2.8.1 (2024-11-11)
- update @kubosho/configs to the new format (6cb9de1)
2.8.0 (2024-10-31)
- media/print_media: 印刷用に定義していたfont-sizeを削除した (45947df)
- object/source_code: インラインソースコードに対しての背景色指定を復活させた (c9edc31)
- foundation/variables: インラインソースコード用の変数定義を復活させた (e1fdf66)
2.7.0 (2024-10-31)
- book_information: doc-colophon roleに対してスタイルを定義するようにした (73b6674)
- object/source_code: syntax highlightにPrism okaidiaを使うようにした (c6b55df)
- src: ソースコード表示にBizin Gothicを使うようにした (f36bd8b)
- object/source_code: 不要なborder-radiusを削除した (3ffd972)
- foundation/_base: 文字サイズの太さを1段階上げた (8e1888e)
- 本の表紙の見た目を調整した (3afba85)
- toc: 目次にローマ字のノンブルを追加した (303b227)
- src/print_jis_*: 印刷用のCSSを読み込んでいなかったのを修正した (be3652a)
2.6.0 (2024-10-30)
- fonts: use Sauce Han Sans (174b9bd)
2.5.0 (2024-10-30)
- src: add introduction CSS (1c20362)
2.4.0 (2024-10-30)
- src: split style definitions for JIS-A5 and JIS-B5
2.3.0 (2024-10-30)
- media/print_media: use Noto Sans Japanese in body (9e5a26f)
2.2.1 (2024-10-30)
- move fonts directory to root (a722f6c)
2.2.0 (2024-10-30)
- media/print_media: add font-family settings (8d2bb54)
- layout/sectionnization: modify font size and margin size (9c263a3)
- layout/page/page_config: modify page bottom border style (c3bdd0d)
- src: move font settings to foundation/base (29e0a8c)
- layout/page/page_count: start page numbering from 0 (6188555)
- object/source_code: remove figure numbering from source code (880b7d4)
2.1.0 (2024-10-30)
- foundation/base: add font-face definition (a6506fe)
- layout/sectionization: remove unnecessary border in h3 (cf92821)
- media/print_media: update font-settings (3c6cb00)
- layout/sectionization: update headings style (f2bfba9)
- foundation/base: remove margin from nested lists (8817279)
2.0.4 (2024-09-08)
- deps: update @kubosho/configs (5a37db7)
2.0.3 (2024-09-08)
- deps: specify @vivliostyle/cli version (058330c)
2.0.2 (2024-09-08)
- foundation/base: change properties order (643b60b)
2.0.1 (2024-09-06)
- deps: add @kubosho/configs package (4921d3a)
- deps: add package-lock.json (f16ac6b)
- deps: recreate package-lock.json (19bb381)
- deps: remove unnecessary deps (1b05ec7)
- deps: remove yarn.lock (6d4e800)
2.0.0 (2022-01-21)
- styles/foundation: implemented color palette (4234185)
- styles: add borders in page bottom-left and bottom-right (db034a2)
- styles: improve blockquote style (5171b78)
- styles: improve heading style (362211b)
- styles: organized the colors used in the theme (231d606)
- styles: Incompatibility of variable names in SCSS
1.9.0 (2022-01-19)
- src: added styles for ebook (9c57487)
1.8.0 (2022-01-19)
- object/footnotes: added enclose in brackets in footnote link (0ad54fd)
1.7.1 (2022-01-19)
- object/source_code: fixed unwrapping of inline code (7ca20b8)
1.7.0 (2022-01-19)
- object/image: added a style definition to align center the img element (f7b3ec6)
1.6.3 (2022-01-19)
- object/source_code: fixed wrong code style (5287fa9)
1.6.2 (2022-01-18)
- object/source_code: fixed word-break style not overwritten (becc542)
1.6.1 (2022-01-18)
- object/source_code: fixed some wrong styles (26951b3)
1.6.0 (2022-01-17)
- sectionization: improve heading styles (ace02a6)
1.5.0 (2022-01-17)
- epigraph: implemented epigraph styles (e156763)
1.4.0 (2022-01-17)
- page_wrap: implemented of page wrap style (53e40f2)
1.3.0 (2022-01-17)
- scss: changed directory structures (564cdca)
1.2.2 (2022-01-15)
- scss/base: fixed long heading unintentionally hidden (d321ed1)
- scss/footnotes: fixed long footnote unintentionally hidden (96b582b)
1.2.1 (2022-01-15)
- page_config: fixed issue on page bottom chapter title unintentionally hidden (4ff1f9f)
1.2.0 (2022-01-15)
- scss/prism: fixed to code overflow in block (7df6f58)
- vfm_code: improve code block style (ffae5db)
1.1.0 (2022-01-15)
- scss/base: fixed narrow margin of list (7c2413d)
- scss: improved appearance of headings (ee385b3)