From 1e7d9a2a231d3800f4683a927f82cfba159a37d5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Yuedong Wu <>
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2025 10:31:32 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] refactor cert-manager-custom-api-ingress CI steps (#60303)

 ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/OWNERS |   8 +-
 .../cert-manager/clusterissuer/OWNERS         |   9 +-
 .../    | 178 +++++-----
 ...rt-manager-clusterissuer-ref.metadata.json |   8 +-
 .../cert-manager-clusterissuer-ref.yaml       |  32 +-
 .../clusterissuer/hypershift/OWNERS           |  12 +- |  34 +-
 ...clusterissuer-hypershift-ref.metadata.json |  12 +-
 ...-manager-clusterissuer-hypershift-ref.yaml |  10 +-
 .../custom-aggregated-cert/OWNERS             |   9 +-
 .../custom-aggregated-cert/hypershift/OWNERS  |  12 +- |  17 +-
 ...gregated-cert-hypershift-ref.metadata.json |  12 +-
 ...custom-aggregated-cert-hypershift-ref.yaml |  13 +-
 .../custom-api-ingress-cert/OWNERS            |   9 +-
 ...ustom-api-ingress-cert-chain.metadata.json |   8 +-
 ...manager-custom-api-ingress-cert-chain.yaml |   5 +-
 .../cert-manager/custom-apiserver-cert/OWNERS |   9 +- | 326 ++++++++---------- |   8 +-
 ...ert-manager-custom-apiserver-cert-ref.yaml |  32 +-
 .../cert-manager/custom-ingress-cert/OWNERS   |   9 +- | 254 +++++++-------
 ...ager-custom-ingress-cert-ref.metadata.json |   8 +-
 .../cert-manager-custom-ingress-cert-ref.yaml |  32 +-
 .../step-registry/cert-manager/install/OWNERS |   9 +-
 .../cert-manager-install-ref.metadata.json    |   8 +-
 27 files changed, 520 insertions(+), 563 deletions(-)
 mode change 100644 => 120000 ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/clusterissuer/OWNERS
 mode change 100644 => 120000 ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/custom-aggregated-cert/OWNERS
 mode change 100644 => 120000 ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/custom-api-ingress-cert/OWNERS
 mode change 100644 => 120000 ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/custom-apiserver-cert/OWNERS
 mode change 100644 => 120000 ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/custom-ingress-cert/OWNERS
 mode change 100644 => 120000 ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/install/OWNERS

diff --git a/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/OWNERS b/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/OWNERS
index 134ab6afb3d5..e9b8738fadfd 100644
--- a/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/OWNERS
+++ b/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/OWNERS
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
-- jhou1
-- liangxia
 - xingxingxia
 - lunarwhite
 - swghosh
 - TrilokGeer
+- xingxingxia
+- lunarwhite
+- swghosh
+- TrilokGeer
diff --git a/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/clusterissuer/OWNERS b/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/clusterissuer/OWNERS
deleted file mode 100644
index 134ab6afb3d5..000000000000
--- a/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/clusterissuer/OWNERS
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-- jhou1
-- liangxia
-- xingxingxia
-- lunarwhite
-- swghosh
-- TrilokGeer
diff --git a/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/clusterissuer/OWNERS b/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/clusterissuer/OWNERS
new file mode 120000
index 000000000000..ec405d65a79d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/clusterissuer/OWNERS
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/clusterissuer/ b/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/clusterissuer/
index 201a63d75e32..eb0e8be05797 100755
--- a/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/clusterissuer/
+++ b/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/clusterissuer/
@@ -4,67 +4,70 @@ set -e
 set -u
 set -o pipefail
-if [ -f "${SHARED_DIR}/" ] ; then
-    source "${SHARED_DIR}/"
-    echo "proxy: ${SHARED_DIR}/"
-timestamp() {
+function timestamp() {
     date -u --rfc-3339=seconds
-# Define common variables
-CLUSTERISSUER_NAME="cluster-certs-clusterissuer" # This clusterissuer is consumed by the 'cert-manager-custom-apiserver-cert' and 'cert-manager-custom-ingress-cert' refs.
-function wait_cert_manager_rollout() {
-    local OLD_POD=$1
-    local MAX_RETRY=12
-    local COUNTER=0
-    echo "# Waiting for the pod to finish rollout."
-    while :;
-    do
-        echo "Checking the cert-manager controller pod status for the #${COUNTER}-th time ..."
-        NEW_POD_OUTPUT=$(oc get po -l -n $OPERAND_NAMESPACE)
-        if [[ ! "$NEW_POD_OUTPUT" =~ $OLD_POD ]] && [[ "$NEW_POD_OUTPUT" == *1/1*Running* ]]; then
-            echo "[$(timestamp)] Finished the cert-manager controller pod rollout."
-            break
-        fi
-        ((++COUNTER))
-        if [[ $COUNTER -eq $MAX_RETRY ]]; then
-            echo "[$(timestamp)] The cert-manager controller pod didn't finish rollout after $((MAX_RETRY * INTERVAL)) seconds. Dumping status:"
-            oc get po -n $OPERAND_NAMESPACE
-            exit 1
-        fi
-        sleep $INTERVAL
+function run_command() {
+    local cmd="$1"
+    echo "Running Command: ${cmd}"
+    eval "${cmd}"
+function set_proxy () {
+    if test -s "${SHARED_DIR}/" ; then
+        echo "Setting proxy configuration..."
+        source "${SHARED_DIR}/"
+    else
+        echo "No proxy settings found. Skipping proxy configuration..."
+    fi
+function wait_for_state() {
+    local object="$1"
+    local state="$2"
+    local timeout="$3"
+    local namespace="${4:-}"
+    local selector="${5:-}"
+    echo "Waiting for '${object}' in namespace '${namespace}' with selector '${selector}' to exist..."
+    for _ in {1..30}; do
+        oc get ${object} --selector="${selector}" -n=${namespace} |& grep -ivE "(no resources found|not found)" && break || sleep 5
+    echo "Waiting for '${object}' in namespace '${namespace}' with selector '${selector}' to become '${state}'..."
+    oc wait --for=${state} --timeout=${timeout} ${object} --selector="${selector}" -n="${namespace}"
+    return $?
-function configure_cloud_credentials() {
-    local MANIFEST=$1
-    local SECRET_NAME=$2
+function check_cm_operator() {
+    echo "Checking the persence of the cert-manager Operator as prerequisite..."
+    if ! oc wait deployment/cert-manager-operator-controller-manager -n cert-manager-operator --for=condition=Available --timeout=0; then
+        echo "The cert-manager Operator is not installed or unavailable. Skipping rest of steps..."
+        exit 0
+    fi
-    echo -e "# Creating a credentialsrequest object for '$SECRET_NAME'."
-    oc create -f - <<< "${MANIFEST}"
+function configure_cloud_credentials() {
+    local manifest="$1"
+    local secret_name="$2"
-    OLD_CONTROLLER_POD="$(oc get po -l -n cert-manager -o=jsonpath='{.items[*]}')"
+    echo "Creating a CredentialsRequest object for '$secret_name'..."
+    oc apply -f - <<< "${manifest}"
-    # Patch the cloud credential secret to the subscription, so that it can be used as ambient credentials for dns01 challenge validation.
-    oc -n $OPERATOR_NAMESPACE patch subscription $SUB --type=merge -p '{"spec":{"config":{"env":[{"name":"CLOUD_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_NAME","value":"'"${SECRET_NAME}"'"}]}}}'
+    echo "Patching the generated secret to the Subscription as ambient credentials for DNS01 challenge validation..."
+    local json_path='{"spec":{"config":{"env":[{"name":"CLOUD_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_NAME","value":"'"${secret_name}"'"}]}}}'
+    oc patch subscription openshift-cert-manager-operator --type=merge -p "$json_path" -n cert-manager-operator
-    # Override dns nameservers for dns01 self-check, in case that the target hosted zone in dns01 solver overlaps with the cluster's default private hosted zone.
