This project is distributed under [the Apache License Version 2.0][LICENSE].
go to and create a new workspace. For example,
< your name >
create your account and set your password
go to and create a new development app. Name can be something like
< yourname > cluster support
. Choose the workspace you just created. -
click on the app name and go to Bot Users. Add a development bot, for example,
click on OAuth & Permissions and install the bot to your workspace
copy the Bot User OAuth Access Token and export it to
:export SLACK_BOT_TOKEN=xoxb-....
click on Basic Information and copy the Signing Secret and export it to
:export SLACK_SIGNING_SECRET=1234....
start the bot. It must be publicly accessible, so use a public OpenShift or perhaps ngrok
click on Event Subscriptions. Turn on and paste in
< your app's url >/slack/events
You should get a green check mark. If not, make sure the env variables above are set and correct. -
subscribe to bot event
join a channel and add the bot. Message the bot
@< botname > hi
and you should get a response