (cdr xs) (cdr ys) env)))
      ((symbol? xs)                                           ; dotted-tail binds to &rest
        (cons (cons xs ys) env))
        env) )))

(define closure-beh
  (lambda (frml body env)
    (BEH (cust . args)
      (eval body (zip frml args env)))))

By moving the normal applicative functions into the global environment, the implementation of apply is greatly simplified. Additional features implemented here are:

  • Replace special-cases in apply with environment bindings
  • Remove literal match for lambda in apply
  • Add cond special-form, equipotent to if
  • Allow delegation to actor environments

The current reference-implementation looks like this:

(define eval
  (lambda (form env)
      ((symbol? form)                                         ; bound variable
        (lookup form env))
      ((pair? form)
          ((eq? (car form) 'quote)                            ; (quote <form>)
            (cadr form))
          ((eq? (car form) 'if)                               ; (if <pred> <cnsq> <altn>)
            (evalif (eval (cadr form) env) (caddr form) (cadddr form) env))
          ((eq? (car form) 'cond)                             ; (cond (<test> <expr>) . <clauses>)
            (evcon (cdr form) env))
          ((eq? (car form) 'lambda)                           ; (lambda <frml> <body>)
            (CREATE (closure-beh (cadr form) (caddr form) env)))
          ((eq? (car form) 'define)                           ; (define <symbol> <expr>)
            (set-z (cadr form) (eval (caddr form) env)))
          (#t                                                 ; procedure call
            (apply (car form) (evlis (cdr form) env) env)) ))
      (#t                                                     ; self-evaluating form
        form) )))

(define apply
  (lambda (fn args env)
      ((symbol? fn)                                           ; look up function in environment
        (apply (lookup fn env) args env))
      ((pair? fn)                                             ; expression in function position
        (apply (eval fn env) args env))
      ((actor? fn)                                            ; delegate to "functional" actor
        (CALL fn args))
      (#t                                                     ; not applicable
        #?) )))

(define lookup                                                ; look up variable binding in environment
  (lambda (key env)
      ((pair? env)                                            ; association list
        (if (eq? (caar env) key)                              ; if key matches,
            (cdar env)                                        ;   get binding value
            (lookup key (cdr env))))                          ;   else, keep looking
      ((actor? env)                                           ; delegate to actor environment
        (CALL env key))
      ((symbol? key)                                          ; get top-level binding
        (get-z key))
      (#t                                                     ; value is undefined
        #?) )))

(define evalif                                                ; if `test` is #f, evaluate `altn`,
  (lambda (test cnsq altn env)                                ; otherwise evaluate `cnsq`.
    (if test
        (eval cnsq env)
        (eval altn env) )))

(define evcon                                                 ; (cond (<test> <expr>) . <clauses>)
  (lambda (clauses env)
    ((lambda (clause)
      (if (pair? clause)
          (if (eval (car clause) env)
              (eval (cadr clause) env)
              (evcon (cdr clauses) env))
    (car clauses)) ))

(define evlis                                                 ; map `eval` over a list of operands
  (lambda (opnds env)
    (if (pair? opnds)
        (cons (eval (car opnds) env) (evlis (cdr opnds) env))
        () )))                                                ; value is NIL

(define zip                                                   ; extend `env` by binding
  (lambda (xs ys env)                                         ; names `xs` to values `ys`
      ((pair? xs)
        (cons (cons (car xs) (car ys)) (zip (cdr xs) (cdr ys) env)))
      ((symbol? xs)                                           ; dotted-tail binds to &rest
        (cons (cons xs ys) env))
        env) )))

(define closure-beh
  (lambda (frml body env)
    (BEH (cust . args)
      (eval body (zip frml args env)))))

Moving operatives (special forms) into the environment, and making it possible to define new ones, requires a refactoring of the basic meta-circular interpreter. The key idea is that we can't decide if the operands should be evaluated until we know if the function is applicative or operative. However, the traditional apply takes a list of arguments (already evaluated). Instead, we have eval call invoke, which evaluates the operands for applicatives only.