-    oc patch certmanager cluster --type=merge -p='{"spec":{"controllerConfig":{"overrideArgs":["--dns01-recursive-nameservers=,", "--dns01-recursive-nameservers-only"]}}}'
+    echo "Configuring the DNS nameservers for DNS01 recursive self-check..."
+    json_path='{"spec":{"controllerConfig":{"overrideArgs":["--dns01-recursive-nameservers=,", "--dns01-recursive-nameservers-only"]}}}'
+    oc patch certmanager cluster --type=merge -p "$json_path"
-    # Wait for the cert-manager controller pod to finish rollout
-    wait_cert_manager_rollout "$OLD_CONTROLLER_POD"
+    wait_for_state "deployment/cert-manager" "condition=Available" "2m" "cert-manager"
 function create_aws_route53_clusterissuer() {
+    aws_credential_request=$(cat <<EOF
 kind: CredentialsRequest
@@ -95,17 +98,16 @@ spec:
   - cert-manager
-    configure_cloud_credentials "${AWS_CREDREQUEST}" "aws-creds"
+    configure_cloud_credentials "${aws_credential_request}" "aws-creds"
-    # retrieve configs to be used in the ClusterIssuer spec
-    BASE_DOMAIN=$(oc get dns cluster -o=jsonpath='{.spec.baseDomain}')
-    TARGET_DNS_DOMAIN=$(cut -d '.' -f 1 --complement <<< "$BASE_DOMAIN")
-    PUBLIC_ZONE_ID=$(oc get dns cluster -o=jsonpath='{}')
+    echo "Retrieving configs to be used in the ClusterIssuer spec..."
+    base_domain=$(oc get dns cluster -o=jsonpath='{.spec.baseDomain}')
+    target_dns_domain=$(cut -d '.' -f 1 --complement <<< "$base_domain")
+    public_zone_id=$(oc get dns cluster -o=jsonpath='{}')
+    region=$(oc get infrastructure cluster -o=jsonpath='{}')
-    # hostedZoneID must be specified when alternative Api FQDN is used, otherwise `oc get challenge -o wide` later will be stuck
-    # in "failed to determine Route 53 hosted zone ID: zone  not found in Route 53 for domain _acme-challenge.alt-api.BASE_DOMAIN."
-    echo "# Creating a clusterissuer with the ACME DNS01 AWS Route53 solver."
-    oc create -f - << EOF
+    echo "Creating an ACME DNS01 ClusterIssuer configured with AWS Route53..."
+    oc apply -f - << EOF
 kind: ClusterIssuer
@@ -118,16 +120,16 @@ spec:
     - selector:
-        - "$TARGET_DNS_DOMAIN"
+        - "$target_dns_domain"
-          region: us-east-2
-          hostedZoneID: "$PUBLIC_ZONE_ID"
+          region: $region
+          hostedZoneID: $public_zone_id
 function create_gcp_clouddns_clusterissuer() {
+    gcp_credential_request=$(cat <<EOF
 kind: CredentialsRequest
@@ -146,13 +148,13 @@ spec:
   - cert-manager
-    configure_cloud_credentials "${GCP_CREDREQUEST}" "gcp-credentials"
+    configure_cloud_credentials "${gcp_credential_request}" "gcp-credentials"
-    # retrieve configs to be used in the ClusterIssuer spec
-    PROJECT_ID=$(oc get infrastructure cluster -o=jsonpath='{.status.platformStatus.gcp.projectID}')
+    echo "Retrieving configs to be used in the ClusterIssuer spec..."
+    project_id=$(oc get infrastructure cluster -o=jsonpath='{.status.platformStatus.gcp.projectID}')
-    echo "# Creating a clusterissuer with the ACME DNS01 Google CloudDNS solver."
-    oc create -f - << EOF
+    echo "Creating an ACME DNS01 ClusterIssuer configured with Google CloudDNS..."
+    oc apply -f - << EOF
 kind: ClusterIssuer
@@ -165,18 +167,25 @@ spec:
     - dns01:
-          project: $PROJECT_ID
+          project: $project_id
-echo "# Checking if the cert-manager operator is already installed."
-INSTALLED_CSV=$(oc get subscription $SUB -n $OPERATOR_NAMESPACE -o=jsonpath='{.status.installedCSV}' || true)
-if [ -z "${INSTALLED_CSV}" ]; then
-    echo "The cert-manager operator is not installed. Please ensure the 'cert-manager-install' ref is executed first."
-    exit 1
+function is_clusterisser_ready() {
+    if wait_for_state "clusterissuer/$CLUSTERISSUER_NAME" "condition=Ready" "2m"; then
+        echo "ClusterIssuer is ready"
+    else
+        echo "Timed out after 2m. Dumping resources for debugging..."
+        run_command "oc describe clusterissuer $CLUSTERISSUER_NAME"
+        exit 1
+    fi
-echo -e "# Creating the clusterissuer based on the CLUSTER_TYPE '${CLUSTER_TYPE}'."
+echo "Creating the ClusterIssuer based on CLUSTER_TYPE '${CLUSTER_TYPE}'..."
 case "${CLUSTER_TYPE}" in
@@ -185,26 +194,11 @@ gcp|gcp-arm64)
-    echo "Cluster type '${CLUSTER_TYPE}' is not supported currently." >&2
+    echo "Cluster type '${CLUSTER_TYPE}' unsupported, exiting..." >&2
     exit 1
-echo "# Waiting for the clusterissuer to be ready."
-while :;
-    echo "Checking the clusterissuer $CLUSTERISSUER_NAME status for the #${COUNTER}-th time ..."
-    if [[ "$(oc get --no-headers clusterissuer $CLUSTERISSUER_NAME)" =~ True ]]; then
-        echo "[$(timestamp)] The clusterissuer has become ready."
-        break
-    fi
-    ((++COUNTER))
-    if [[ $COUNTER -eq $MAX_RETRY ]]; then
-        echo "[$(timestamp)] The clusterissuer status is still not ready after $((MAX_RETRY * INTERVAL)) seconds. Dumping status:"
-        oc get clusterissuer $CLUSTERISSUER_NAME -o=jsonpath='{.status}'
-        exit 1
-    fi
-    sleep $INTERVAL
+echo "[$(timestamp)] Succeeded in creating a ClusterIssuer configured with Let's Encrypt ACME DNS01 type!"
diff --git a/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/clusterissuer/cert-manager-clusterissuer-ref.metadata.json b/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/clusterissuer/cert-manager-clusterissuer-ref.metadata.json
index 826b22846f14..ddd17d2ca9b7 100644
--- a/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/clusterissuer/cert-manager-clusterissuer-ref.metadata.json
+++ b/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/clusterissuer/cert-manager-clusterissuer-ref.metadata.json
@@ -2,8 +2,12 @@
 	"path": "cert-manager/clusterissuer/cert-manager-clusterissuer-ref.yaml",
 	"owners": {
 		"approvers": [
-			"jhou1",
-			"liangxia",
+			"xingxingxia",
+			"lunarwhite",
+			"swghosh",
+			"TrilokGeer"
+		],
+		"reviewers": [
diff --git a/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/clusterissuer/cert-manager-clusterissuer-ref.yaml b/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/clusterissuer/cert-manager-clusterissuer-ref.yaml
index 8541ea1aaa4b..ce6b0a40fcfd 100644
--- a/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/clusterissuer/cert-manager-clusterissuer-ref.yaml
+++ b/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/clusterissuer/cert-manager-clusterissuer-ref.yaml
@@ -1,19 +1,15 @@
- as: cert-manager-clusterissuer
- from_image:
-   namespace: ci
-   name: verification-tests
-   tag: latest
- grace_period: 20m
- commands:
- cli: latest
- resources:
-   limits:
-     cpu: 500m
-     memory: 500Mi
-   requests:
-     cpu: 300m
-     memory: 200Mi
- documentation: |-
-   Prepare the cert-manager resource ClusterIssuer to issue custom certificates for Apiserver and Ingress.
