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Game Developer's Guide to the new 3.1.X.X update

brine edited this page Mar 28, 2013 · 21 revisions

(Work in Progress) ##1. Change your Game Definition folder structure

  • Rename your main xml file to definition.xml (you cannot give it a specialized name anymore)
  • Delete [content_types] as it is removed from OCTGN.
  • definition.xml is the ONLY file allowed in the root directory of the game definition. All other files must be moved into folders.
  • delete the _rels folder (no longer needed).

##2. Change the RELS id links inside definition.xml

  • Wherever you had a file/image linked through your _rels document (counters, card backs, python scripts, etc), replace the _rels ID with the filepath of the file.
  • I.E. <script src="r02" /> becomes <script src="scripts/" />

##3. Capitalize all instances of "true" (to "True") and "false" (to "False") inside definition.xml

##4. Make sure all XML tags inside <game> go in this order (this is now important!):

  1. <scripts>
  2. <fonts>
  3. <proxygen> (NEW!)
  4. <globalvariables>
  5. <card>
  6. <table>
  7. <player>
  8. <shared>
  9. <deck>
  10. <sharedDeck>

##5. Add new code inside the <game> tag

  • (this is where stuff like the game GUID and version number are)
  • tags="" -- a short tag to help locate your game, usually an acronym if available
  • description="" -- give a description for your game
  • setsurl="" -- the full URL of a website to find more info or help for sets in this game
  • gameurl="" -- the full URL of a website to find more info or help for this game
  • authors="" -- a place to put the name of the person (or people) who helped code this game
  • iconurl="" -- the full URL of a hosted picture to display as an icon for this game

##6. All set XMLs go into Game Definition

  • Each set xml file will be stored in '/Sets/set-guid/set.xml'' (note the capitalized 'Sets' folder)
  • All sets must be renamed 'set.xml' in these new folders.
  • Each set will have its own folder, named by its GUID (with dashes)

##7. All card images will have their own .O8C file

  • Card images MUST BE renamed to their GUID. (A tool will be made available soon which will automatically rename the cards for you)
  • Each card image will be stored in '/Sets/set-guid/Cards/card-guid.jpg'' (note the capitalized 'Sets' and 'Cards' folder, other image filetypes also supported)
  • More details on constructing this .O8C filetype will be made available soon.

NOTE!!! Card images can also be stored into the game definition using the above-mentioned folder structure. This is handy for game-required resources such as tokens and markers/counters, but is NOT RECOMMENDED for storing card images from sets!

##8. Set up Proxy Generator

  • this will generate proxy versions of cards as substitutes for actual card images, if the actual card image is not installed.
  • see Proxy Generator for full instructions