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Standalone Repository Service

Creating a standalone repository service allows you to store and have control over the licensing data that you are publishing into the Copyright Hub (CH) ecosystem. In this document we describe the steps required to get up and running with your own (CH) repository in your own server.

Before your start

To fully complete this process you will need to have:

  1. A domain with an SSL certificate (e.g.
  2. The SSL keys for the above certificate.

Join the Copyright Hub ecosystem

This is currently a process that requires authorisation at every step, so we recommend that you liaise with a CH admin when you are ready to do this, in order to complete the steps in quick succession.

Go to

Create an account on

You will receive an email requesting that you click a link to verify your email address. Note that even after clicking on this link, you may still have to logout of the system and then re-login in order to fully activate your account.

Click on "Create a New Organization" and fill in the form.

Only organization name is a required field. You will not get any on-screen confirmation that your request has been sent in, but you will get an email saying it has been sent in. The request has to be approved by a CH admin. When that happens, you will get an email confirming your request has been approved.

Join your organisation by using the "Join Existing Organisation" button

Again, you will get an email saying you have requested to join. Once the request has been authorised, you will get an email telling you it has been authorised.

Select the Organisation from the "Existing Organisations" dropdown

Click on "Create a New Service"

"Location" is the URL where you intend the repo to be available, e.g. “”. "Service Type" is “Repository”. Please make sure to specify the port to which the repository will be responding. In this instructions we'll install the repository responding to requests in port 8765.

As above, this request has to be approved. You will get an email saying your request has been sent in. And you will get an email when it has been approved.

Go to "Repositories" and select "Create a new Repository"

Select the repository service you have just created above and give it a name. Again, you will get an email acknowledging your request, and an email when it has been approved.

Proxy to serve SSL requests

We will use a proxy server, nginx to redirect SSL requests to the repository server. Specifically, we will redirect requests from to http://localhost:8004/v1/repository.

  1. Install nginx with root privileges using yum or apt-get.

    Please refer to documentation at

  2. Configure nginx to work as a proxy to SSL requests to port: Create the file /etc/nginx/conf.d/opp.conf with the following contents, replacing the ssl settings with the corresponding certificate files:

    server {
    	listen  8765 ssl;
    	ssl_certificate   /{path}/{your-domain}.crt; # path to your SSL certificate
    	ssl_certificate_key  /{path}/{your-domain}.key;	# path to your SSL public key
    	server_name  _;
    	client_max_body_size 10M;
    	location /v1/repository {
    		proxy_pass http://localhost:8004;
  3. Start nginx daemon:

    service nginx start

Install Blazegraph

The repository relies on Blazegraph graph database. Installation instructions can be found at and

As an example, we are going to deploy Bazegraph in Jetty, a servlet container.

Jetty installation

The following instructions have been tested in a CentOS Linux distribution and have been extracted from and

Being logged with a user with root privileges,

  1. Install Java 1.8
yum install java-1.8.0-openjdk
  1. Download Jetty
wget ""
  1. Extract it to /opt/
tar zxvf jetty-distribution-9.4.4.v20170414.tar.gz -C /opt/

mv /opt/jetty-distribution-9.4.4.v20170414/ /opt/jetty9
  1. Create a system group and user and give appropriate permissions
groupadd --system jetty

useradd --system -g jetty --no-create-home jetty

usermod -s /sbin/nologin -c "Jetty 9" -d /opt/jetty9 -g jetty jetty

chown -R jetty:jetty /opt/jetty9

chmod u=rwx,g=rxs,o= /opt/jetty9
  1. Configure Jetty

Create the PID directory

mkdir /var/run/jetty

chown -R jetty:jetty /var/run/jetty

Create a default configuration file /etc/default/jetty9 with content below:


Configure logging

cd /opt/jetty9/resources

java -jar ../start.jar --add-to-start=requestlog
  1. Configure Jetty as a service
# Create service script
ln -s /opt/jetty9/bin/ /etc/init.d/jetty9
# Add script as a service
chkconfig --add jetty9
# Ensure auto-start on boot
chkconfig --level 345 jetty9

Blazegraph Web Application deployment

Download blazegraph.war from and save it into /opt/jetty9/webapps

Give appropriate permissions and start Jetty server

chown jetty:jetty /opt/jetty9/webapps/blazegraph.war

service jetty9 start

Accessing Blazegraph

You should now be able to access your Blazegraph instance accessing

Install Repository

Clone the sources of the repository

cd /opt/
git clone

Install dependencies

cd /opt/repository-srv
pip install -r requirements/dev.txt

Setup the repository

cd /opt/repository-srv
python develop

Configuring the repository

Create the configuration file /opt/repository-srv/config/local.conf with the following contents:

name = "repository"
port = 8004
processes = 0
version = "0.1.0"
env = "prod"


url_auth = ""
url_accounts = ""
url_index = ""


use_ssl =  False

## Set the  "Repository ID" as displayed in "", "Repositories" menu:
service_id = "{repository_id}"

## Set the "Client Secret" as displayed in "", "Services" menu, clicking the "Edit" link in the repository: 
client_secret = "{client_secret}" 

Launching the repository process

python /opt/repository-srv/repository

Further optional configurations

You can execute the repository process with the single command python /opt/repository-srv/repository.

You might prefer to use some kind of process manager to handle the execution of the process like, for exampe, Supervisor.

It might also be convenient to avoid executing the repository process from a root-privileged user, but to create a specific user for it.