Prometheus exporter for Jellyseerr.
docker run --rm -p 9850:9850 \
"--jellyseerr.address=" \
Two main metric groups are exported: Requests and Users.
The requests on the Jellyseerr server are counted. Request counts have the following labels:
Label | Description | Configurable |
request_status |
The approval status for the requests (e.g. Approved) | no |
media_status |
The media status for requested items (e.g. Available) | no |
media_type |
The category of request media (e.g. movie) | no |
is_4k |
Requested on a 4k tagged service (e.g. true) | no |
genre |
The main genre for a requested media item | yes |
company |
The production company or network for a requested item | yes |
⚠️ Collecting Genre/Company info can take a lot of time with large request quantities
User request counts of an Jellyseerr server are collected with the following labels:
Label | Description | Configurable |
email |
The email address of the user | no |
Flag | Env var | Description | Default |
log |
Sets the logging level for the exporter | fatal |
jellyseerr.address |
The URI of the Jellyseerr instance | |
jellyseerr.apiKey |
The admin API key of the Jellyseerr instance | |
jellyseerr.locale |
The locale of the Jellyseerr instance | en |
fullData |
Do not collect genre and company to reduce API requests and cardinality | false |
You must provide the Overseerr address and API key!
When developping you can tidy and fmt your code with
docker run -it -e CGO_ENABLED=0 -v $(pwd):/code -w /code golang:1.21-alpine go mod tidy
docker run -it -e CGO_ENABLED=0 -v $(pwd):/code -w /code golang:1.21-alpine go fmt ./...
This project is a fork from WillFantom/overseerr-exporter
, with some improvements. Thanks a lot to him for this work released under a GPL license.