+  as: cert-manager-clusterissuer
+  from: upi-installer
+  cli: latest
+  commands:
+  resources:
+    requests:
+      cpu: 100m
+      memory: 100Mi
+  env:
+      documentation: The name of the cert-manager ClusterIssuer to create in this step.
+      default: "letsencrypt-prodoction-ci"
+  documentation: |-
+    Create and configure a cert-manager ClusterIssuer resource to issue custom certificates.
diff --git a/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/clusterissuer/hypershift/OWNERS b/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/clusterissuer/hypershift/OWNERS
index 6da3779f3236..6b8ffc0a93ef 100644
--- a/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/clusterissuer/hypershift/OWNERS
+++ b/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/clusterissuer/hypershift/OWNERS
@@ -1,10 +1,14 @@
-- jhou1
-- liangxia
 - xingxingxia
 - lunarwhite
 - swghosh
 - TrilokGeer
-- fxierh
+- LiangquanLi930
+- heliubj18
-- fxierh
\ No newline at end of file
+- xingxingxia
+- lunarwhite
+- swghosh
+- TrilokGeer
+- LiangquanLi930
+- heliubj18
diff --git a/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/clusterissuer/hypershift/ b/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/clusterissuer/hypershift/
index 3a7019a63ac0..995cc99bfc0a 100755
--- a/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/clusterissuer/hypershift/
+++ b/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/clusterissuer/hypershift/
@@ -2,6 +2,14 @@
 set -euo pipefail
+function check_cm_operator() {
+    echo "Checking the persence of the cert-manager Operator as prerequisite..."
+    if ! oc wait deployment/cert-manager-operator-controller-manager -n cert-manager-operator --for=condition=Available --timeout=0; then
+        echo "The cert-manager Operator is not installed or unavailable. Skipping rest of steps..."
+        exit 0
+    fi
 function create_azure_dns_clusterissuer() {
     # Create secret containing Azure client secret
@@ -10,7 +18,7 @@ function create_azure_dns_clusterissuer() {
     # Create ClusterIssuer with Azure DNS resolver
-    oc create -f - << EOF
+    oc apply -f - << EOF
 kind: ClusterIssuer
@@ -19,9 +27,9 @@ spec:
+      name: acme-dns01-account-key
-    # For ingress
+    # For Ingress
     - selector:
@@ -83,29 +91,21 @@ HYPERSHIFT_EXTERNAL_DNS_DOMAIN="$(cut -d '.' -f 1 --complement <<< "$KAS_ROUTE_H
 # CM configurations
-CLUSTERISSUER_NAME="cluster-certs-clusterissuer" # referenced by the 'cert-manager-custom-apiserver-cert' and 'cert-manager-custom-ingress-cert' steps
 # Check if CM is installed
-INSTALLED_CSV="$(oc get subscription "$SUB" -n "$OPERATOR_NAMESPACE" -o=jsonpath='{.status.installedCSV}')"
-if [[ -z "${INSTALLED_CSV}" ]]; then
-    echo "CM not installed. Invoke cert-manager-install first." >&2
-    exit 1
-# Creat clusterissuer
-case "${CLUSTER_TYPE,,}" in
+# Creat ClusterIssuer
+case "${CLUSTER_TYPE}" in
-    echo "Cluster type ${CLUSTER_TYPE} unsupported, exiting" >&2
+    echo "Cluster type '${CLUSTER_TYPE}' unsupported, exiting..." >&2
     exit 1
-# Wait for the clusterissuer to be ready
-oc wait ClusterIssuer "$CLUSTERISSUER_NAME" --for=condition=Ready=True --timeout=180s
+# Wait for the ClusterIssuer to be ready
+oc wait clusterissuer "$CLUSTERISSUER_NAME" --for=condition=Ready=True --timeout=180s
diff --git a/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/clusterissuer/hypershift/cert-manager-clusterissuer-hypershift-ref.metadata.json b/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/clusterissuer/hypershift/cert-manager-clusterissuer-hypershift-ref.metadata.json
index 7287accaca22..b923162338e1 100644
--- a/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/clusterissuer/hypershift/cert-manager-clusterissuer-hypershift-ref.metadata.json
+++ b/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/clusterissuer/hypershift/cert-manager-clusterissuer-hypershift-ref.metadata.json
@@ -2,16 +2,20 @@
 	"path": "cert-manager/clusterissuer/hypershift/cert-manager-clusterissuer-hypershift-ref.yaml",
 	"owners": {
 		"approvers": [
-			"jhou1",
-			"liangxia",
-			"fxierh"
+			"LiangquanLi930",
+			"heliubj18"
 		"reviewers": [
-			"fxierh"
+			"xingxingxia",
+			"lunarwhite",
+			"swghosh",
+			"TrilokGeer",
+			"LiangquanLi930",
+			"heliubj18"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/clusterissuer/hypershift/cert-manager-clusterissuer-hypershift-ref.yaml b/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/clusterissuer/hypershift/cert-manager-clusterissuer-hypershift-ref.yaml
index 5aa173ddc283..0406e2d03196 100644
--- a/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/clusterissuer/hypershift/cert-manager-clusterissuer-hypershift-ref.yaml
+++ b/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/clusterissuer/hypershift/cert-manager-clusterissuer-hypershift-ref.yaml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
   as: cert-manager-clusterissuer-hypershift
-  from: tools
+  from: upi-installer
   timeout: 10m
   grace_period: 2m
@@ -8,6 +8,10 @@ ref:
       cpu: 100m
       memory: 100Mi
+  env:
+      documentation: The name of the cert-manager ClusterIssuer to create in this step.
+      default: "letsencrypt-prodoction-ci-hypershift"
   documentation: |-
-    Sets up a cert-manager ClusterIssuer to issue custom certificates for the API server and Ingress for hypershift. 
-    Runs against Hypershift hosted clusters.  
+    Create and configure a cert-manager ClusterIssuer resource to issue custom certificates. 
+    Run against Hypershift hosted clusters.
diff --git a/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/custom-aggregated-cert/OWNERS b/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/custom-aggregated-cert/OWNERS
deleted file mode 100644
index 70109d2c7c7c..000000000000
--- a/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/custom-aggregated-cert/OWNERS
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-- jhou1
-- liangxia
-- xingxingxia
-- lunarwhite
-- swghosh
-- TrilokGeer
-- fxierh
diff --git a/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/custom-aggregated-cert/OWNERS b/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/custom-aggregated-cert/OWNERS
new file mode 120000
index 000000000000..ec405d65a79d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/custom-aggregated-cert/OWNERS
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/custom-aggregated-cert/hypershift/OWNERS b/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/custom-aggregated-cert/hypershift/OWNERS
index 7c12ad6d26b5..6b8ffc0a93ef 100644
--- a/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/custom-aggregated-cert/hypershift/OWNERS
+++ b/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/custom-aggregated-cert/hypershift/OWNERS
@@ -1,10 +1,14 @@
-- jhou1
-- liangxia
 - xingxingxia
 - lunarwhite
 - swghosh
 - TrilokGeer
-- fxierh
+- LiangquanLi930
+- heliubj18
-- fxierh
+- xingxingxia
+- lunarwhite
+- swghosh
+- TrilokGeer
+- LiangquanLi930
+- heliubj18
diff --git a/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/custom-aggregated-cert/hypershift/ b/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/custom-aggregated-cert/hypershift/
index 17350c076782..4172ea62df87 100644
--- a/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/custom-aggregated-cert/hypershift/
+++ b/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/custom-aggregated-cert/hypershift/
@@ -34,8 +34,16 @@ function wait_for_hc_readiness() {
     wait "${pids_to_wait[@]}"
+function check_clusterissuer() {
+    echo "Checking the persence of ClusterIssuer '$CLUSTERISSUER_NAME' as prerequisite..."
+    if ! oc wait clusterissuer/$CLUSTERISSUER_NAME --for=condition=Ready --timeout=0; then
+        echo "ClusterIssuer is not created or not ready to use. Skipping rest of steps..."