Additional features implemented here are:

  • Introduce Fexpr_T for operative interpreters
  • eval/invoke/apply distinguish applicatives/operatives
  • Replace special-cases in eval with environment bindings
  • lambda body is seq
  • evlis is par

The refactored reference-implementation looks like this:

(define eval
  (lambda (form env)
      ((symbol? form)                                         ; bound variable
        (lookup form env))
      ((pair? form)                                           ; procedure call
        (invoke (eval (car form) env) (cdr form) env))
      (#t                                                     ; self-evaluating form
        form) )))

(define invoke
  (lambda (fn opnds env)
    (if (actor? fn)                                           ; if _applicative_
        (apply fn (CALL op-par (list opnds env)) env)         ;   parallel (apply fn (evlis opnds env) env)
        (apply fn opnds env) )))                              ;   else, apply _combiner_

(define apply
  (lambda (fn args env)
      ((actor? fn)                                            ; _applicative_ combiner
        (CALL fn args))
      ((fexpr? fn)                                            ; _operative_ combiner
        (CALL (get-x fn) (list args env)))
      (#t                                                     ; not applicable
        #?) )))

(define lookup                                                ; look up variable binding in environment
  (lambda (key env)
      ((pair? env)                                            ; association list
        (if (eq? (caar env) key)                              ; if key matches,
            (cdar env)                                        ;   get binding value
            (lookup key (cdr env))))                          ;   else, keep looking
      ((actor? env)                                           ; delegate to actor environment
        (CALL env key))
      ((symbol? key)                                          ; get top-level binding
        (get-z key))
      (#t                                                     ; value is undefined
        #?) )))

(define evlis                                                 ; map `eval` over a list of operands
  (lambda (opnds env)
    (if (pair? opnds)
        (cons (eval (car opnds) env) (evlis (cdr opnds) env))
        () )))                                                ; value is NIL

(define op-par                                                ; (par . <exprs>)
    (BEH (cust opnds env)
      (if (pair? opnds)
            (CREATE (fork-beh cust eval op-par))
            (list ((car opnds) env) ((cdr opnds) env)))
          (SEND cust ()) ))))

(define zip                                                   ; extend `env` by binding
  (lambda (xs ys env)                                         ; names `xs` to values `ys`
      ((pair? xs)
        (cons (cons (car xs) (car ys)) (zip (cdr xs) (cdr ys) env)))
      ((symbol? xs)                                           ; dotted-tail binds to &rest
        (cons (cons xs ys) env))
        env) )))

(define closure-beh                                           ; lexically-bound applicative function
  (lambda (frml body env)
    (BEH (cust . args)
      (SEND cust (evbody #unit body (zip frml args env))) )))

(define op-quote                                              ; (quote <form>)
    (BEH (cust opnds env)
      (SEND cust (car opnds)) )))

(define op-lambda                                             ; (lambda <frml> . <body>)
    (BEH (cust opnds env)
      (SEND cust
        (CREATE (closure-beh (car opnds) (cdr opnds) env))) )))

(define op-define                                             ; (define <symbol> <expr>)
    (BEH (cust opnds env)
      (SEND cust
        (set-z (car opnds) (eval (cadr opnds) env))) )))

(define evalif                                                ; if `test` is #f, evaluate `altn`,
  (lambda (test cnsq altn env)                                ; otherwise evaluate `cnsq`.
    (if test
        (eval cnsq env)
        (eval altn env) )))

(define op-if                                                 ; (if <pred> <cnsq> <altn>)
    (BEH (cust opnds env)
      (SEND cust
        (evalif (eval (car opnds) env) (cadr opnds) (caddr opnds) env)) )))

(define op-cond                                               ; (cond (<test> <expr>) . <clauses>)
    (BEH (cust opnds env)
      (if (pair? (car opnds))
          (if (eval (caar opnds) env)
              (SEND cust (eval (cadar opnds) env))
              (SEND SELF (list cust (cdr opnds) env)))
          (SEND cust #?)) )))

(define evbody                                                ; evaluate a list of expressions,
  (lambda (value body env)                                    ; returning the value of the last.
    (if (pair? body)
        (evbody (eval (car body) env) (cdr body) env)

(define k-seq-beh
  (lambda (cust body env)
    (BEH value
      (if (pair? body)
            (CREATE (k-seq-beh cust (cdr body) env))
            (eval (car body) env))
          (SEND cust value)) )))
(define op-seq                                                ; (seq . <body>)
    (BEH (cust opnds env)
      (SEND (CREATE (k-seq-beh cust opnds env)) #unit) )))    ; (SEND cust (evbody #unit opnds env))

We now have a fully-functional interpreter implementation. Its structure is significantly different that McCarthy's original, but it establishes a solid foundation. Building on this foundation, we add extensions to enhance modularity and flexibility.

