diff --git a/flake.nix b/flake.nix
index 5a47e4c49a..750504f2ef 100644
--- a/flake.nix
+++ b/flake.nix
@@ -16,9 +16,9 @@
   outputs = { self, nixpkgs, flake-utils, ... }@inputs:
     flake-utils.lib.eachDefaultSystem (system:
-        pkgs= (nixpkgs.legacyPackages."${system}".extend
+        pkgs = (nixpkgs.legacyPackages."${system}".extend
           (import inputs.nixpkgs-mozilla)
-          ).extend inputs.mina.overlays.rust;
+        ).extend inputs.mina.overlays.rust;
         dune-nix = inputs.dune-nix.lib.${system};
         describe-dune = inputs.describe-dune.defaultPackage.${system};
         dune-description = pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation {
@@ -40,19 +40,22 @@
         desc = builtins.fromJSON (builtins.readFile dune-description);
-        allOcamlDeps_ = pkgs.lib.concatMap (duneSpec:
-          pkgs.lib.concatMap (unitSpec: unitSpec.deps or [ ])
-          (duneSpec.units or [ ])) desc;
+        allOcamlDeps_ = pkgs.lib.concatMap
+          (duneSpec:
+            pkgs.lib.concatMap (unitSpec: unitSpec.deps or [ ])
+              (duneSpec.units or [ ]))
+          desc;
         allOcamlDeps =
           builtins.map (d: builtins.head (pkgs.lib.splitString "." d))
-          allOcamlDeps_;
+            allOcamlDeps_;
         mina = inputs.mina.packages."${system}";
         minaDeps_ =
           builtins.intersectAttrs (pkgs.lib.genAttrs allOcamlDeps (_: { }))
-          mina.info.raw.deps.units;
+            mina.info.raw.deps.units;
         minaDeps = builtins.attrNames (builtins.foldl'
           (acc: pkg: acc // dune-nix.deps.packageDeps minaDeps_ "pkgs" pkg)
-          minaDeps_ (builtins.attrNames minaDeps_));
+          minaDeps_
+          (builtins.attrNames minaDeps_));
         commonOverrides = {
           DUNE_PROFILE = "dev";
           buildInputs = [ mina.base-libs ] ++ mina.external-libs
@@ -61,10 +64,15 @@
         info = dune-nix.info desc;
         allDeps = dune-nix.allDeps info;
         noTestSkipping = _: false;
-        prj_ = dune-nix.outputs' commonOverrides (pkgs.lib.fileset.toSource {
-          root = ./src/bindings;
-          fileset = ./src/bindings/ocaml;
-        }) allDeps info noTestSkipping prj;
+        prj_ = dune-nix.outputs' commonOverrides
+          (pkgs.lib.fileset.toSource {
+            root = ./src/bindings;
+            fileset = ./src/bindings/ocaml;
+          })
+          allDeps
+          info
+          noTestSkipping
+          prj;
         prj = prj_ // {
           pkgs = prj_.pkgs // {
             __ocaml-js__ = prj_.pkgs.__ocaml-js__.overrideAttrs {
@@ -77,48 +85,53 @@
         rust-channel =
-            { channel = "nightly";
+            {
+              channel = "nightly";
               date = "2023-09-01";
               sha256 = "sha256-zek9JAnRaoX8V0U2Y5ssXVe9tvoQ0ERGXfUCUGYdrMA=";
-          { targets = ["wasm32-unknown-unknown" "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu" ];
-            extensions = [ "rust-src" ];
-          });
+            {
+              targets = [ "wasm32-unknown-unknown" "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu" ];
+              extensions = [ "rust-src" ];
+            });
         rust-platform = pkgs.makeRustPlatform
-            { cargo = rust-channel;
-              rustc = rust-channel;
-            };
+          {
+            cargo = rust-channel;
+            rustc = rust-channel;
+          };
         bindings-pkgs = with pkgs;
-            [ nodejs
-              nodePackages.npm
-              typescript
-              nodePackages.typescript-language-server
+          [
+            nodejs
+            nodePackages.npm
+            typescript
+            nodePackages.typescript-language-server
-              #Rustup doesn't allow local toolchains to contain 'nightly' in the name
-              #so the toolchain is linked with the name nix and rustup is wrapped in a shellscript
-              #which calls the nix toolchain instead of the nightly one
-              (writeShellApplication
-                { name = "rustup";
