diff --git a/quickstarts/jboss-eap8-with-helm.yaml b/quickstarts/jboss-eap8-with-helm.yaml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3522a2ff7 --- /dev/null +++ b/quickstarts/jboss-eap8-with-helm.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,215 @@ +apiVersion: console.openshift.io/v1 +kind: ConsoleQuickStart +metadata: + name: jboss-eap8-with-helm + annotations: + include.release.openshift.io/ibm-cloud-managed: 'true' + include.release.openshift.io/self-managed-high-availability: 'true' + include.release.openshift.io/single-node-developer: 'true' + capability.openshift.io/name: Console +spec: + description: 'Deploy a JBoss EAP 8 application using a Helm Chart.' + displayName: Get started with JBoss EAP 8 using a Helm Chart + durationMinutes: 10 + icon: >- +  + introduction: |- + [Red Hat® JBoss® Enterprise Application Platform (EAP)](https://www.redhat.com/en/technologies/jboss-middleware/application-platform) is an application server. It includes everything needed to build, run, deploy, and manage enterprise Java applications in a variety of environments, including on-premise, virtual environments, and in private, public, and hybrid clouds. + + * **Optimized for OpenShift, Cloud and Containers** + + * **Jakarta EE 10 compatibility** + + * **Lightweight, flexible architecture** + + * **Red Hat Portfolio Integration** + + * **More productive developers with DevOps and Agile Development** + + With this quick start, you can deploy and run a [Jakarta EE application](https://github.com/jboss-eap-up-and-running/eap8-getting-started) with JBoss EAP 8 on OpenShift. + + **Note:** The quickstart uses a sample [Jakarta EE application](https://github.com/jboss-eap-up-and-running/eap8-getting-started). You can deploy your own Jakarta EE 10 application using the same steps. + The quick start has instructions where changes would be needed (Task 1). + + tasks: + - description: >- + To create a JBoss EAP 8 application: + + 1. In the main navigation, click the dropdown menu [perspective switcher]{{highlight qs-perspective-switcher}} and select **Developer**. + + 1. In the navigation menu, click [Add]{{highlight qs-nav-add}}. + The **Add** page opens. + + 1. In the **Add** page, click **Helm Chart**. + + 1. In the **Helm Charts** catalog, search for **JBoss EAP 8**. + + 1. Click the **JBoss EAP 8** Helm chart card. + + - The side panel displays information about the JBoss EAP 8 Helm chart. + + 1. Click **Create**. + + - Some form sections are collapsed by default. Click **>** to expand and view its content. + **Note:** No updates are required to these sections to proceed. + + - The details about the [Jakarta EE application](https://github.com/jboss-eap-up-and-running/eap8-getting-started) that you are building and deploying are specified in the `build.uri` field: + + ``` + build: + uri: https://github.com/jboss-eap-up-and-running/eap8-getting-started + ``` + + **Note:** If you are building a different application, you must change this `uri` field to point to the Git repository of that application. + + 1. Click **Create** to create the JBoss EAP 8 application using the Helm Chart. + + - The console switches to the [Topology]{{highlight qs-nav-topology}} view and displays a pane with the Helm release notes. + After you read the notes, you can close the pane. + review: + failedTaskHelp: This task isn’t verified yet. Try the task again. + instructions: |- + The Helm release is represented by a dashed box that contains the JBoss EAP icon and **eap8 ** text. This content is placed outside the dashed box. + + The deployment is indicated by a circle inside the dashed box with text **D eap8**. + + Verify the application was successfully created: + + - Do you see an **eap8** Helm Release? + + - Do you see an **eap8** deployment? + + summary: + failed: Try the steps again. + success: Your JBoss EAP 8 application has been deployed onto OpenShift. + title: Create a JBoss EAP 8 application with Helm + - description: >- + To view the Helm release: + + 1. In the navigation menu, click [Helm]{{highlight qs-nav-helm}}. + + 1. Click **eap8** Helm release. + The **Helm Release details** page opens. It shows all the information related to the Helm release that you installed. + + - Click the **Resources** tab. It lists all the resources created by this Helm release. + review: + failedTaskHelp: This task isn’t verified yet. Try the task again. + instructions: >- + Verify you see the Helm release: + + - Do you see a **Deployed** label next to the Helm Release **eap8**? + summary: + failed: Try the steps again. + success: Your Helm release for JBoss EAP 8 is deployed. + title: View the Helm release + - description: >- + To view the associated code: + + 1. In the navigation