Additional features implemented here are:

  • Inline invoke/apply combination
  • zip matches parameter-trees (used by lambda, et. al.)
  • define uses zip to bind multiple variables
  • define mutates local bindings (not just top-level globals)
  • General operative constructor vau
  • More useful macro operative constructor
  • quasiquote, et. al. for ease of use

The extended reference-implementation looks like this:

(define eval
  (lambda (form env)
      ((symbol? form)                                         ; bound variable
        (lookup form env))
      ((pair? form)                                           ; combination
        (let ((fn    (eval (car form) env))
              (opnds (cdr form)))
            ((actor? fn)                                      ; _applicative_
              (CALL fn (evlis opnds env)))
            ((fexpr? fn)                                      ; _operative_
              (CALL (get-x fn) (list opnds env)))
            (#t                                               ; not applicable
              #?)) ))
      (#t                                                     ; self-evaluating form
        form) )))

(define apply
  (lambda (fn args env)
      ((actor? fn)                                            ; _compiled_
        (CALL fn args))
      ((fexpr? fn)                                            ; _interpreted_
        (CALL (get-x fn) (list args env)))
      (#t                                                     ; not applicable
        #?) )))

(define lookup                                                ; look up variable binding in environment
  (lambda (key env)
      ((pair? env)                                            ; association list
        (if (eq? (caar env) key)                              ; if key matches,
            (cdar env)                                        ;   get binding value
            (lookup key (cdr env))))                          ;   else, keep looking
      ((actor? env)                                           ; delegate to actor environment
        (CALL env key))
      ((symbol? key)                                          ; get top-level binding
        (get-z key))
      (#t                                                     ; value is undefined
        #?) )))

(define bind-env                                              ; update (mutate) binding in environment
  (lambda (key val env)
      ((pair? env)                                            ; association list
          ((eq? (caar env) '_)                                ; insert new binding
            (set-cdr env (cons (car env) (cdr env)))
            (set-car env (cons key val)))
          ((eq? (caar env) key)                               ; mutate binding
            (set-cdr (car env) val))
          (#t                                                 ; keep searching for binding
            (bind-env key val (cdr env))) ))
      ((symbol? key)                                          ; set top-level binding
        (set-z key val)))
    #unit))                                                   ; value is UNIT

(define evlis                                                 ; map `eval` over a list of operands
  (lambda (opnds env)
    (if (pair? opnds)
        (cons (eval (car opnds) env) (evlis (cdr opnds) env))
        () )))                                                ; value is NIL -- FIXME: maybe this should be `opnds`?

(define op-par                                                ; (par . <exprs>)
    (BEH (cust opnds env)
      (if (pair? opnds)
            (CREATE (fork-beh cust eval op-par))
            (list ((car opnds) env) ((cdr opnds) env)))
          (SEND cust ()) ))))

(define var-name?                                             ; valid variable name?
  (lambda (x)
    (if (eq? x '_)
        (symbol? x) )))
(define zip-it                                                ; extend `env` by binding
  (lambda (x y xs ys env)                                     ; names `x` to values `y`
      ((pair? x)
        (if (null? (cdr x))
            (zip-it (car x) (car y) xs ys env)
            (zip-it (car x) (car y) (cons (cdr x) xs) (cons (cdr y) ys) env)))
      ((var-name? x)
        (zip-it xs ys () () (cons (cons x y) env)))
      ((null? xs)
        (zip-it xs ys () () env))
(define zip                                                   ; extend `env` by binding
  (lambda (x y env)                                           ; names `x` to values `y`
    (zip-it x y () () env)))

(define scope (lambda (env) (cons (cons '_ #?) env)))         ; delimit local scope (inline function)

(define closure-beh                                           ; lexically-bound applicative procedure
  (lambda (frml body env)
    (BEH (cust . args)
      (SEND cust (evbody #unit body (zip frml args (scope env)))) )))

(define fexpr-beh                                             ; lexically-bound operative procedure
  (lambda (frml body senv)
    (BEH (cust opnds denv)
      (SEND cust (evbody #unit body (zip frml (cons denv opnds) (scope senv)))) )))

(define op-quote                                              ; (quote <form>)
    (BEH (cust opnds env)
      (SEND cust (car opnds)) )))

(define op-lambda                                             ; (lambda <frml> . <body>)
    (BEH (cust opnds env)
      (SEND cust
        (CREATE (closure-beh (car opnds) (cdr opnds) env))) )))

(define op-vau                                                ; (vau <frml> <evar> . <body>)
    (BEH (cust opnds env)
      (SEND cust
        (cell Fexpr_T
          (CREATE (fexpr-beh (cons (cadr opnds) (car opnds)) (cddr opnds) env)) )) )))

(define bind-each
  (lambda (alist env)
      ((pair? alist)
        (bind-env (caar alist) (cdar alist) env)
        (bind-each (cdr alist) env))
        #unit) )))
(define op-define                                             ; (define <frml> <expr>)
    (BEH (cust opnds env)
      (SEND cust
        (bind-each (zip (car opnds) (eval (cadr opnds) env) ()) env)) )))

(define evalif                                                ; if `test` is #f, evaluate `altn`,
  (lambda (test cnsq altn env)                                ; otherwise evaluate `cnsq`.
    (if test
        (eval cnsq env)
        (eval altn env) )))

(define op-if                                                 ; (if <pred> <cnsq> <altn>)
    (BEH (cust opnds env)
      (SEND cust
        (evalif (eval (car opnds) env) (cadr opnds) (caddr opnds) env)) )))

(define op-cond                                               ; (cond (<test> <expr>) . <clauses>)
    (BEH (cust opnds env)
      (if (pair? (car opnds))
          (if (eval (caar opnds) env)
              (SEND cust (eval (cadar opnds) env))
              (SEND SELF (list cust (cdr opnds) env)))
          (SEND cust #?)) )))

(define evbody                                                ; evaluate a list of expressions,
  (lambda (value body env)                                    ; returning the value of the last.
    (if (pair? body)
        (evbody (eval (car body) env) (cdr body) env)

(define k-seq-beh
  (lambda (cust body env)
    (BEH value
      (if (pair? body)
            (CREATE (k-seq-beh cust (cdr body) env))
            (eval (car body) env))
          (SEND cust value)) )))
(define op-seq                                                ; (seq . <body>)
    (BEH (cust opnds env)
      (SEND (CREATE (k-seq-beh cust opnds env)) #unit) )))    ; (SEND cust (evbody #unit opnds env))

(define macro                                                 ; (macro <frml> . <body>)
  (vau (frml . body) env
      (list vau frml '_env_
        (list eval (cons seq body) '_env_))

(define quasiquote
  (vau (x) e
    (if (pair? x)
        (if (eq? (car x) 'unquote)
            (eval (cadr x) e)
            (quasi-list x e))
(define quasi-list
  (lambda (x e)
    (if (pair? x)
        (if (pair? (car x))
            (if (eq? (caar x) 'unquote-splicing)
                (append (eval (cadar x) e) (quasi-list (cdr x) e))
                (cons (apply quasiquote (car x) e) (quasi-list (cdr x) e)))
            (cons (car x) (quasi-list (cdr x) e)))

(define gensym
  (lambda ()
    (cell Symbol_T (get-x '_) (get-y '_)) ))

;;; alternative definition using quasiquote, et. al.
(define macro                                                 ; (macro <frml> . <body>)
  (vau (frml . body) env
      ((lambda (evar)
          `(vau ,frml ,evar (eval (seq ,@body) ,evar)))


(eval '(cons (car '(a b c)) (cdr '(x y z))))
(eval '(lambda (x) x))
(eval '((lambda (x) x) (list 1 2 3)))
(eval '((lambda (x) x) '(lambda (x) x)))
(eval '((lambda (f) (f 42)) '(lambda (x) x)))
(eval '((lambda (f) (f 42)) (lambda (x) x)))