-                  text =
+            #Rustup doesn't allow local toolchains to contain 'nightly' in the name
+            #so the toolchain is linked with the name nix and rustup is wrapped in a shellscript
+            #which calls the nix toolchain instead of the nightly one
+            (writeShellApplication
+              {
+                name = "rustup";
+                text =
-                  if [ "$1" = run ] && { [ "$2" = nightly-2023-09-01 ] || [ "$2" = 1.72-x86_64-unknowl-linux-gnu ]; }
-                  then
-                    echo using nix toolchain
-                    ${rustup}/bin/rustup run nix "''${@:3}"
-                  else
-                    echo using plain rustup "$@"
-                    ${rustup}/bin/rustup "$@"
-                  fi
+                    if [ "$1" = run ] && { [ "$2" = nightly-2023-09-01 ] || [ "$2" = 1.72-x86_64-unknowl-linux-gnu ]; }
+                    then
+                      echo using nix toolchain
+                      ${rustup}/bin/rustup run nix "''${@:3}"
+                    else
+                      echo using plain rustup "$@"
+                      ${rustup}/bin/rustup "$@"
+                    fi
-                }
-              )
-              rustup
-              wasm-pack
-              binaryen # provides wasm-opt
+              }
+            )
+            rustup
+            wasm-pack
+            binaryen # provides wasm-opt
-              dune_3
-            ] ++ commonOverrides.buildInputs ;
+            dune_3
+          ] ++ commonOverrides.buildInputs;
         inherit (nixpkgs) lib;
         # All the submodules required by .gitmodules
@@ -127,72 +140,79 @@
             (lib.splitString "\n" (builtins.readFile ./.gitmodules))));
         # Warn about missing submodules
-        requireSubmodules = let
-          ref = r: "${r}";
-          command = c: "${c}";
-        in lib.warnIf (!builtins.all (x: x)
-          (map (x: builtins.pathExists ./${x} && builtins.readDir ./${x} != { })
-            submodules)) ''
-              Some submodules are missing, you may get errors. Consider one of the following:
-              - run ${command "./pin.sh"} and use "${
-                ref "o1js"
-              }" flake ref, e.g. ${command "nix develop o1js"} or ${
-                command "nix build o1js"
-              };
-              - use "${ref "git+file://$PWD?submodules=1"}";
-              - use "${
-                ref "git+https://github.com/o1-labs/o1js?submodules=1"
-              }";
-              - use non-flake commands like ${command "nix-build"} and ${
-                command "nix-shell"
-              }.
-            '';
+        requireSubmodules =
+          let
+            ref = r: "${r}";
+            command = c: "${c}";
+          in
+          lib.warnIf
+            (
+              !builtins.all (x: x)
+                (map (x: builtins.pathExists ./${x} && builtins.readDir ./${x} != { })
+                  submodules)
+            ) ''
+            Some submodules are missing, you may get errors. Consider one of the following:
+            - run ${command "./pin.sh"} and use "${
+              ref "o1js"
+            }" flake ref, e.g. ${command "nix develop o1js"} or ${
+              command "nix build o1js"
+            };
+            - use "${ref "git+file://$PWD?submodules=1"}";
+            - use "${
+              ref "git+https://github.com/o1-labs/o1js?submodules=1"
+            }";
+            - use non-flake commands like ${command "nix-build"} and ${
+              command "nix-shell"
+            }.
+          '';
-          o1js-npm-deps = pkgs.buildNpmPackage
-            { name = "o1js";
-              src = with pkgs.lib.fileset;
-                  (toSource {
-                    root = ./.;
-                    fileset = unions [
-                      ./package.json
-                      ./package-lock.json
-                    ];
-                  });
-              # If you get ERROR: npmDepsHash is out of date
-              # you can update the hash with `nix run o1js#update-npm-deps`.
