- Winding design in air-cored PM motors
- Winding factors (distribution-pitch factor)
- Standard cable sizes
- Electrical-Magnetic Loading
This week, you are required to design the winding for the PM motor we covered last week.
If there are some points not clear from last week, please go and review these.
We will use a sinusoidal B distribution throughout the airgap. As everyone, found slightly different numbers, we will assume a sinusoidal magnetic flux density distribution with a peak value of 0.6 T.
Recalculate the flux linkage for a full-pitched coil.
Assume we have to leave 1 mm for the mechanical air-gap (i.e. the winding thickness will be 4 mm)
Decide on number of turns, number of coils such that you will obtain 24V induced voltage at 1500 rpm. Remember, you need to design 3-phase winding arrangement.
Decide on how many coils will be connected in series and in parallel.
When calculating the geometry, assume the fill factor is 0.7.
You are required to use standard AWG round cables.
By assuming a current density of 4 A/mm2, calculate the rated phase current and rated power.
Calculate the phase winding resistance, and copper losses at the rated current.
You are free to use Matlab, Excel etc, you are also free to make your calculations on paper and bring it with you.
Please review EE362, and EE564 notes if you have problems on winding arrangements.
Please don't hesitate to ask for help. You are encouraged to work together, but I expect everyone to prepare their own assignments.
If you have a public question, please open an issue in this repo, and I will try to answer it asap.