Counting theory tries to answer the question "How many?" without enumaerating all the choices.
An example could be
How many differnt n-bit number sare there?
How many anagrams can we create from this word?
Permutations: ordered(main different between permutation and combination), sequence of all the elements of a set S whcih each element appearing exactly one.
Ex: S = {a,b,c} Permutations: {abc, acb, bac, cab, cba}
Having N the number of elements of a set, the number of it's permutations are going to tbe N!.
- K-permutation: permutation of K elements that are part of a set S. THe number of permutations will be:
N! / ( N-K )!
- k-combinations:: combination of n elements being part of the set S. Ex: S = {a,b,c,d} N = 2 Combinations: {ab,ac,ad,bc,bd,cd}
Number of combinations of N elements:
N! / K! * (N - K)!