Inspired from Keep a Changelog
- expose chatEnabled flag to capabilities (#398)
- update chatbot UI to align with new look (#435)
- add data to summary response post processing (#436)
- add flag to control if display conversation list (#438)
- when open chatbot, load the last conversation automatically (#439)
- add index type detection (#454)
- add error handling when open chatbot and loading converstaion (#485)
- remove os_insight agent (#452)
- Hide the assistant entry when there isn't data2summary agent (#417)
- adjust buttons' padding inside alert in-context insight popover (#467)
- add a space to the left of the AI action menu button (#486)
- add a tooltip for disabled assistant action button (#490)
- improve the text to visualization error handling (#491)
- fixed incorrect message id field used (#378)
- Improve alert summary with backend log pattern experience (#389)
- fixed in context feature returning 500 error if workspace is invalid to returning 4XX (#429)(#458)
- fix incorrect insight API response (#473)
- Improve error handling for index type detection (#472)
- Fix header button input sending messages to active conversation (#481)
- Shrink source selector in t2v page (#492)
- Increase search selector width in t2v page (#495)