diff --git a/docs/openapi-fetch/index.md b/docs/openapi-fetch/index.md
index 1a0819733..619c7d9c1 100644
--- a/docs/openapi-fetch/index.md
+++ b/docs/openapi-fetch/index.md
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ await client.PUT("/blogposts", {
-`data` and `error` are typechecked and expose their shapes to Intellisence in VS Code (and any other IDE with TypeScript support). Likewise, the request `body` will also typecheck its fields, erring if any required params are missing, or if there’s a type mismatch.
+`data` and `error` are typechecked and expose their shapes to Intellisense in VS Code (and any other IDE with TypeScript support). Likewise, the request `body` will also typecheck its fields, erring if any required params are missing, or if there’s a type mismatch.
`GET()`, `PUT()`, `POST()`, etc. are thin wrappers around the native [fetch API](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Fetch_API) (which you can [swap for any call](/openapi-fetch/api#create-client)).
diff --git a/packages/openapi-fetch/README.md b/packages/openapi-fetch/README.md
index d8ba284f8..c6891f0c5 100644
--- a/packages/openapi-fetch/README.md
+++ b/packages/openapi-fetch/README.md
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-openapi-fetch is a type-safe fetch client that pulls in your OpenAPI schema. Weighs **4 kB** and has virtually zero runtime. Works with React, Vue, Svelte, or vanilla JS.
+openapi-fetch is a type-safe fetch client that pulls in your OpenAPI schema. Weighs **5 kb** and has virtually zero runtime. Works with React, Vue, Svelte, or vanilla JS.
| Library | Size (min) | “GET” request\* |
| :------------------------- | ---------: | :------------------------- |
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ openapi-fetch is a type-safe fetch client that pulls in your OpenAPI schema. Wei
_\* [Benchmarks are approximate](https://github.com/openapi-ts/openapi-typescript/blob/main/packages/openapi-fetch/test/index.bench.js) to just show rough baseline and will differ among machines and browsers. The relative performance between libraries is more reliable._
-The syntax is inspired by popular libraries like react-query or Apollo client, but without all the bells and whistles and in a 2 kB package.
+The syntax is inspired by popular libraries like react-query or Apollo client, but without all the bells and whistles and in a 5 kb package.
import createClient from "openapi-fetch";
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ await client.PUT("/blogposts", {
`data` and `error` are typechecked and expose their shapes to Intellisense in VS Code (and any other IDE with TypeScript support). Likewise, the request `body` will also typecheck its fields, erring if any required params are missing, or if there’s a type mismatch.
-`GET`, `PUT`, `POST`, etc. are only thin wrappers around the native [fetch API](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Fetch_API) (which you can [swap for any call](https://openapi-ts.dev/openapi-fetch/api/#create-client)).
+`GET()`, `PUT()`, `POST()`, etc. are thin wrappers around the native [fetch API](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Fetch_API) (which you can [swap for any call](https://openapi-ts.dev/openapi-fetch/api/#create-client)).
Notice there are no generics, and no manual typing. Your endpoint’s request and response were inferred automatically. This is a huge improvement in the type safety of your endpoints because **every manual assertion could lead to a bug**! This eliminates all of the following:
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ Notice there are no generics, and no manual typing. Your endpoint’s request an
- ✅ Also eliminates `as` type overrides that can also hide bugs
- ✅ All of this in a **5 kb** client package 🎉
-## 🔧 Setup
+## Setup
Install this library along with [openapi-typescript](../openapi-typescript):
@@ -58,7 +58,9 @@ npm i openapi-fetch
npm i -D openapi-typescript typescript
-> **Highly recommended**: enable [noUncheckedIndexedAccess](https://www.typescriptlang.org/tsconfig#noUncheckedIndexedAccess) in your `tsconfig.json` ([docs](/advanced#enable-nouncheckedindexaccess-in-your-tsconfigjson))
+> **Highly recommended**
+> Enable [noUncheckedIndexedAccess](https://www.typescriptlang.org/tsconfig#noUncheckedIndexedAccess) in your `tsconfig.json` ([docs](/advanced#enable-nouncheckedindexaccess-in-your-tsconfigjson))
Next, generate TypeScript types from your OpenAPI schema using openapi-typescript:
@@ -66,9 +68,7 @@ Next, generate TypeScript types from your OpenAPI schema using openapi-typescrip
npx openapi-typescript ./path/to/api/v1.yaml -o ./src/lib/api/v1.d.ts
-> ⚠️ Be sure to validate your schemas! openapi-typescript will err on invalid schemas.
-Lastly, be sure to **run typechecking** in your project. This can be done by adding `tsc --noEmit` to your npm scripts like so:
+Lastly, be sure to **run typechecking** in your project. This can be done by adding `tsc --noEmit` to your [npm scripts](https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/v9/using-npm/scripts) like so:
@@ -80,9 +80,11 @@ Lastly, be sure to **run typechecking** in your project. This can be done by add
And run `npm run test:ts` in your CI to catch type errors.
-> **Tip**: use `tsc --noEmit` to check for type errors rather than relying on your linter or your build command. Nothing will typecheck as accurately as the TypeScript compiler itself.
+> **TIP:**
+> Use `tsc --noEmit` to check for type errors rather than relying on your linter or your build command. Nothing will typecheck as accurately as the TypeScript compiler itself.
