All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is inspired by (but not strictly follows) Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
Before you create a Pull Request, remember to update the Changelog with your changes.
- Support 3.10+ due to
supported features
- Simplify the testing of SQL databases using containerized databases
- Update connection uris in
to include snippets for Embedded, Cloud, and Distributed databases.
0.1.0 (2023-Dec-05)
- Introduced Chinese version of README
- Updated paths for docker-compose.
0.0.20 (2023-Dec-04)
- Chop down large files from the history to reduce the size of the repo.
0.0.19 (2023-Dec-04)
- Add Changelog for tracking changes on the repo. It must be filled before any PR.
- Remove ci-pinned-dependencies and replaced them with actions with better cache management.
- Change logging mechanism from the default to loguru
- Update icons on the README.
- Reboot test-suite, with modular approach to toggling between SQL and MongoDB tests
- Add model-versioning of model-outputs
- Refactor OpenAI code to use the new features of the OpenAI API
- Fixes for dask worker compute delegation
- Wrap compute with abstraction as component of datalayer
- Simplify approach to project configuration
- Add services for vector-search and CDC for more comprehensive cluster mode
- Add a
hook to enable logic to incorporate model versions - Fix multiple issues with
/ SQL code
- Add support for selecting whether logs will be redirected to the system output or directly to Loki
- Added libgl libraries in Dockerfile to correctly render the video in notebooks.
0.0.15 (2023-Nov-01)
- Updated readme by @fnikolai in #1196.
- Removed unused import by @jieguangzhou in #1205.
- Updated with contributors by @thejumpman2323 in #1201.
- Added conditional builders in Dockerfile by @fnikolai in #1213.
- Optimized unit tests by @jieguangzhou in #1204.
- Updated with announcement emoji by @thejumpman2323 in #1222.
- Launched announcement by @fnikolai in #1208.
- Added raw SQL in ibis by @thejumpman2323 in #1220.
- Added experimental keyword by @fnikolai in #1218.
- Added query table by @thejumpman2323 in #1212.
- Merged Ashishpatel26 main by @blythed in #1224.
- Bumped Version to 0.0.15 by @fnikolai in #1225.
- Fixed dependencies and makefile by @fnikolai in #1209.
- Fixed demo release by @fnikolai in #1210.