menu, click [Topology]{{highlight qs-nav-topology}}. + In the Topology view, the **eap8** deployment displays a code icon in the bottom right-hand corner. This icon either represents the Git repository + of the associated code, or if the appropriate operators are installed, it will bring up the associated code in your IDE. + + 1. If the icon shown is CodeReady Workspaces or Eclipse Che, clicking the icon opens the associated code in your IDE. + + 1. If the icon represents a Git repository, clicking the icon opens the associated Git repository. + review: + failedTaskHelp: >- + This task isn’t verified yet. Try the task again. + instructions: >- + Verify that you can see the code associated with your application: + + - Did the Git repository or your IDE open in a separate browser window? + summary: + failed: Try the steps again. + success: You viewed the code associated with the **eap8** deployment. + title: View the associated code + - description: >- + To view the build status of the JBoss EAP 8 application: + + 1. In the navigation menu, click [Topology]{{highlight qs-nav-topology}}. + + 1. In the Topology view, click **D eap8**. + A side panel opens with detailed information about the application. + + 1. In the side panel, click the **Resources** tab. + The **Builds** section shows all the details related to builds of the application. + + The JBoss EAP 8 application is built in two steps: + + - The first build configuration **eap8-build-artifacts** compiles and packages the Jakarta EE application, and creates a JBoss EAP server. + The application is run on this JBoss EAP server. + + The build may take a few minutes to complete. The build state is indicated by a relevant message such as **Pending**, **Running**, and **Complete**. + + When the build is complete, a checkmark and the following message is displayed: **Build #1 was complete**. + + When the first build is complete, the second build starts. + + - The second build configuration **eap8** puts the Jakarta EE deployment and the JBoss EAP server in a runtime image that contains only what is required to run the application. + + When the second build is complete, a checkmark and the following message are displayed: **Build #2 was complete**. + review: + failedTaskHelp: This task isn’t verified yet. Try the task again. + instructions: >- + The two builds for **eap8-build-artifacts** and **eap8** may take a few minutes to complete. + + Verify the builds are complete: + + - The message **Build #1 was complete** is displayed for the **eap8-build-artifacts** build configuration. Did this message appear? + + - The message **Build #2 was complete** is displayed for the **eap8** build configuration. Did this message appear? + summary: + failed: Try the steps again. + success: Your build is complete. + title: View the Build status + - description: >- + To view the pod status: + + 1. In the navigation menu, click [Topology]{{highlight qs-nav-topology}}. + + 1. In the **Topology** view, click **D eap8**. + A side panel opens with detailed information about the application. + + 1. In the **Details** tab, the pod status is available in a tooltip by hovering over the pod. + + - Inside the pod circle, it displays the number of pod. + - The color of the pod circle indicates the pod status: + Light blue = **Pending**, Blue = **Not Ready**, Dark blue = **Running** + + **Note:** In the **Topology** view, the dark outer circle indicates the pod status. + review: + failedTaskHelp: >- + This task isn’t verified yet. Try the task again. + instructions: |- + Verify you see the pod status: + + - Does the text inside the pod cirle display **1 Pod**? + + - When you hover of the pod circle, does it display **1 Running**? + + summary: + failed: Try the steps again. + success: Your deployment has one running pod. + title: View the Pod status + - description: >- + + To view the JBoss EAP application: + + 1. In the **Topology** view, click the external link icon in the top right-hand corner to open the URL and run the application in a separate browser window. + review: + failedTaskHelp: This task isn’t verified yet. Try the task again. + instructions: >- + Verify your JBoss EAP 8 application is running: + + - Did **JBoss EAP 8 on Red Hat OpenShift** open in a separate browser window? + summary: + failed: Try the steps again. + success: Your JBoss EAP 8 application is running. + title: Run the JBoss EAP 8 application + conclusion: >- + Your JBoss EAP 8 application is deployed and ready. + + ## Resources: + + - Learn more about [JBoss EAP](https://access.redhat.com/products/red-hat-jboss-enterprise-application-platform/). + - Read detailed [JBoss EAP 8 documentation](https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform/8.0).