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Game Developer's Guide to the new 3.1.X.X update

brine edited this page Apr 29, 2013 · 21 revisions

##1. Unzip your game definition

  • This will be your new working directory.
  • Place the directory somewhere safe on your computer as you do not want to lose/delete it!
  • the o8build program will verify the contents of your working directory and generate o8g and nupkg files in the new def structure. You CANNOT manually zip your own game definitions anymore!

##2. Change your Game Definition folder structure

  • Rename your main xml file to definition.xml (you cannot give it a specialized name anymore)
  • Delete [content_types] as it is removed from OCTGN.
  • definition.xml is the ONLY file allowed in the root directory of the game definition. All other files must be moved into folders.
  • delete the _rels folder (no longer needed).

##3. Change the RELS id links inside definition.xml

  • Wherever you had a file/image linked through your _rels document (counters, card backs, python scripts, etc), replace the _rels ID with the filepath of the file.
  • I.E. <script src="r02" /> becomes <script src="scripts/" />
  • It's important to note that you cannot start the path with a /.
  • Incorrect Example <script src="/scripts/" />

##4. Capitalize all instances of true (to True) and false (to False) inside definition.xml

##5. Make sure all XML tags inside <game> go in this order (this is now important!):

  1. <scripts>
  2. <fonts>
  3. <proxygen> NEW! (click here for documentation)
  4. <documents>
  5. <globalvariables>
  6. <card>
  7. <table>
  8. <player>
  9. <shared>
  10. <deck>
  11. <sharedDeck>

##6. Add new code inside the <game> tag

  • (this is where stuff like the game GUID and version number are)
  • tags="" -- a short tag to help locate your game, usually an acronym if available
  • description="" -- give a description for your game
  • setsurl="" -- the full URL of a website to find more info or help for card packages for this game
  • gameurl="" -- the full URL of a website to find more info or help for this game
  • authors="" -- a place to put the name of the person (or people) who helped code this game
  • iconurl="" -- the full URL of a hosted picture to display as an icon for this game

##7. All set XMLs go into Game Definition The recommended route for doing this is by using the O8build tool. It can also be done manually by following these instructions:

  • Each set xml file will be stored in /Sets/{set-name}/set.xml (note the capitalized 'Sets' folder)
  • All sets must be renamed to set.xml in these new folders.
  • Each set will have its own folder(the name is arbitrary)
  • A /Sets/{set-name}/ folder can only contain two folders, Cards and Markers
  • The Cards directory can contain only card images(and no sub folders), and their name has to be CardId(withDashes).png(or whatver kind of image it is)
  • The Markers directory can contain only marker images(and no sub folders), and their name has to be MarkerId(withDashes).png(or whatver kind of image it is)
  • Please note that with the old version of octgn a CardId started with a C and had no dashes. In the current version the C must be removed, and the dashes must be added.
  • Please note that with the old version of octgn a MarkerId started with a M and had no dashes. In the current version the M must be removed, and the dashes must be added.

##8. All card images will have their own .O8C file

  • Card images MUST BE renamed to their GUID. The easiest method is through the O8build tool, but can also be done manually.
  • Each card image will be stored in {Game-guid}/Sets/{set-guid}/Cards/{card-guid}.jpg (note the capitalized Sets and Cards folder, other image filetypes also supported)
  • An o8c file can only contain set images for 1 game. The root of your o8c can only contain 1 folder, and that's a folder with the name of the game's GUID.

##9. Set up Proxy Generator

  • this will generate proxy versions of cards as substitutes for actual card images, if the actual card image is not installed.
  • see Proxy Generator for full instructions

##10. Compile your game definition using o8build

  • Your game definition should now be ready to go. To convert your working directory to the o8g format, use o8build. Detailed instructions on how that program works, can be found here: o8build