+        exit 0
+    fi
 function create_aggregated_cert() {
-    oc create -f - << EOF
+    oc apply -f - << EOF
 kind: Certificate
@@ -134,8 +142,7 @@ fi
 export PS4='[$(date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")] '
 # Check clusterissuer readiness
-oc wait clusterissuer "$CLUSTERISSUER_NAME" --for=condition=Ready=True --timeout=0
 # Get CP service hostnames
 KAS_ROUTE_HOSTNAME="$(mgmt oc get hc -A -o jsonpath='{.items[0][?(@.service=="APIServer")].servicePublishingStrategy.route.hostname}')"
@@ -151,8 +158,8 @@ fi
 HYPERSHIFT_EXTERNAL_DNS_DOMAIN="$(cut -d '.' -f 1 --complement <<< "$KAS_ROUTE_HOSTNAME")"
 # Create aggregated cert
 INGRESS_DOMAIN=$(oc get ingress.config cluster -o jsonpath='{.spec.domain}')
 HC_NAME="$(cut -d '.' -f 2 <<< "$INGRESS_DOMAIN")"
diff --git a/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/custom-aggregated-cert/hypershift/cert-manager-custom-aggregated-cert-hypershift-ref.metadata.json b/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/custom-aggregated-cert/hypershift/cert-manager-custom-aggregated-cert-hypershift-ref.metadata.json
index 7cc2f6e1bbab..53645245077c 100644
--- a/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/custom-aggregated-cert/hypershift/cert-manager-custom-aggregated-cert-hypershift-ref.metadata.json
+++ b/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/custom-aggregated-cert/hypershift/cert-manager-custom-aggregated-cert-hypershift-ref.metadata.json
@@ -2,16 +2,20 @@
 	"path": "cert-manager/custom-aggregated-cert/hypershift/cert-manager-custom-aggregated-cert-hypershift-ref.yaml",
 	"owners": {
 		"approvers": [
-			"jhou1",
-			"liangxia",
-			"fxierh"
+			"LiangquanLi930",
+			"heliubj18"
 		"reviewers": [
-			"fxierh"
+			"xingxingxia",
+			"lunarwhite",
+			"swghosh",
+			"TrilokGeer",
+			"LiangquanLi930",
+			"heliubj18"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/custom-aggregated-cert/hypershift/cert-manager-custom-aggregated-cert-hypershift-ref.yaml b/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/custom-aggregated-cert/hypershift/cert-manager-custom-aggregated-cert-hypershift-ref.yaml
index abf05d541f87..5a708ee58947 100644
--- a/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/custom-aggregated-cert/hypershift/cert-manager-custom-aggregated-cert-hypershift-ref.yaml
+++ b/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/custom-aggregated-cert/hypershift/cert-manager-custom-aggregated-cert-hypershift-ref.yaml
@@ -1,9 +1,6 @@
   as: cert-manager-custom-aggregated-cert-hypershift
-  from_image:
-    namespace: ocp
-    name: "4.16"
-    tag: upi-installer
+  from: upi-installer
   timeout: 45m
   grace_period: 10m
@@ -11,6 +8,10 @@ ref:
       cpu: 100m
       memory: 100Mi
+  env:
+      documentation: The name of the cert-manager ClusterIssuer to use for the external certificates issuance. (Prerequsite is that the ClusterIssuer is created and ready.)
+      default: "letsencrypt-prodoction-ci-hypershift"
   documentation: |-
-    Creates and configures a common certificate for KAS, OAuth and ingress. 
-    Runs against Hypershift hosted clusters. 
+    Issue and configure public trusted certificates for KAS, OAuth and Ingress by using cert-manager.
+    Run against Hypershift hosted clusters.
diff --git a/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/custom-api-ingress-cert/OWNERS b/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/custom-api-ingress-cert/OWNERS
deleted file mode 100644
index 134ab6afb3d5..000000000000
--- a/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/custom-api-ingress-cert/OWNERS
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-- jhou1
-- liangxia
-- xingxingxia
-- lunarwhite
-- swghosh
-- TrilokGeer
diff --git a/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/custom-api-ingress-cert/OWNERS b/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/custom-api-ingress-cert/OWNERS
new file mode 120000
index 000000000000..ec405d65a79d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/custom-api-ingress-cert/OWNERS
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/custom-api-ingress-cert/cert-manager-custom-api-ingress-cert-chain.metadata.json b/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/custom-api-ingress-cert/cert-manager-custom-api-ingress-cert-chain.metadata.json
index 261b66149f49..a3db44c53591 100644
--- a/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/custom-api-ingress-cert/cert-manager-custom-api-ingress-cert-chain.metadata.json
+++ b/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/custom-api-ingress-cert/cert-manager-custom-api-ingress-cert-chain.metadata.json
@@ -2,8 +2,12 @@
 	"path": "cert-manager/custom-api-ingress-cert/cert-manager-custom-api-ingress-cert-chain.yaml",
 	"owners": {
 		"approvers": [
-			"jhou1",
-			"liangxia",
+			"xingxingxia",
+			"lunarwhite",
+			"swghosh",
+			"TrilokGeer"
+		],
+		"reviewers": [
diff --git a/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/custom-api-ingress-cert/cert-manager-custom-api-ingress-cert-chain.yaml b/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/custom-api-ingress-cert/cert-manager-custom-api-ingress-cert-chain.yaml
index 57e4a72711a6..da64032cbe6a 100644
--- a/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/custom-api-ingress-cert/cert-manager-custom-api-ingress-cert-chain.yaml
+++ b/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/custom-api-ingress-cert/cert-manager-custom-api-ingress-cert-chain.yaml
@@ -3,8 +3,7 @@ chain:
   - ref: cert-manager-install
   - ref: cert-manager-clusterissuer
-  - ref: cert-manager-custom-apiserver-cert
   - ref: cert-manager-custom-ingress-cert
+  - ref: cert-manager-custom-apiserver-cert
   documentation: |-
-    Manage Apiserver serving certificate and Ingress default certificate using cert-manager Operator
+    Manage default Ingress Controller and API Server serving certificates using cert-manager. 
diff --git a/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/custom-apiserver-cert/OWNERS b/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/custom-apiserver-cert/OWNERS
deleted file mode 100644
index 134ab6afb3d5..000000000000
--- a/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/custom-apiserver-cert/OWNERS
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-- jhou1
-- liangxia
-- xingxingxia
-- lunarwhite
-- swghosh
-- TrilokGeer
diff --git a/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/custom-apiserver-cert/OWNERS b/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/custom-apiserver-cert/OWNERS
new file mode 120000
index 000000000000..ec405d65a79d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/custom-apiserver-cert/OWNERS
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/custom-apiserver-cert/ b/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/custom-apiserver-cert/
index 7c4faad409aa..44e5147d0aff 100644
--- a/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/custom-apiserver-cert/
+++ b/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/custom-apiserver-cert/
@@ -4,27 +4,57 @@ set -e
 set -u
 set -o pipefail
-if [ -f "${SHARED_DIR}/" ] ; then
-    source "${SHARED_DIR}/"
-    echo "proxy: ${SHARED_DIR}/"
-if [[ ! "$(oc get --no-headers clusterissuer $CLUSTERISSUER_NAME)" =~ True ]]; then
-    echo "The prerequsite clusterissuer $CLUSTERISSUER_NAME is not ready. Please ensure the cert-manager-clusterissuer ref is executed first."
-    exit 1
-mkdir -p $TMP_DIR
-cd $TMP_DIR
-# Apiserver uses port 6443 in convention. Therefore we configure "port: 6443" for the alternative Apiserver FQDN (NEW_API_FQDN) too.
-oc create -f - << EOF
+function timestamp() {
+    date -u --rfc-3339=seconds
+function run_command() {
+    local cmd="$1"
+    echo "Running Command: ${cmd}"
+    eval "${cmd}"
+function set_proxy () {
+    if test -s "${SHARED_DIR}/" ; then
+        echo "Setting proxy configuration..."
+        source "${SHARED_DIR}/"
+    else
+        echo "No proxy settings found. Skipping proxy configuration..."
