Continuous integration boilerplate
- continuous integration with travis
- continuous integration with appveyor
language : c
sudo : false
addons :
apt :
sources :
- ubuntu-toolchain-r-test
install :
- bash -x devtools/travis-ci/
- export PATH=$HOME/miniconda/bin:$PATH
script :
- conda config --add channels $ORGNAME
- conda build devtools/conda-recipe
- source activate _test
- conda install --yes --quiet nose nose-timer
- cd devtools && nosetests $PACKAGENAME --nocapture --verbosity=2 --with-doctest --with-timer && cd ..
env :
matrix :
- python=2.7 CONDA_PY=27
- python=3.4 CONDA_PY=34
- python=3.5 CONDA_PY=35
global :
- ORGNAME="omnia" # the name of the organization
- PACKAGENAME="packagename" # the name of your package
# encrypted BINSTAR_TOKEN for push of dev package to binstar
# - secure: "RRvLDPu9mPoNaRWIseaJdgShOXI+PaHPWKAIJvW7VYWcAS6iEN7W4Fj4zD5hkocQxc3ou97EtkgID+ApH10bSGKxCykyU0urSY9jsSOJX2m0AE19X0dVr6ySIQkwCWE6kUMVlvQYQo80fM2EMElD+btr4G9XBAhArAO7HvZHkoQ="
after_success :
- echo "after_success"
- if [ "$TRAVIS_SECURE_ENV_VARS" == true ]; then source devtools/travis-ci/; fi