Releases: olofk/fusesoc
Releases · olofk/fusesoc
Add generators support
Split out edalize to a separate package
CAPI1 support for Trellis backend
CAPI1 support for VCS backend
- improved error handling, bug fixes and refactoring
David Shah
Jonathan Balkind
Olof Kindgren
Philipp Wagner
FuseSoC 1.5
- Improve plusargs handling
- Fix core-info for verilator sections
- Allow multiple top-level modules in Icarus
- Fix VHDL and SystemVerilog support in ISIM
- Add support for the GHDL simulator
- Add support for Vivado Logicore cores
- Add support for ISE CoreGen cores
- Support IP-XACT 2009 and 2014 versions
- Add icestorm backend
- Allow settings default values for parameters
- Add support for Altera qip files
- Add CI testing with Travis and appveyor
- Experimental Windows support
- Allow Modelsim to run user TCL files
- Parallelize verilator jobs to speed up compilation
- + improved error handling, bug fixes and refactoring
FuseSoC 1.4
- Allow setting top-level parameters in backends
- Allow FuseSoC to handle verilator CLI arguments
- Parse command-line before building sim model
- Support plusargs in XSIM
- Initial IP-Xact support (FileSets and description)
- Add distutils-based build system and add to pypi
- Support mixed-language (VHDL, verilog, SV) in ModelSim
- Support mixed-language (VHDL, verilog, SV) in XSIM
- Add fileset sections (replaces vhdl/verilog sections)
- Allow per-file attributes in .core
- + improved error handlig, bug fixes and refactoring
FuseSoC 1.3
- Add item to .core files to explicitly apply patches
- Export FuseSoC dirs as env vars to external commands
- Use relative paths everywhere
- Always rebuild sim model, except when --keep is used
- Prettify core-info output
- Generate CAPI directly from
- Add more helpful data types to section members
- Support multiple top-level testbenches
- Add git provider
- Add pgm option to ISE backend
- Add support for Xilinx ISIM Simulator
- Abort FuseSoC on scripts with non-zero return code
- Run scripts from all core deps in simulations
- Add parameter section (replaces plusargs)
- Add support for Xilinx XSIM Simulator
- + improved error handling, bug fixes and refactoring