+    fi
+function wait_for_state() {
+    local object="$1"
+    local state="$2"
+    local timeout="$3"
+    local namespace="${4:-}"
+    local selector="${5:-}"
+    echo "Waiting for '${object}' in namespace '${namespace}' with selector '${selector}' to exist..."
+    for _ in {1..30}; do
+        oc get ${object} --selector="${selector}" -n=${namespace} |& grep -ivE "(no resources found|not found)" && break || sleep 5
+    done
+    echo "Waiting for '${object}' in namespace '${namespace}' with selector '${selector}' to become '${state}'..."
+    oc wait --for=${state} --timeout=${timeout} ${object} --selector="${selector}" -n="${namespace}"
+function check_clusterissuer() {
+    echo "Checking the persence of ClusterIssuer '$CLUSTERISSUER_NAME' as prerequisite..."
+    if ! oc wait clusterissuer/$CLUSTERISSUER_NAME --for=condition=Ready --timeout=0; then
+        echo "ClusterIssuer is not created or not ready to use. Skipping rest of steps..."
+        exit 0
+    fi
+function configure_alt_apiserver_endpoint() {
+    echo "Creating a LoadBalancer service for the alternative API Server endpoint..."
+    # API Server uses port 6443 in convention. Thus we configure "port: 6443" for the alternative API Server FQDN (NEW_API_FQDN) as well.
+    oc apply -f - << EOF
 apiVersion: v1
 kind: Service
-  name: cert-manager-managed-alt-apiserver
+  name: alt-apiserver-endpoint
   namespace: openshift-kube-apiserver
@@ -37,78 +67,54 @@ spec:
   type: LoadBalancer
-# Wait for the LoadBalancer service status to become ready
-while :;
-    echo "Checking the LoadBalancer service's status for the #${COUNTER}-th time ..."
-    EXTERNAL_IP_OUTPUT=$(oc get service cert-manager-managed-alt-apiserver -n openshift-kube-apiserver -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress}')
-    if grep -q '"ip"' <<< "$EXTERNAL_IP_OUTPUT"; then
-        EXTERNAL_IP=$(oc get service cert-manager-managed-alt-apiserver -n openshift-kube-apiserver -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}')
-        RECORD_TYPE=A
-        break
-    elif grep -q '"hostname"' <<< "$EXTERNAL_IP_OUTPUT"; then
-        EXTERNAL_IP=$(oc get service cert-manager-managed-alt-apiserver -n openshift-kube-apiserver -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].hostname}')
-        break
-    fi
-    ((++COUNTER))
-    if [[ $COUNTER -eq $MAX_RETRY ]]; then
-        echo "The LoadBalancer service's status does not show either ip or hostname after $((MAX_RETRY * INTERVAL)) seconds. Dumping status:"
-        oc get service cert-manager-managed-alt-apiserver -n openshift-kube-apiserver -o jsonpath='{.status}'
-        exit 1
+    echo "Retrieving the created LoadBalancer ingress's Hostname or IP..."
+    for _ in {1..30}; do
+        EXTERNAL_IP=$(oc get service alt-apiserver-endpoint -n openshift-kube-apiserver -o=jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].hostname}')
+        if [[ -n "${EXTERNAL_IP}" ]]; then
+            RECORD_TYPE=CNAME
+            break
+        fi
+        EXTERNAL_IP=$(oc get service alt-apiserver-endpoint -n openshift-kube-apiserver -o=jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}')
+        if [[ -n "${EXTERNAL_IP}" ]]; then
+            RECORD_TYPE=A
+            break
+        fi
+        sleep 5
+    done
+    if [[ -z "${EXTERNAL_IP}" ]]; then
+        echo "Timed out wait for Hostname or IP to be created. Skipping rest of steps..."
+        exit 0
-    sleep $INTERVAL
-BASE_DOMAIN=$(oc get dns cluster -o=jsonpath='{.spec.baseDomain}')
-ORIGINAL_API_FQDN=$(oc whoami --show-server | sed -e 's|https://||' -e 's/:6443//')
-oc create -f - << EOF
+    echo "Creating DNSRecord for the alternative API Server endpoint..."
+    oc apply -f - << EOF
 kind: DNSRecord
-  name: cert-manager-managed-alt-apiserver
+  name: alt-apiserver-endpoint
   namespace: openshift-ingress-operator
   dnsManagementPolicy: Managed
   dnsName: "${NEW_API_FQDN}."
   recordTTL: 30
-  recordType: ${RECORD_TYPE}
+  recordType: $RECORD_TYPE
-# Wait for the dnsrecord status to become ready
-while :;
-    echo "Checking the cert-manager-managed-alt-apiserver dnsrecord status for the #${COUNTER}-th time ..."
-    DNSRECORD_STATUS="$(oc get dnsrecord cert-manager-managed-alt-apiserver -n openshift-ingress-operator '-o=jsonpath={.status.zones[*].conditions[?(@.type=="Published")].status}')"
-    if [[ ! "$DNSRECORD_STATUS" =~ False ]]; then
-        break
-    fi
-    ((++COUNTER))
-    if [[ $COUNTER -eq $MAX_RETRY ]]; then
-        echo "The cert-manager-managed-alt-apiserver dnsrecord status is still not ready after $((MAX_RETRY * INTERVAL)) seconds. Dumping status:"
-        oc get dnsrecord cert-manager-managed-alt-apiserver -n openshift-ingress-operator -o jsonpath='{.status}'
-        exit 1
-    fi
-    sleep $INTERVAL
+    echo "Waiting for the DNSRecord to become Published..."
+    oc wait dnsrecord alt-apiserver-endpoint -n openshift-ingress-operator --for=jsonpath='{.status.zones[0].conditions[?(@.type=="Published")].status}'=True --timeout=2m
-oc create -f - << EOF
+function create_apiserver_certificate() {
+    oc apply -f - << EOF
 kind: Certificate
   name: $CERT_NAME
-  namespace: openshift-config
+  namespace: $CERT_NAMESPACE
   commonName: "$NEW_API_FQDN"
@@ -118,117 +124,85 @@ spec:
     kind: ClusterIssuer
-  secretName: cert-manager-managed-alt-api-tls
-# privateKey:
-#   rotationPolicy: Always # Venafi required this
+  secretName: $CERT_SECRET_NAME
+  privateKey:
+    rotationPolicy: Always
   duration: 2h
   renewBefore: 1h30m
-# Wait for the certificate status to become ready
-while :;
-    echo "Checking the $CERT_NAME certificate status for the #${COUNTER}-th time ..."
-    if [[ "$(oc get --no-headers certificate $CERT_NAME -n openshift-config)" =~ True ]]; then
-        break
+    if wait_for_state "certificate/$CERT_NAME" "condition=Ready" "5m" "$CERT_NAMESPACE"; then
+        echo "Certificate is ready"
+    else
+        echo "Timed out after 5m. Dumping resources for debugging..."
+        run_command "oc describe certificate $CERT_NAME -n $CERT_NAMESPACE"
+        exit 1
-    ((++COUNTER))
-    if [[ $COUNTER -eq $MAX_RETRY ]]; then
-        echo "The $CERT_NAME certificate status is still not ready after $((MAX_RETRY * INTERVAL)) seconds."
-        echo "Dumping the certificate status:"
-        oc get certificate $CERT_NAME -n openshift-config -o jsonpath='{.status}'
-        echo "Dumping the challenge status:"
-        oc get challenge -n openshift-config -o wide
+function configure_apiserver_default_cert() {
+    echo "Patching the issued TLS secret to API Server's spec..."
+    local json_path='{"spec":{"servingCerts": {"namedCertificates": [{"names": ["'"$NEW_API_FQDN"'"], "servingCertificate": {"name": "'"$CERT_SECRET_NAME"'"}}]}}}' 
+    oc patch apiserver cluster --type=merge -p "$json_path"
+    echo "[$(timestamp)] Waiting for the Kube API Server ClusterOperator to finish rollout..."
