├── app
│ ├── config
│ │ └── app-config.ts ·····························| App config (stages, map app layers)
│ ├── journey ·······································|
│ │ ├── [+] journey-result-row ····················| <journey-result-row> UI component
│ │ │ └── [+] result-trip-leg ···················| <result-trip-leg> UI component
│ │ ├── [+] journey-results ·······················| <journey-results> UI component
└── [+] journey-search ························| Journeys `SbbTab` UI component
│ ├── map
│ │ ├── app-map-layer ····························|
│ │ │ ├──map-layers-def/*/*.json·················| Mapbox Map Layer definitions
│ │ │ ├── app-map-layer.ts·······················| `AppMapLayer` - POI layer base class
│ │ │ └── map-layers-def.ts······················| Application map layers definitions
│ │ ├── controllers ·······························|
│ │ │ ├── [+] map-layers-def ····················| Mapbox layer definitions for `TripRenderController`
│ │ │ └── trip-render-controller.ts ·············| Controller responsible for trips rendering
│ │ ├── controls
│ │ │ ├── map-debug-control.ts ··················| Map UI control with coordinates, zoom level
│ │ │ └── map-layers-legend-control.ts ··········| Map UI control with map layers visibility
│ │ ├── helpers
│ │ │ └── map.helpers.ts ························| Map static helpers (coords, bounds, etc)
│ │ ├── map.component.html ························| <app-map> UI component
│ │ ├── map.component.scss ························| " "
│ │ └── map.component.ts ··························| " "
│ ├── search-form
│ │ ├── [+] debug-xml-popover ·····················| <debug-xml-popover> UI component (modal)
│ │ ├── [+] input-xml-popover ·····················| <input-xml-popover> UI component (modal)
│ │ ├── [+] journey-point-input ···················| <journey-point-input> UI component (autocomplete)
│ │ ├── [+] trip-mode-type ························| <trip-mode-type> UI component
│ │ ├── search-form.component.html ················| <app-search-form> UI component
│ │ ├── search-form.component.scss ················| <app-search-form> UI component
│ │ └── search-form.component.ts ··················| <app-search-form> UI component
│ ├── shared
│ │ ├── [+] ojp-sdk ·······························| OJP TypeScript SDK (see below)
│ │ └── services
│ │ ├── map.service.ts ························| Angular service for map actions between UI components
│ │ └── user-trip.service.ts ··················| Angular service for journey state between UI components
│ ├── station-board
│ │ ├── input
│ │ │ └── [+] station-board-input ···············| <station-board-input> UI component
│ │ ├── map
│ │ │ ├── [+] station-board-map.* ···············| <station-board-map> UI component
│ │ │ └── [+] stop-event-service-renderer ·······| Map class for rendering the selected service polyline
│ │ ├── result
│ │ │ └── [+] station-board-result ··············| <station-board-result> UI component
│ │ ├── search
│ │ │ └── [+] station-board-search ··············| <station-board-search> UI component
│ │ └── [+] station-board ·························| Station Board `SbbTab` UI component
│ ├── app.component.html ····························| <app-root> App main UI component
│ ├── app.component.scss ····························| " "
│ ├── app.component.spec.ts ·························| " "
│ ├── app.component.ts ······························| " "
│ ├── app.module.ts ·································| App NgModule entrypoint
├── assets
│ ├── [+] map-icons ·································| Map marker pin icons (A, B, Via)
│ ├── [+] map-style-icons····························| Map custom POIs icons
│ ├── [+] pictograms ································| Trip leg pictograms (rail, bus, walk, sharing)
│ └── opentransportdata.swiss.header-icons.svg ······| Header brand icon
├── environments
│ ├── environment.prod.ts ···························| Angular defaults, one stage (PROD)
│ └── environment.ts ································| "
├── favicon.ico ·······································| App icon
├── index.html ········································| App HTML page
├── main.ts ···········································| Angular app entrypoint
├── polyfills.ts ······································| Angular defaults
├── styles.scss ·······································| App main CSS, map marker styles
└── test.ts ···········································| Angular defaults
ojp-sdk ···············································| ./src/app/shared/ojp-sdk
