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Pre-trained Detection Models

Human Bounding Box Detection Models

For human bounding box detection models, please download from MMDetection Model Zoo. MMDetection provides 80-class COCO-pretrained models, which already includes the person category.

Hand Bounding Box Detection Models

For hand bounding box detection, we simply train our hand box models on onehand10k dataset using MMDetection.

Hand detection results on OneHand10K test set

Arch Box AP ckpt log
Cascade_R-CNN X-101-64x4d-FPN-1class 0.817 ckpt log

Face Bounding Box Detection Models

For face bounding box detection, we train a YOLOX detector on COCO-face data using MMDetection.

Hand detection results on OneHand10K test set

Arch Box AP ckpt
YOLOX-s 0.408 ckpt

Animal Bounding Box Detection Models

COCO animals

In COCO dataset, there are 80 object categories, including 10 common animal categories (14: 'bird', 15: 'cat', 16: 'dog', 17: 'horse', 18: 'sheep', 19: 'cow', 20: 'elephant', 21: 'bear', 22: 'zebra', 23: 'giraffe') For animals in the categories, please download from MMDetection Model Zoo.

Macaque detection results on MacaquePose test set

Arch Box AP ckpt log
Faster_R-CNN_Res50-FPN-1class 0.840 ckpt log
Cascade_R-CNN X-101-64x4d-FPN-1class 0.879 ckpt log