+    oc wait co kube-apiserver --for=condition=Progressing=True --timeout=5m
+    oc wait co kube-apiserver --for=condition=Progressing=False --timeout=20m
+    echo "[$(timestamp)] Rollout progress completed"
+function extract_ca_from_secret() {
+    echo "Extracting the CA certificate from the issued TLS secret to local folder..."
+    oc extract secret/"$CERT_SECRET_NAME" -n $CERT_NAMESPACE
+    CA_FILE=$( [ -f ca.crt ] && echo "ca.crt" || echo "tls.crt" )
+function validate_serving_cert() {
+    echo "Validating the serving certificate of '$NEW_API_URL'..."
+    output=$(curl -I -v --cacert $CA_FILE --connect-timeout 30 "$NEW_API_FQDN" 2>&1)
+    if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+        echo "The certificate is served by API Server as expected"
+    else
+        echo "Failed curl validation. Curl output: '$output'"
         exit 1
-    sleep $INTERVAL
-# The CA_FILE will be used later to update KUBECONFIG
-oc extract secret/cert-manager-managed-alt-api-tls -n openshift-config
-if [ ! -f ca.crt ]; then
-    CA_FILE=tls.crt
+function update_kubeconfig_ca() {
+    echo "Backing up the old KUBECONFIG file..."
+    run_command "cp -f $KUBECONFIG $KUBECONFIG.old"
-oc patch apiserver cluster --type=merge -p "
-  servingCerts:
-    namedCertificates:
-    - names:
-      - $NEW_API_FQDN
-      servingCertificate:
-        name: cert-manager-managed-alt-api-tls
-# Wait for the clusteroperator kube-apiserver to start rollout
-# Note, if $NEW_API_FQDN is $ORIGINAL_API_FQDN other than an alternative FQDN, all oc commands afterwards need to add the --insecure-skip-tls-verify flag before the KUBECONFIG is updated later
-while :;
-    echo "Checking if clusteroperator kube-apiserver rollout has started for the #${COUNTER}-th time ..."
-    if [ "$(oc get clusteroperator kube-apiserver -o jsonpath='{.status.conditions[?(@.type=="Progressing")].status}')" == True ]; then
-        echo "The clusteroperator kube-apiserver Progressing status becomes True, indicates rollout has started." && break
-    fi
-    ((++COUNTER))
-    if [[ $COUNTER -eq $MAX_RETRY ]]; then
-        echo "The clusteroperator kube-apiserver rollout did not start after $((MAX_RETRY * INTERVAL)) seconds. Dumping status:"
-        oc get clusteroperator kube-apiserver -o=jsonpath='{.status.conditions[?(@.type=="Progressing")]}'
-        exit 1
-    fi
-    sleep $INTERVAL
-MAX_RETRY=50 # kube-apiserver rollout needs long time
-while :;
-    echo "Checking if clusteroperator kube-apiserver rollout finished for the #${COUNTER}-th time ..."
-    if [ "$(oc get --no-headers clusteroperator kube-apiserver | awk '{print $3 $4 $5}')" == TrueFalseFalse ]; then
-        echo 'The clusteroperator kube-apiserver status becomes "True False False", indicates rollout finished.' && break
-    fi
-    ((++COUNTER))
-    if [[ $COUNTER -eq $MAX_RETRY ]]; then
-        echo "The clusteroperator kube-apiserver status is not ready after $((MAX_RETRY * INTERVAL)) seconds. Dumping status:"
-        oc get clusteroperator kube-apiserver -o=jsonpath='{.status}'
-        exit 1
-    fi
-    sleep $INTERVAL
-echo "Validating the cert-manager customized Apiserver serving certificate."
-while :;
-    CURL_OUTPUT=$(curl -IsS -v --cacert $CA_FILE --connect-timeout 30 "https://$NEW_API_FQDN:6443" 2>&1 || true)
-    if [[ "$CURL_OUTPUT" =~ "HTTP/2 403" ]]; then
-        echo "The customized certificate is serving as expected." && break
-    fi
-    ((++COUNTER))
-    if [[ $COUNTER -eq $MAX_RETRY ]]; then
-        echo -e "Timeout after $((MAX_RETRY * INTERVAL)) seconds waiting for curl validation succeeded. Dumping the curl output:\n${CURL_OUTPUT}."
-        exit 1
-    fi
-    sleep $INTERVAL
-# Update KUBECONFIG WRT CA of Apiserver certificate
-cp "$KUBECONFIG" "$KUBECONFIG".before-custom-api.bak
-oc config view --minify --raw --kubeconfig "$KUBECONFIG".before-custom-api.bak > "$KUBECONFIG"
-grep certificate-authority-data "$KUBECONFIG" | awk '{print $2}' | base64 -d > origin-ca.crt
-cat $CA_FILE >> origin-ca.crt
-NEW_CA_DATA=$(base64 -w0 origin-ca.crt)
-sed -i "s/certificate-authority-data:.*$/certificate-authority-data: $NEW_CA_DATA/" "$KUBECONFIG"
-echo "[$(date -u --rfc-3339=seconds)] The KUBECONFIG content is updated with CA of new Apiserver certificate."
-echo "Validating the updated KUBECONFIG using any oc command."
-oc get po -n openshift-kube-apiserver -L revision -l apiserver
+    echo "Appending the CA data of KUBECONFIG with the new CA certificate..."
+    CA_DATA=$(grep certificate-authority-data "$KUBECONFIG".old | awk '{print $2}' | base64 -d)
+    cat "$CA_FILE" >> <(echo "$CA_DATA")
+    NEW_CA_DATA=$(echo "$CA_DATA" | base64 -w0)
+    sed -i "s/certificate-authority-data:.*$/certificate-authority-data: $NEW_CA_DATA/" "$KUBECONFIG"
+    echo "Validating the updated KUBECONFIG using any of oc command"
+    run_command "oc get pod -n openshift-kube-apiserver -L revision -l apiserver"
+BASE_DOMAIN=$(oc get dns cluster -o=jsonpath='{.spec.baseDomain}')
+mkdir -p "$TMP_DIR"
+cd "$TMP_DIR"
+echo "[$(timestamp)] Succeeded in adding cert-manager managed certificates to the alternative API Server as named certificate!"
diff --git a/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/custom-apiserver-cert/cert-manager-custom-apiserver-cert-ref.metadata.json b/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/custom-apiserver-cert/cert-manager-custom-apiserver-cert-ref.metadata.json
index 22cda1296513..77b76b061ef8 100644
--- a/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/custom-apiserver-cert/cert-manager-custom-apiserver-cert-ref.metadata.json
+++ b/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/custom-apiserver-cert/cert-manager-custom-apiserver-cert-ref.metadata.json
@@ -2,8 +2,12 @@
 	"path": "cert-manager/custom-apiserver-cert/cert-manager-custom-apiserver-cert-ref.yaml",
 	"owners": {
 		"approvers": [
-			"jhou1",
-			"liangxia",
+			"xingxingxia",
+			"lunarwhite",
+			"swghosh",
+			"TrilokGeer"
+		],
+		"reviewers": [
diff --git a/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/custom-apiserver-cert/cert-manager-custom-apiserver-cert-ref.yaml b/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/custom-apiserver-cert/cert-manager-custom-apiserver-cert-ref.yaml
index 4febe663e217..30d74f0599ba 100644
--- a/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/custom-apiserver-cert/cert-manager-custom-apiserver-cert-ref.yaml
+++ b/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/custom-apiserver-cert/cert-manager-custom-apiserver-cert-ref.yaml
@@ -1,18 +1,16 @@
- as: cert-manager-custom-apiserver-cert
- from_image:
-   namespace: ci
-   name: verification-tests
-   tag: latest
- grace_period: 20m
- commands:
- cli: latest
- resources:
-   limits:
-     cpu: 500m
-     memory: 500Mi
-   requests:
-     cpu: 300m
-     memory: 200Mi
- documentation: |-
-   Manage OpenShift cluster's Apiserver certificate with cert-manager.
