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OCTGN on non Windows systems

akj850 edited this page Sep 23, 2019 · 31 revisions

Updated for OCTGN on Mac OSX 10.13.6 (This may work on OSX 10.14 if you follow some additional steps to build wine-devel and winetricks)

If you're going to be reporting bugs, please tag them as Wine, and also add it to this page to centralize them, if possible.

With 3.1+ versions of OCTGN, it's possible to run it on non-Windows systems using Wine, Winetricks, and native dotnet.
The install only takes a few minutes if you are a bit familiar with the command line.
This page will try to help you through it step by step but some parts might be different for your distro.


wine 1.5.29+ (download here)
winetricks svn826+ (comes bundled with wine)

Mac OSX 10.5.3+:
wine 1.5.29+ (1.5.5+ if you install X11/XQuartz)
winetricks svn826+
(both are available via MacPorts, Fink, or Brew. Preferably not Brew.)
XCode is likely a requirement, as well, since most packages will have to be built.

Mac OSX 10.7+:
Some form of samba, for its winbind implementation, as Apple dropped it starting on 10.7. There's some packaged options, or use MacPorts/fink/brew

Install wine.

Follow the guide on the wine website on how to download the wine 1.5 beta.

MacPorts up to OSX 10.13 (commands using bash shell):

sudo port install wine-devel winetricks

If you need samba:

sudo port install samba3

After install:
Do not install mono. Make sure you set it up as a 32 bit prefix:

WINEARCH=win32 winecfg

Optionally (preferrably), put it in its own prefix:

WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=~/.wine-octgn winecfg

Select Windows 8

Set up dependencies:

WINEPREFIX=~/.wine-octgn winetricks -q vcrun2010 dotnet472

You may need to rerun winecfg at this point to ensure Windows 8 is selected:

WINEPREFIX=~/.wine-octgn winecfg

Install octgn.

Go to and download the latest version. Run the install with wine from the terminal:

WINEPREFIX=~/.wine-octgn wine msiexec /i OCTGN-Setup-Version.msi

When that completes you should be able to start octgn:

WINEPREFIX=~/.wine-octgn wine PathToOCTGN/OCTGN.exe

example default PathToOCTGN ~/.wine-octgn/drive_c/users/yourusername/Local Settings/Application Data/Programs/OCTGN

If it starts go to options and disable hardware acceleration for a much smoother operation of the program.

Installation on Mojave (OSX 10.14)

Warning: This is not for the faint of heart. Tested with MacPorts 2.5.4 The problem with Mojave is the OSX SDK removed support for 32-bit binaries and wine-devel currently only supports 32-bit. The solution is to build MacPorts with universal binaries (both 32-bit and 64-bit) and to build it against the MacOSX10.13.sdk (you can get this from XCode 9.4).

With some mods to the configuration files, you can build wine-devel, winetricks, and samba3 relatively smoothly The wine-devel (or wine) port requires a little hacking to the Portfile to fool it into accepting Darwin 18 (Mojave) as an ok build target and the libvpx port file requires mods to the scripts which hardcode the SDK to the latest one.

More details can be found here:


WINEPREFIX=~/.wine-octgn wine explorer /desktop=octgn,1440x900 ~/OCTGN/OCTGN/OCTGN.exe

Or make it permanent by setting it in winecfg.

  • Unusable/blank interfaces on first-run can also be mitigated by using virtual desktop so you can disable acceleration once you're in. Worst case scenario: Edit an existing, or create a bare config file with acceleration disabled.
  "UseHardwareRendering": false
  • After the loading screen, if you have an unusable and black window, you can change the SSL configuration to fix it by setting the "IgnoreSSLCertificates" to "true".
  "IgnoreSSLCertificates": true
  • Having mono installed in the same prefix will break things. If you did install it, uninstall with
WINEPREFIX=~/.wine-octgn wine uninstaller --remove '{E45D8920-A758-4088-B6C6-31DBB276992E}'

before installing dotnet472. If you've already installed dotnet472, you can add --force to reinstall it:

WINEPREFIX=~/.wine-octgn winetricks --force dotnet472

Or just wipe the prefix and start over:

rm -rf ~/.wine-octgn

#Related Issues

Old notes

At the moment only games hosted from the server work. (Needs testing; unsure if still true)

You might have to install a file called gacutil.exe and its config file to the winetricks cache to get .net to work property. I will include this link at a later point.(But google is your friend here). Deprecated. Wine 1.5.5+ and Winetricks svn826+ fixes this.

#Play on Linux / Play on Mac script At the moment it works only in linux due to dotnet40 and vcrun2010 issues on mac.