From b581aa2c9a37a056016af3adf7b98cfdb6cc4b82 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Bernard Szabo <>
Date: Tue, 28 Jan 2025 08:37:01 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] feat: TNL-11812 remove skipped tests and TODOs

 .../contentstore/tests/          | 74 -------------------
 1 file changed, 74 deletions(-)

diff --git a/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/tests/ b/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/tests/
index 9175ecccfcbd..1f80e9b611ed 100644
--- a/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/tests/
+++ b/cms/djangoapps/contentstore/tests/
@@ -283,14 +283,6 @@ def test_check_broken_links_stores_broken_and_locked_urls(
         ### Check that _save_broken_links_file was called with the correct arguments
         mock_save_broken_links_file.assert_called_once_with(mock_user_task_artifact.return_value, mock.ANY)
-    @pytest.mark.skip(reason="This test is not yet implemented")
-    def test_user_does_not_exist_raises_exception(self):
-        assert True
-    @pytest.mark.skip(reason="This test is not yet implemented")
-    def test_no_course_access_raises_exception(self):
-        assert True
     def test_hash_tags_stripped_from_url_lists(self):
         NUM_HASH_TAG_LINES = 2
         url_list = '''
@@ -308,38 +300,6 @@ def test_hash_tags_stripped_from_url_lists(self):
         assert processed_lines == original_lines - NUM_HASH_TAG_LINES, \
             f'Processed URL list lines = {processed_lines}; expected {original_lines - 2}'
-    # TODO - Document here what counts as a legitimate URL & modify test accordingly
-    @pytest.mark.skip(reason="Valid URL format to be nailed down")
-    def test_src_and_href_urls_extracted(self):
-        FIRST_URL = ''
-        SECOND_URL = ''
-        THIRD_URL = "/static/resource_name"
-        FOURTH_URL = ''
-        url_list = f'''
-        href={FIRST_URL}
-        href={SECOND_URL}
-        src={THIRD_URL}
-        tag={FOURTH_URL}
-        '''
-        processed_url_list = _get_urls(url_list)
-        pprint.pp(processed_url_list)
-        assert len(processed_url_list) == 3, f"Expected 3 matches; got {len(processed_url_list)}"
-        assert processed_url_list[0] == FIRST_URL, \
-            f"Failed to properly parse {FIRST_URL}; got {processed_url_list[0]}"
-        assert processed_url_list[1] == SECOND_URL, \
-            f"Failed to properly parse {SECOND_URL}; got {processed_url_list[1]}"
-        assert processed_url_list[2] == THIRD_URL, \
-            f"Failed to properly parse {THIRD_URL}; got {processed_url_list[2]}"
-    @pytest.mark.skip(reason="This test is not yet implemented")
-    def test_http_and_https_recognized_as_studio_url_schemes(self):
-        assert True
-    @pytest.mark.skip(reason="This test is not yet implemented")
-    def test_file_not_recognized_as_studio_url_scheme(self):
-        assert True
     def test_http_url_not_recognized_as_studio_url_scheme(self):
@@ -358,9 +318,6 @@ def test_container_url_without_url_base_is_recognized_as_studio_url_scheme(self)
     def test_slash_url_without_url_base_is_recognized_as_studio_url_scheme(self):
-    # TODO
-    # Need additional negative tests on _is_studio_url would be appropriate
     @mock.patch('cms.djangoapps.contentstore.tasks.ModuleStoreEnum', autospec=True)
     @mock.patch('cms.djangoapps.contentstore.tasks.modulestore', autospec=True)
     def test_course_scan_occurs_on_published_version(self, mock_modulestore, mock_module_store_enum):
@@ -384,7 +341,6 @@ def test_course_scan_occurs_on_published_version(self, mock_modulestore, mock_mo
     def test_number_of_scanned_blocks_equals_blocks_in_course(self, mock_get_urls):
         _scan_course_for_links should call _get_urls once per block in course.
-        TODO - verify that the created course actually has blocks. This test not meaningful if it doesn't
         expected_blocks =
@@ -455,36 +411,6 @@ def test_no_retries_on_403_access_denied_links(self):
         assert len(retry_list) == 1             # The input with status = None
         assert retry_list[0][1] == '5'      # The only URL fit for a retry operation (status == None)
-    # TODO - test retry logic
-    @pytest.mark.skip(reason="Failing but needs review -- test not yet correct")
-    @pytest.mark.asyncio
-    async def test_max_number_of_retries_is_respected(self):
-"******** In test_max_number_of_retries_is_respected *******")
-        '''
-        Patch initial validation to show no progress (need retries on everything).
-        Patch retries to behave in an equally non-productive way
-        Assert that the number of retries attempted equals the maximum number allowed
-        '''
-        MAX_RETRIES = 3
-        with patch("cms.djangoapps.contentstore.tasks._validate_url_access",
-                   new_callable=AsyncMock) as mock_validate_url:
-            mock_validate_url.side_effect = \
-                lambda session, url_data, course_key: {'block_id': f'block_{url_data}', 'url': url_data}
-            with patch("cms.djangoapps.contentstore.tasks._retry_validation_and_filter",
-                       new_callable=AsyncMock) as mock_retry_validation:
-                mock_retry_validation.side_effect = \
-                    lambda course_key, results, retry_list: retry_list
-                url_list = ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5']
-                course_key = 'course-v1:edX+DemoX+Demo_Course'
-                batch_size=2
-                results = await _validate_urls_access_in_batches(url_list, course_key, batch_size)
-                print(" ***** results =   ******")
-                pprint.pp(results)
-                assert mock_retry_validation.call_count == MAX_RETRIES, \
-                  f'Got {mock_retry_validation.call_count} retries; expected {MAX_RETRIES}'
     @patch("cms.djangoapps.contentstore.tasks._validate_user", return_value=MagicMock())
     @patch("cms.djangoapps.contentstore.tasks._scan_course_for_links", return_value=["url1", "url2"])