+  as: cert-manager-custom-apiserver-cert
+  from: upi-installer
+  cli: latest
+  commands:
+  resources:
+    requests:
+      cpu: 100m
+      memory: 100Mi
+  env:
+      documentation: The name of the cert-manager ClusterIssuer to use for the external certificates issuance. (Prerequsite is that the ClusterIssuer is created and ready.)
+      default: "letsencrypt-prodoction-ci"
+  documentation: |-
+    Create cert-manager Certificate resources issued from the given ClusterIssuer.
+    Add cert-manager managed certificates to an alternative API Server endpoint as named certificates.
diff --git a/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/custom-ingress-cert/OWNERS b/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/custom-ingress-cert/OWNERS
deleted file mode 100644
index 134ab6afb3d5..000000000000
--- a/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/custom-ingress-cert/OWNERS
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-- jhou1
-- liangxia
-- xingxingxia
-- lunarwhite
-- swghosh
-- TrilokGeer
diff --git a/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/custom-ingress-cert/OWNERS b/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/custom-ingress-cert/OWNERS
new file mode 120000
index 000000000000..ec405d65a79d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/custom-ingress-cert/OWNERS
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/custom-ingress-cert/ b/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/custom-ingress-cert/
index ec37b3ca840e..29a83ec3c654 100644
--- a/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/custom-ingress-cert/
+++ b/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/custom-ingress-cert/
@@ -4,154 +4,144 @@ set -e
 set -u
 set -o pipefail
-if [ -f "${SHARED_DIR}/" ] ; then
-    source "${SHARED_DIR}/"
-    echo "proxy: ${SHARED_DIR}/"
-if [[ ! "$(oc get --no-headers clusterissuer $CLUSTERISSUER_NAME)" =~ True ]]; then
-    echo "The prerequsite clusterissuer $CLUSTERISSUER_NAME is not ready. Please ensure the cert-manager-clusterissuer ref is executed first."
-    exit 1
-mkdir -p $TMP_DIR
-cd $TMP_DIR
-INGRESS_DOMAIN=$(oc get ingress.config cluster -o jsonpath='{.spec.domain}')
-oc create -f - << EOF
+function timestamp() {
+    date -u --rfc-3339=seconds
+function run_command() {
+    local cmd="$1"
+    echo "Running Command: ${cmd}"
+    eval "${cmd}"
+function set_proxy () {
+    if test -s "${SHARED_DIR}/" ; then
+        echo "Setting proxy configuration..."
+        source "${SHARED_DIR}/"
+    else
+        echo "No proxy settings found. Skipping proxy configuration..."
+    fi
+function wait_for_state() {
+    local object="$1"
+    local state="$2"
+    local timeout="$3"
+    local namespace="${4:-}"
+    local selector="${5:-}"
+    echo "Waiting for '${object}' in namespace '${namespace}' with selector '${selector}' to exist..."
+    for _ in {1..30}; do
+        oc get ${object} --selector="${selector}" -n=${namespace} |& grep -ivE "(no resources found|not found)" && break || sleep 5
+    done
+    echo "Waiting for '${object}' in namespace '${namespace}' with selector '${selector}' to become '${state}'..."
+    oc wait --for=${state} --timeout=${timeout} ${object} --selector="${selector}" -n="${namespace}"
+    return $?
+function check_clusterissuer() {
+    echo "Checking the persence of ClusterIssuer '$CLUSTERISSUER_NAME' as prerequisite..."
+    if ! oc wait clusterissuer/$CLUSTERISSUER_NAME --for=condition=Ready --timeout=0; then
+        echo "ClusterIssuer is not created or not ready to use. Skipping rest of steps..."
+        exit 0
+    fi
+function create_ingress_certificate () {
+    echo "Creating the wildcard certificate for the Ingress Controller..."
+    oc apply -f - << EOF
 kind: Certificate
   name: $CERT_NAME
-  namespace: openshift-ingress
+  namespace: $CERT_NAMESPACE
-  commonName: "*.$INGRESS_DOMAIN"
+  commonName: "*.${INGRESS_DOMAIN}"
+  - "*.${INGRESS_DOMAIN}"
   - server auth
     kind: ClusterIssuer
-  secretName: cert-manager-managed-ingress-cert-tls
-# privateKey:
-#   rotationPolicy: Always # Venafi need this
+  secretName: $CERT_SECRET_NAME
+  privateKey:
+    rotationPolicy: Always
   duration: 2h
   renewBefore: 1h30m
-# Wait for the certificate status to become ready
-while :;
-    echo "Checking the $CERT_NAME certificate status for the #${COUNTER}-th time ..."
-    if [[ "$(oc get --no-headers certificate $CERT_NAME -n openshift-ingress)" =~ True ]]; then
-        break
-    fi
-    ((++COUNTER))
-    if [[ $COUNTER -eq $MAX_RETRY ]]; then
-        echo "The $CERT_NAME certificate status is still not ready after $((MAX_RETRY * INTERVAL)) seconds."
-        echo "Dumping the certificate status:"
-        oc get certificate $CERT_NAME -n openshift-ingress -o jsonpath='{.status}'
-        echo "Dumping the challenge status:"
-        oc get challenge -n openshift-ingress -o wide
-        exit 1
-    fi
-    sleep $INTERVAL
-# TODO in future: check whether needed to oc patch proxy when the certificate is not issued by the trusted Let's Encrypt product env
-OLD_PROGRESSING_TIME="$(oc get co ingress '-o=jsonpath={.status.conditions[?(@.type=="Progressing")].lastTransitionTime}')"
-oc patch ingresscontroller.operator default --type=merge -p '{"spec":{"defaultCertificate": {"name": "cert-manager-managed-ingress-cert-tls"}}}' -n openshift-ingress-operator
-# Wait for the ingress pods to finish rollout
-while :;
-    echo "Checking if clusteroperator ingress rollout finished for the #${COUNTER}-th time ..."
-    NEW_PROGRESSING="$(oc get co ingress '-o=jsonpath={.status.conditions[?(@.type=="Progressing")]}')"
-    if [[ "$NEW_PROGRESSING" =~ '"status":"False"' ]] && [[ ! "$NEW_PROGRESSING" =~ lastTransitionTime\":\"$OLD_PROGRESSING_TIME ]]; then
-        echo "The ingress pods finished rollout." && break
-    fi
-    ((++COUNTER))
-    if [[ $COUNTER -eq $MAX_RETRY ]]; then
-        echo "The ingress pods still do not finish rollout after $((MAX_RETRY * INTERVAL)) seconds. Dumping status:"
-        oc get co ingress -o=jsonpath='{.status}'
-        oc get po -n openshift-ingress
-        exit 1
-    fi
-    sleep $INTERVAL
-echo "Creating a namespace from test usage."
-oc create ns $TEST_NAMESPACE
-echo "Creating the hello-openshift app and exposing a route from it."
-oc new-app -n $TEST_NAMESPACE
-# Wait for the hello-openshift pod to be running
-while :;
-    echo "Checking the hello-openshift pod status for the #${COUNTER}-th time ..."
-    if [ "$(oc get pods -n $TEST_NAMESPACE -l deployment='hello-openshift' -o=jsonpath='{.items[*].status.phase}')" == "Running" ]; then
-        echo "The hello-openshift pod is up and running."
-        break
-    fi
-    ((++COUNTER))
-    if [[ $COUNTER -eq $MAX_RETRY ]]; then
-        echo "The hello-openshift pod is not running after $((MAX_RETRY * INTERVAL)) seconds. Dumping status:"
-        oc get pods -n $TEST_NAMESPACE -l deployment='hello-openshift'
+    if wait_for_state "certificate/$CERT_NAME" "condition=Ready" "5m" "$CERT_NAMESPACE"; then
+        echo "Certificate is ready"
+    else
+        echo "Timed out after 5m. Dumping resources for debugging..."
