correlationMatrix is a Python powered library for the statistical analysis and visualization of correlation phenomena. It can be used to analyze any dataset that captures timestamped values (timeseries)
- Author: Open Risk
- License: Apache 2.0
- Mathematical Documentation: Open Risk Manual
- Training: Open Risk Academy
- Development Website: Github
You can use correlationMatrix to
- Estimate correlation matrices from historical timeseries using a variety of models
- Visualize correlation matrices
- Manipulate correlation matrices (fix problematic matrices, stress matrices etc)
- Provide standardized data sets for testing
NB: correlationMatrix is still in active development. If you encounter issues please raise them in our github repository
- correlationMatrix supports file input/output in json and csv formats
- provides intuitive objects for handling correlation matrices individually and as sets (based on numpy)
- supports visualization using matplotlib
- correlationMatrix makes use of lower level methods available in numpy, scipy and statsmodels
- There is a sister project for estimating transition rates transitionMatrix
You can install and use the correlationMatrix package in any system that supports the Scipy ecosystem of tools
- correlationMatrix requires Python 3
- It depends on numerical and data processing Python libraries (Numpy, Scipy, Pandas, stastmodels)
- The Visualization API depends on Matplotlib
- The precise dependencies are listed in the requirements.txt file.
- correlationMatrix may work with earlier versions of these packages but this has not been tested.
pip3 install pandas
pip3 install matplotlib
pip3 install correlationMatrix
Download the sources to your preferred directory:
git clone
It is advisable to install the package in a virtualenv so as not to interfere with your system's python distribution
virtualenv -p python3 tm_test
source tm_test/bin/activate
If you do not have pandas already installed make sure you install it first (will also install numpy)
pip3 install pandas
pip3 install matplotlib
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Finally issue the install command and you are ready to go!
python3 install
The distribution has the following structure:
It is a good idea to run the test-suite. Before you get started:
- Adjust the source directory path in correlationMatrix/__init__ and then issue the following in at the root of the distribution
- Unzip the data files in the datasets directory
Check the Usage pages in this documentation
Look at the examples directory for a variety of typical workflows.
For more in depth study, the Open Risk Academy has courses elaborating on the use of the library
- How to estimate an Equity Correlation Matrix using correlationMatrix: