oc new-app https://github.com/<project>/cluster-support-bot.git \
-e APP_FILE=cluster-support-bot.py \
-e BOT_ID=<bot ID -- hover over the bot name in Slack to get this> \
-e SLACK_BOT_TOKEN=<token from https://api.slack.com/apps/XXXXXX/install-on-team?> \
-e HYDRA_USER=<FIXME: how to get one of these> \
-e HYDRA_PASSWORD=<FIXME: how to get one of these> \
-e TELEMETRY_URI=https://FIXME.example.com/your-telemetry-query-uri \
-e TELEMETRY_TOKEN=<token from https://help.datahub.redhat.com/docs/interacting-with-telemetry-data> \
-e DASHBOARDS=https://FIXME.example.com/somewhere-users-can-see-cluster-details?cluster-id=
can have multiple, space-delimited URIs, in which case links to all of them will be provided when rendering summaries.
Optionally set TELEMETRY_CA_CERT
to a URI serving PEM for a CA cert
to use when validating Telemetry requests.
Test by using oc logs -f <podname>
to make sure it's running.
oc create route edge --service=cluster-support-bot