You can use pub_release to automate the creation of a git 'release' each time you publish your package:
Install dcli which we will use to create the hook.
pub global activate dcli
dcli install
You will need to obtain a github personal access token:
Copy the following script to:
<project root>/tool/post_release_hook\git_release.dart
#! /usr/bin/env dcli
import 'package:dcli/dcli.dart';
import 'package:settings_yaml/settings_yaml.dart';
void main(List<String> args) {
var project = DartProject.current;
var pathToSettings = join(project.pathToProjectRoot, 'tool', 'post_release_hook', 'settings.yaml');
var settings = SettingsYaml.load(pathToSettings: pathToSettings);
var username = settings['username'] as String;
var apiToken = settings['apiToken'] as String;
var owner = settings['owner'] as String;
var repository = settings['repository'] as String;
'github_release -u $username --apiToken $apiToken --owner $owner --repository $repository'
.start(workingDirectory: Script.current.pathToProjectRoot);
on linux and osx mark the script as executable:
sudo chmod +x git_release.dart
Create a settings.yaml file in:
<project root>/tool/post_release_hook\settings.yaml
{% hint style="danger" %} WARNING: DO NOT ADD SETTINGS.YAML TO YOUR GIT REPO! {% endhint %}
Update the settings.yaml file with your git configuration.
username: <your github username>
apiToken: <your git hub access token>
owner: <your git hub repo owner name>
repository: <your git hub repository name>
Modify each of the strings '' to match your configuration.
username: [email protected]
apiToken: XXXXXXXX
owner: noojee
repository: pub_release
Now when you run pub_release it will detect your hook and create a github release.