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olWebsite Roadmap

Sabien edited this page Mar 6, 2020 · 27 revisions

Welcome to the olWebsite wiki!

Main domain

  1. "Home" Page for Info on oneleif and how to find us on social media, as well as a Discord invite
  2. "Featured" Page for the best tutorials, blogs, videos, etc.
  3. "Meet The Team" page. With filters by tags (i.e. filter by languages they use, whether they are mentors), find their discord name. The gallery should have a Map of where the developers/users are from.
  4. "Search" Page, with the ability to filter: language, platform, experience level, etc.
  5. "Developer Docs" pages: code standards, APIs, links to wiki's, tutorials for installing dev environments (i.e. react)
  6. "Posts" page, which shows the top viewed blogs, tutorials, videos with filters by user and tag.
  7. Login system for developers vs viewers. It would be nice to have some UI to allow developers to create pages/blogs at runtime and have them added to the database rather than creating them in JSON, they can create them in markdown.
  8. Dashboard for followed users/page (React grid layout?). Possibly include an RSS feed. Include updates from github profiles (check out GitHub API).
  9. Proposal page for proposing an active project with an approval process and a for with: explanation, link to repo, etc.
  10. Ideas page for holding ideas of apps/games/websites that haven't been done before and don't currently have time for.
  11. Project/Team management tool for tracking progress on Active Projects and measuring learning of hatchlings. Allows leaders to help keep learners accountable and notify those subscribed with updates or reminders.
  12. Page for oneleif Swag! place for members to buy oneleif merchandise

Developer docs

  1. Interface documentation for APIs
  2. Templates for creating a subdomain, that includes a blog and home page for non-front/backend devs

Sub Domains

  1. Home page- with link to github, personal site, bio, etc.
  2. Blog page- different facing blogs page based on auth.
  • Ability to like, share, and report blogs
  1. Need a way to create a custom subdomain for using your own front/backend. This would generate a basic React front end, hooked into the Vapor backend
  2. Need some UI to manage the subdomain Navigation, front/backend source code, and hosting


  1. NPM private registry for custom components: carousel, cards, etc
  2. Ability to host custom data (videos, large files, games, etc)
  3. Blogs made with markdown?

The main domain has a database with reference to each of the subdomains The subdomains have a separate API that keeps track of all of the pages and allows the main domain can request the links.