├── config
│ └── map-colors.ts ·····························| Config for polyline and label trip colors
├── helpers
│ ├── date-helpers.ts ···························| Date formatting static helpers
│ ├── mapbox-layer-helpers.ts ···················| Mapbox layer expression builders
│ ├── xml-helpers.ts ····························| XML/XSLT processor helpers
│ └── xpath-ojp.ts ······························| XPATH query helpers
├── journey
│ ├── journey-response.ts ·······················| JourneyResponse meta journey class
│ ├── journey-section.ts ························| └── JourneySection class - has array of TripsResponse
│ ├── journey-service.ts ························| OJP `Service` XML node model
│ └── public-transport-mode.ts ··················| OJP `PtMode` XML node model
├── location
│ ├── address.ts ································| OJP `Address` XML node model
│ ├── geoposition-bbox.ts ·······················| BoundingBox geo feature class
│ ├── geoposition.ts ····························| OJP `GeoPosition` XML node model
│ ├── location.ts ·······························| Location with aggregated info class
│ ├── poi.ts ····································| OJP `PointOfInterest` XML node model
│ └── stopplace.ts ······························| OJP `StopPlace` XML node model
├── request
│ ├── journey-request
│ │ ├── journey-request-params.ts ·············| Journey params(locations, mots, departure date) class
│ │ └── journey-request.ts ····················| Journey request class - composed of multiple OJPTripRequest calls
│ ├── location-information
│ │ ├── location-information-request-params . ·| OJP `LocationInformationRequest` params builder
│ │ └── location-information-request.ts ·······| OJP `LocationInformationRequest` class based on `OJPBaseRequest`
│ ├── stop-event-request
│ │ ├── stop-event-request-params.ts ··········| OJP `StopEvent` params builder
│ │ └── stop-event-request.ts ·················| OJP `StopEvent` class based on `OJPBaseRequest`
│ ├── trips-request
│ │ ├── trips-request-params.ts ···············| OJP `TripRequest` params builder
│ │ └── trips-request.ts ······················| OJP `TripRequest` class based on `OJPBaseRequest`
│ ├── base-request.ts ···························| OJP API base request class
│ ├── index.ts ··································| OJP API requests TypeScript exports
│ └── request-error.ts ··························| OJP API request error types definitions
├── shared
│ └── duration.ts ·······························| OJP `Duration` XML node model
│ ├── stop-event
│ │ └── stop-event.ts ·························| OJP `StopEvent` XML node model
├── trip
│ ├── leg
│ │ ├── timed-leg
│ │ │ ├── stop-point-time.ts ················| OJP `TimetabledTime`, `EstimatedTime` XML node models
│ │ │ └── stop-point.ts ·····················| OJP `StopPointRef` XML node model
│ │ ├── leg-track.ts ··························| OJP `LegTrack`, `TrackSection`
│ │ ├── trip-continous-leg.ts ·················| OJP `ContinuousLeg`, `TransferLeg` XML node models
│ │ ├── trip-leg-factory.ts ···················| Factory class for OJP `ContinuousLeg`, `TimedLeg`, `TransferLeg` nodes
│ │ ├── trip-leg.ts ···························| Base class for `TripContinousLeg`, `TripTimedLeg` class
│ │ └── trip-timed-leg.ts ·····················| OJP `TimedLeg` XML node model
│ ├── index.ts ··································| Trip class TypeScript exports
│ ├── link-projection.ts ························| OJP `LinkProjection` XML node model
│ ├── path-guidance.ts ··························| OJP `PathGuidance` XML node model
│ └── trip.ts ···································| OJP `Trip` XML node model
├── trips
│ └── trips-response.ts ·························| TripRequest with array of OJP `Trip` models
├── types ·········································| TypeScript types
│ ├── geo-restriction.type.ts ···················| ├── LocationInformationRequest POI queries
│ ├── journey-points.ts ·························| ├── Journey points (from, to, via)
│ ├── map-geometry-types.ts ·····················| ├── Map GeoJSON polylines and trip
│ ├── stop-point-type.ts ························| ├── Map GeoJSON polyline points type (from, to, intermediate)
│ ├── trip-mot-type.ts ··························| ├── Trip MOT
│ └── trip-stats.ts ·····························| └── OJP `TripRequest` stats
├── index.ts ······································| OJP SDK TypeScript exports
See also
- Oct 2022 - updated with StopEvent
- Feb 2022 - created this document