-## Usage
+## Basic usage
The best part about using openapi-fetch over oldschool codegen is no documentation needed. openapi-fetch encourages using your existing OpenAPI documentation rather than trying to find what function to import, or what parameters that function wants:
@@ -116,4 +118,4 @@ const { data, error } = await client.PUT("/blogposts", {
## 📓 Docs
-[View Docs](https://openapi-ts.dev/openapi-fetch/)
+[View Docs](https://openapi-ts.dev/openapi-fetch/)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packages/openapi-typescript/README.md b/packages/openapi-typescript/README.md
index 6e1a15e6f..e6b65bd11 100644
--- a/packages/openapi-typescript/README.md
+++ b/packages/openapi-typescript/README.md
@@ -1,15 +1,20 @@
-openapi-typescript generates TypeScript types from static OpenAPI schemas quickly using only Node.js. It is fast, lightweight, (almost) dependency-free, and no Java/node-gyp/running OpenAPI servers necessary.
+openapi-typescript turns [OpenAPI 3.0 & 3.1](https://spec.openapis.org/oas/latest.html) schemas into TypeScript quickly using Node.js. No Java/node-gyp/running OpenAPI servers necessary.
The code is [MIT-licensed](./LICENSE) and free for use.
+> **Tip:**
+> New to OpenAPI? Speakeasy’s [Intro to OpenAPI](https://www.speakeasyapi.dev/openapi) is an accessible guide to newcomers that explains the “why” and “how” of OpenAPI.
## Features
-- ✅ Supports OpenAPI 3.0 and 3.1 (including advanced features like discriminators)
-- ✅ Generate **runtime-free types** that outperform old-school codegen
+- ✅ Supports OpenAPI 3.0 and 3.1 (including advanced features like [discriminators](https://spec.openapis.org/oas/v3.1.0#discriminator-object))
+- ✅ Generate **runtime-free types** that outperform old school codegen
- ✅ Load schemas from YAML or JSON, locally or remotely
-- ✅ Native Node.js code is fast and generates types within milliseconds
+- ✅ Generate types for even huge schemas within milliseconds
+_Note: OpenAPI 2.x is supported with versions `5.x` and previous_
## Examples
@@ -17,35 +22,49 @@ The code is [MIT-licensed](./LICENSE) and free for use.
## Setup
-This library requires the latest version of Node.js installed (20.x or higher recommended). With that present, run the following in your project:
+This library requires the latest version of [Node.js](https://nodejs.org) installed (20.x or higher recommended). With that present, run the following in your project:
npm i -D openapi-typescript typescript
-> ✨ **Tip**
-> Enabling [noUncheckedIndexedAccess](https://www.typescriptlang.org/tsconfig#noUncheckedIndexedAccess) in `tsconfig.json` can go along way to improve type safety ([read more](../../docs/src/content/docs/advanced.md#enable-nouncheckedindexedaccess-in-your-tsconfigjson))
+And in your `tsconfig.json`, to load the types properly:
+ "compilerOptions": {
++ "module": "ESNext", // or "NodeNext"
++ "moduleResolution": "Bundler" // or "NodeNext"
+ }
+> **Highly recommended**
+> Also adding the following can boost type safety:
+> ```diff
+> {
+> "compilerOptions": {
+> + "noUncheckedIndexedAccess": true
+> }
+> }
+> ```
## Basic usage
-First, generate a local type file by running `npx openapi-typescript`:
+First, generate a local type file by running `npx openapi-typescript`, first specifying your input schema (JSON or YAML), and where you’d like the `--output` (`-o`) to be saved:
# Local schema
npx openapi-typescript ./path/to/my/schema.yaml -o ./path/to/my/schema.d.ts
# 🚀 ./path/to/my/schema.yaml -> ./path/to/my/schema.d.ts [7ms]
# Remote schema
npx openapi-typescript https://myapi.dev/api/v1/openapi.yaml -o ./path/to/my/schema.d.ts
# 🚀 https://myapi.dev/api/v1/openapi.yaml -> ./path/to/my/schema.d.ts [250ms]
-> ⚠️ Be sure to validate your schemas! openapi-typescript will err on invalid schemas.
-Then, import schemas from the generated file like so:
+Then in your TypeScript project, import types where needed:
import type { paths, components } from "./my-openapi-3-schema"; // generated by openapi-typescript
@@ -63,27 +82,13 @@ type ErrorResponse =
-#### 🦠 Globbing local schemas
-npx openapi-typescript "specs/**/*.yaml" --output schemas/
-# 🚀 specs/one.yaml -> schemas/specs/one.ts [7ms]
-# 🚀 specs/two.yaml -> schemas/specs/two.ts [7ms]
-# 🚀 specs/three.yaml -> schemas/specs/three.ts [7ms]
-_Thanks, [@sharmarajdaksh](https://github.com/sharmarajdaksh)!_
-#### ☁️ Remote schemas
-npx openapi-typescript https://petstore3.swagger.io/api/v3/openapi.yaml --output petstore.d.ts
-# 🚀 https://petstore3.swagger.io/api/v3/openapi.yaml -> petstore.d.ts [250ms]
+From here, you can use these types for any of the following (but not limited to):
-_Thanks, [@psmyrdek](https://github.com/psmyrdek)!_
+- Using an OpenAPI-supported fetch client (like [openapi-fetch](https://openapi-ts.dev/openapi-fetch/))
+- Asserting types for other API requestBodies and responses
+- Building core business logic based on API types
+- Validating mock test data is up-to-date with the current schema
+- Packaging API types into any npm packages you publish (such as client SDKs, etc.)
## 📓 Docs