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🧬 Alert RS Dioxus Usage

Adding Alert RS to your project is simple:

  1. Make sure your project is set up with Dioxus. Refer to the Dioxus Getting Started Guide for setup instructions.

  2. Add alert-rs to your dependencies:

    cargo add alert-rs --features=dio
  3. Import Alert into your component and start enhancing your app's alert functionality.

🛠️ Usage

Incorporating the Dioxus Alert into your application is easy. Follow these steps:

  1. Import the Alert component into your project:

     use dioxus::prelude::*;
     use alert_rs::dioxus::Alert;
     use alert_rs::{IconType, Position};
  2. Define the alert properties and use the Alert component in your Dioxus component:

     use dioxus::prelude::*;
     use alert_rs::dioxus::Alert;
     use alert_rs::{IconType, Position};
     pub fn App() -> Element {
         let mut show_alert = use_signal(|| false);
         rsx! {
             div {
                 button {
                     onclick: move |_| show_alert.set(true),
                     "Show Alert"
                 Alert {
                     title: "Alert Title",
                     body: "This is an alert message",
                     show_alert: show_alert,
                     timeout: 2500,
                     icon_class: "flex justify-center",
                     confirm_button_text: "Okay",
                     cancel_button_text: "Cancel",
                     confirm_button_class: "bg-green-500 text-white rounded",
                     cancel_button_class: "bg-red-500 text-white rounded",
                     show_confirm_button: true,
                     show_cancel_button: true,
                     show_close_button: true,
                     on_confirm: move |_| {
                         // Your confirmation logic
                     on_cancel: move |_| {
                         // Your cancel logic
                     position: Position::TopRight,
                     icon_type: IconType::Success,
                     alert_class: "flex items-center text-center justify-center bg-gray-800 text-white border border-gray-600",
                     title_class: "text-white",
                     body_class: "text-gray-300",
                     icon_color: "",
                     icon_width: "50",

🔧 Props

Main Props

Property Type Description Default
show_alert Signal<bool> The signal controlling the visibility of the alert. false
title &'static str The title text for the alert. "Info"
body &'static str The message content of the alert. ""
timeout u32 Timeout duration in milliseconds for the alert to auto-close. 2500 ms
show_confirm_button bool Whether to display the confirm button. true
show_cancel_button bool Whether to display the cancel button. true
show_close_button bool Whether to display the close button. false

Callback Props

Property Type Description Default
on_confirm Callback<()> Callback triggered when the confirm button is clicked. No-op
on_cancel Callback<()> Callback triggered when the cancel button is clicked. No-op
on_close Callback<()> Callback triggered when the close button is clicked. No-op
will_open Callback<()> Callback triggered before the alert opens. No-op
did_open Callback<()> Callback triggered after the alert opens. No-op
did_close Callback<()> Callback triggered after the alert closes. No-op

Alert Appearance & Positioning

Property Type Description Default
native bool Whether to use the native browser alert instead of custom one. false
position Position Position of the alert on the screen (Position::TopRight, etc.). TopRight
icon_type IconType The type of icon to display with the alert (e.g., Info, Warning). IconType::Info
icon_color &'static str The color of the icon. ""
icon_width &'static str The width of the icon. "50"

Styling Props

+-----------------------------------------------------------+  <-- `alert_class`
|                                                           |
|  +-----------------------------------------------+        |  <-- `close_button_style` (if `show_close_button`)
|  |               [X] Close Button                |        |
|  +-----------------------------------------------+        |
|                                                           |
|  +-----------------------------------------------+        |  <-- `icon_class` and `icon_style`
|  |                  [Icon]                       |        |  <-- `icon_tag`
|  +-----------------------------------------------+        |
|                                                           |
|  +-----------------------------------------------+        |  <-- `title_class` and `title_style`
|  |                [Alert Title]                  |        |  <-- `props.title`
|  +-----------------------------------------------+        |
|                                                           |
|  +-----------------------------------------------+        |  <-- `separator_style`
|  |             [--- Separator ---]               |        |
|  +-----------------------------------------------+        |
|                                                           |
|  +-----------------------------------------------+        |  <-- `message_style` and `body_class`
|  |                [Alert Message]                |        |  <-- `props.body`
|  +-----------------------------------------------+        |
|                                                           |
|  +-----------------------------------------------+        |  <-- `confirm_button_class` and `confirm_button_style`
|  |                [Confirm Button]               |        |  <-- `props.confirm_button_text`
|  +-----------------------------------------------+        |
|                                                           |
|  +-----------------------------------------------+        |  <-- `cancel_button_class` and `cancel_button_style`
|  |                [Cancel Button]                |        |  <-- `props.cancel_button_text`
|  +-----------------------------------------------+        |
|                                                           |
Property Type Description Default
alert_class &'static str CSS class for styling the alert container. ""
icon_class &'static str CSS class for styling the icon. ""
confirm_button_class &'static str CSS class for styling the confirm button. ""
cancel_button_class &'static str CSS class for styling the cancel button. ""
title_class &'static str CSS class for styling the alert title. ""
message_class &'static str CSS class for styling the message text in the alert. ""

Inline Styles

Property Type Description Default
alert_style &'static str Inline CSS styles for the alert. DEFAULT_ALERT_STYLE
close_button_style &'static str Inline CSS styles for the close button. DEFAULT_CLOSE_BUTTON_STYLE
confirm_button_style &'static str Inline CSS styles for the confirm button. DEFAULT_CONFIRM_BUTTON_STYLE
cancel_button_style &'static str Inline CSS styles for the cancel button. DEFAULT_CANCEL_BUTTON_STYLE
icon_style &'static str Inline CSS styles for the icon. DEFAULT_ICON_STYLE
title_style &'static str Inline CSS styles for the title text. DEFAULT_TITLE_STYLE
separator_style &'static str Inline CSS styles for the separator. DEFAULT_SEPARATOR_STYLE
message_style &'static str Inline CSS styles for the message text. DEFAULT_MESSAGE_STYLE

💡 Notes

  • The native prop can be set to true to use the browser's default alert behavior instead of the custom component.
  • The alert is displayed based on the show_alert signal, which should be controlled by the parent component.
  • Timeout behavior can be adjusted using the timeout property, and alert visibility can be toggled using the show_alert state.
  • You can customize the alert's appearance, including the icon, buttons, position, and styles.