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Attrib classes

Evan Rolfe edited this page Oct 18, 2017 · 7 revisions

What are Attributes in OBS?

Attributes are used to store meta information about projects and packages in a systematic way.

What does each class represent?

Attrib - An attribute for a project/package. This is what the user defines.

AttribAllowedValue - Defines the values that may be chosen for when creating an Attrib with a certain AttribType.

AttribDefaultValue - Defines the default value that may be chosen for an Attrib of a certain AttribType.

AttribIssue - A many-to-many join that relates Attribs to Issues.

AttribNamespace - A namespace grouping for AttribTypes.

AttribNamespaceModifiableBy - Defines who has access to modify AttribNamespaces.

AttribType - Defines the type of Attrib.

AttribTypeModifiableBy - Defines who has access to modify AttribTypes.

AttribValue - What the values of an Attrib are.

How do the models relate to each other?

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