+        run_command "oc describe certificate $CERT_NAME -n $CERT_NAMESPACE"
         exit 1
-    sleep $INTERVAL
-oc create route edge -n $TEST_NAMESPACE --service hello-openshift
-TEST_ROUTE=$(oc get route -n $TEST_NAMESPACE hello-openshift -o=jsonpath='{.status.ingress[?(@.routerName=="default")].host}')
-echo "The exposed route's hostname is $TEST_ROUTE"
-echo "Validating the cert-manager customized default ingress certificate"
-# The CA_FILE will be used later to update KUBECONFIG
-oc extract secret/cert-manager-managed-ingress-cert-tls -n openshift-ingress
-if [ ! -f ca.crt ]; then
-    CA_FILE=tls.crt
-while :;
-    CURL_OUTPUT=$(curl -IsS -v --cacert $CA_FILE --connect-timeout 30 "https://$TEST_ROUTE" 2>&1 || true)
-    if [[ "$CURL_OUTPUT" =~ HTTP/1.1\ 200\ OK ]]; then
-        echo "The customized certificate is serving as expected." && break
-    fi
-    ((++COUNTER))
-    if [[ $COUNTER -eq $MAX_RETRY ]]; then
-        echo -e "Timeout after $((MAX_RETRY * INTERVAL)) seconds waiting for curl validation succeeded. Dumping the curl output:\n${CURL_OUTPUT}."
+function configure_ingress_default_cert() {
+    echo "Patching the issued TLS secret to Ingress Controller's spec..."
+    local json_path='{"spec":{"defaultCertificate": {"name": "'"$CERT_SECRET_NAME"'"}}}'
+    oc patch ingresscontroller default --type=merge -p "$json_path" -n openshift-ingress-operator
+    echo "[$(timestamp)] Waiting for the Ingress ClusterOperator to finish rollout..."
+    oc wait co ingress --for=condition=Progressing=True --timeout=2m
+    oc wait co ingress --for=condition=Progressing=False --timeout=5m
+    echo "[$(timestamp)] Rollout progress completed"
+function extract_ca_from_secret() {
+    echo "Extracting the CA certificate from the issued TLS secret to local folder..."
+    oc extract secret/"$CERT_SECRET_NAME" -n $CERT_NAMESPACE
+    CA_FILE=$( [ -f ca.crt ] && echo "ca.crt" || echo "tls.crt" )
+function validate_serving_cert() {
+    echo "Validating the serving certificate of '$CONSOLE_URL'..."
+    output=$(curl -I -v --cacert $CA_FILE --connect-timeout 30 "$CONSOLE_URL" 2>&1)
+    if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+        echo "The certificate is served by Ingress Controller as expected"
+    else
+        echo "Failed curl validation. Curl output: '$output'"
         exit 1
-    sleep $INTERVAL
-echo "Deleting the namespace as curl validation finished."
-oc delete ns $TEST_NAMESPACE
-# Update KUBECONFIG WRT CA of ingress certificate otherwise oc login command will fail
-cp "$KUBECONFIG" "$KUBECONFIG".before-custom-ingress.bak
-oc config view --minify --raw --kubeconfig "$KUBECONFIG".before-custom-ingress.bak > "$KUBECONFIG"
-grep certificate-authority-data "$KUBECONFIG" | awk '{print $2}' | base64 -d > origin-ca.crt
-cat $CA_FILE >> origin-ca.crt
-NEW_CA_DATA=$(base64 -w0 origin-ca.crt)
-sed -i "s/certificate-authority-data:.*$/certificate-authority-data: $NEW_CA_DATA/" "$KUBECONFIG"
-echo "[$(date -u --rfc-3339=seconds)] The KUBECONFIG content is updated with CA of new default ingress certificate."
+function update_kubeconfig_ca() {
+    echo "Backing up the old KUBECONFIG file..."
+    run_command "cp -f $KUBECONFIG $KUBECONFIG.old"
+    echo "Appending the CA data of KUBECONFIG with the new CA certificate..."
+    CA_DATA=$(grep certificate-authority-data "$KUBECONFIG".old | awk '{print $2}' | base64 -d)
+    cat "$CA_FILE" >> <(echo "$CA_DATA")
+    NEW_CA_DATA=$(echo "$CA_DATA" | base64 -w0)
+    sed -i "s/certificate-authority-data:.*$/certificate-authority-data: $NEW_CA_DATA/" "$KUBECONFIG"
+    echo "Validating the updated KUBECONFIG using any of oc command..."
+    run_command "oc get node"
+INGRESS_DOMAIN=$(oc get ingress.config cluster -o=jsonpath='{.spec.domain}')
+CONSOLE_URL=$(oc whoami --show-console)
+mkdir -p "$TMP_DIR"
+cd "$TMP_DIR"
+echo "[$(timestamp)] Succeeded in replacing the default Ingress Controller serving certificates with cert-manager managed ones!"
diff --git a/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/custom-ingress-cert/cert-manager-custom-ingress-cert-ref.metadata.json b/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/custom-ingress-cert/cert-manager-custom-ingress-cert-ref.metadata.json
index ee3e9c03886d..cc5f7fc9d725 100644
--- a/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/custom-ingress-cert/cert-manager-custom-ingress-cert-ref.metadata.json
+++ b/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/custom-ingress-cert/cert-manager-custom-ingress-cert-ref.metadata.json
@@ -2,8 +2,12 @@
 	"path": "cert-manager/custom-ingress-cert/cert-manager-custom-ingress-cert-ref.yaml",
 	"owners": {
 		"approvers": [
-			"jhou1",
-			"liangxia",
+			"xingxingxia",
+			"lunarwhite",
+			"swghosh",
+			"TrilokGeer"
+		],
+		"reviewers": [
diff --git a/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/custom-ingress-cert/cert-manager-custom-ingress-cert-ref.yaml b/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/custom-ingress-cert/cert-manager-custom-ingress-cert-ref.yaml
index e3a0d3c80ae0..5b6688611f40 100644
--- a/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/custom-ingress-cert/cert-manager-custom-ingress-cert-ref.yaml
+++ b/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/custom-ingress-cert/cert-manager-custom-ingress-cert-ref.yaml
@@ -1,18 +1,16 @@
- as: cert-manager-custom-ingress-cert
- from_image:
-   namespace: ci
-   name: verification-tests
-   tag: latest
- grace_period: 20m
- commands:
- cli: latest
- resources:
-   limits:
-     cpu: 500m
-     memory: 500Mi
-   requests:
-     cpu: 300m
-     memory: 200Mi
- documentation: |-
-   Manage OpenShift cluster's default ingress certificate with cert-manager.
+  as: cert-manager-custom-ingress-cert
+  from: upi-installer
+  cli: latest
+  commands:
+  resources:
+    requests:
+      cpu: 100m
+      memory: 100Mi
+  env:
+      documentation: The name of the cert-manager ClusterIssuer to use for the external certificates issuance. (Prerequsite is that the ClusterIssuer is created and ready.)
+      default: "letsencrypt-prodoction-ci"
+  documentation: |-
+    Create cert-manager Certificate resources issued from the given ClusterIssuer.
+    Replace default Ingress certificates with cert-manager managed certificates.
diff --git a/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/install/OWNERS b/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/install/OWNERS
deleted file mode 100644
index 134ab6afb3d5..000000000000
--- a/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/install/OWNERS
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-- jhou1
-- liangxia
-- xingxingxia
-- lunarwhite
-- swghosh
-- TrilokGeer
diff --git a/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/install/OWNERS b/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/install/OWNERS
new file mode 120000
index 000000000000..ec405d65a79d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/install/OWNERS
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/install/cert-manager-install-ref.metadata.json b/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/install/cert-manager-install-ref.metadata.json
index ecdce4c39075..383351d84eeb 100644
--- a/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/install/cert-manager-install-ref.metadata.json
+++ b/ci-operator/step-registry/cert-manager/install/cert-manager-install-ref.metadata.json
@@ -2,8 +2,12 @@
 	"path": "cert-manager/install/cert-manager-install-ref.yaml",
 	"owners": {
 		"approvers": [
-			"jhou1",
-			"liangxia",
+			"xingxingxia",
+			"lunarwhite",
+			"swghosh",
+			"TrilokGeer"
+		],
+		"reviewers": [