- Git
- Kubernetes cluster(version >= 1.14), and support CSI
- kubectl(version >= 1.14)
- Helm(version >= 3.0)
The following documents assume that you have installed all the above requirements.
For the installation and configuration of kubectl, please refer to here.
For the installation and configuration of Helm 3, please refer to here.
You can download the latest Fluid installation package from Fluid Releases.
Untar the Fluid package you just downloaded:
$ tar -zxf fluid.tgz
Create namespace:
$ kubectl create ns fluid-system
Install Fluid with:
$ helm install fluid fluid
NAME: fluid
LAST DEPLOYED: Fri Jul 24 16:10:18 2020
NAMESPACE: default
STATUS: deployed
The general format of the
helm install
command is like:helm install <RELEASE_NAME> <SOURCE>
. In the above command, the firstfluid
means the release name, and the secondfluid
specified the path to the helm chart, i.e. the directory just unpacked.
Check CRD used by Fluid:
$ kubectl get crd | grep data.fluid.io
alluxiodataloads.data.fluid.io 2020-07-24T06:54:50Z
alluxioruntimes.data.fluid.io 2020-07-24T06:54:50Z
datasets.data.fluid.io 2020-07-24T06:54:50Z
Check the status of pods:
$ kubectl get pod -n fluid-system
controller-manager-7f99c884dd-894g9 1/1 Running 0 5m28s
csi-nodeplugin-fluid-dm9b8 2/2 Running 0 5m28s
csi-nodeplugin-fluid-hwtvh 2/2 Running 0 5m28s
If the Pod status is as shown above, then Fluid is installed on your Kubernetes cluster successfully!
When csi-nodeplugin, alluxioruntime-controller and dataset-controller start,they will print their own version info into logs.
If you installed with the charts provided by us,their version info will be fully consistent.
If you installed manually, their version info may be not consistent. You can view in turn:
$ kubectl logs csi-nodeplugin-fluid-tc7fx -c plugins -n fluid-system | head -n 9 | tail -n 6
$ kubectl logs alluxioruntime-controller-5dfb5c7966-mkgzb -n fluid-system | head -n 6
$ kubectl logs dataset-controller-7c4bc68b96-26mcb -n fluid-system | head -n 6
The printed logs are in the following format:
2020/10/27 10:16:02 BuildDate: 2020-10-26_14:04:22
2020/10/27 10:16:02 GitCommit: f2c3a3fa1335cb0384e565f17a4f3284a6507cef
2020/10/27 10:16:02 GitTreeState: dirty
2020/10/27 10:16:02 GoVersion: go1.14.2
2020/10/27 10:16:02 Compiler: gc
2020/10/27 10:16:02 Platform: linux/amd64
If the logs printed by Pod have been cleaned up, you can run the following command to view the version:
$ kubectl exec csi-nodeplugin-fluid-tc7fx -c plugins fluid-csi version -n fluid-system
$ kubectl exec alluxioruntime-controller-5dfb5c7966-mkgzb alluxioruntime-controller version -n fluid-system
$ kubectl exec dataset-controller-7c4bc68b96-26mcb dataset-controller version -n fluid-system
For more use cases about Fluid, please refer to our demos:
- Speed Up Accessing Remote Files
- Cache Co-locality for Workload Scheduling
- Accelerate Machine Learning Training with Fluid
$ helm delete fluid
$ kubectl delete -f fluid/crds
$ kubectl delete ns fluid-system
in commandhelm delete
means the <RELEASE_NAME> during installation.
In some cloud vendors, the default mount root directory /alluxio-mnt
is not writable, so you have to modify the directory location
helm install fluid --set runtime.mountRoot=/var/lib/docker/alluxio-mnt fluid