-              # Failing that you can remove the hash from ./npmDepsHash and try again
-              # which should get an error message with the correct hash
-              # You can also just push and CI should suggest a fix which updates the hash
-              npmDepsHash = builtins.readFile ./npmDepsHash;
-              # The prepack script runs the build script, which we'd rather do in the build phase.
-              npmPackFlags = [ "--ignore-scripts" ];
-              dontNpmBuild = true;
-              installPhase = ''
-                runHook preInstall
+        o1js-npm-deps = pkgs.buildNpmPackage
+          {
+            name = "o1js";
+            src = with pkgs.lib.fileset;
+              (toSource {
+                root = ./.;
+                fileset = unions [
+                  ./package.json
+                  ./package-lock.json
+                ];
+              });
+            # If you get ERROR: npmDepsHash is out of date
+            # you can update the hash with `nix run o1js#update-npm-deps`.
+            # Failing that you can remove the hash from ./npmDepsHash and try again
+            # which should get an error message with the correct hash
+            # You can also just push and CI should suggest a fix which updates the hash
+            npmDepsHash = builtins.readFile ./npmDepsHash;
+            # The prepack script runs the build script, which we'd rather do in the build phase.
+            npmPackFlags = [ "--ignore-scripts" ];
+            dontNpmBuild = true;
+            installPhase = ''
+              runHook preInstall
-                mkdir -p $out/lib
-                cp -r node_modules $out/lib
+              mkdir -p $out/lib
+              cp -r node_modules $out/lib
-                runHook postInstall
-              '';
-            };
-          test-vectors = rust-platform.buildRustPackage {
-            src = pkgs.lib.sourceByRegex ./src/mina/src
-              [
-                "^lib(/crypto(/proof-systems(/.*)?)?)?$"
-              ];
-            sourceRoot = "source/lib/crypto/proof-systems/poseidon/export_test_vectors";
-            patchPhase =
-            ''
-            cp ${./src/mina/src/lib/crypto/proof-systems/Cargo.lock} .
+              runHook postInstall
-            name = "export_test_vectors";
-            version = "0.1.0";
-            cargoSha256 = "";
-            CARGO_TARGET_DIR = "./target";
-            cargoLock = { lockFile = ./src/mina/src/lib/crypto/proof-systems/Cargo.lock ; };
-      in {
+        test-vectors = rust-platform.buildRustPackage {
+          src = pkgs.lib.sourceByRegex ./src/mina/src
+            [
+              "^lib(/crypto(/proof-systems(/.*)?)?)?$"
+            ];
+          sourceRoot = "source/lib/crypto/proof-systems/poseidon/export_test_vectors";
+          patchPhase =
+            ''
+              cp ${./src/mina/src/lib/crypto/proof-systems/Cargo.lock} .
+            '';
+          name = "export_test_vectors";
+          version = "0.1.0";
+          cargoSha256 = "";
+          CARGO_TARGET_DIR = "./target";
+          cargoLock = { lockFile = ./src/mina/src/lib/crypto/proof-systems/Cargo.lock; };
+        };
+      in
+      {
         formatter = pkgs.nixfmt;
         inherit mina;
         devShells = {
@@ -200,11 +220,11 @@
           mina-shell = requireSubmodules inputs.mina.devShells."${system}".with-lsp;
           default = requireSubmodules (pkgs.mkShell {
             shellHook =
-            ''
-            RUSTUP_HOME=$(pwd)/.rustup
-            export RUSTUP_HOME
-            rustup toolchain link nix ${rust-channel}
-            '';
+              ''
+                RUSTUP_HOME=$(pwd)/.rustup
+                export RUSTUP_HOME
+                rustup toolchain link nix ${rust-channel}
+              '';
             packages = bindings-pkgs;
@@ -217,29 +237,29 @@
           o1js-bindings = pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation {
             name = "o1js_bindings";
             src = with pkgs.lib.fileset;
-            (toSource {
-              root = ./.;
-              fileset = unions [
-                ./src/mina
-                ./src/bindings/scripts
-                ./src/bindings/js
-                ./src/bindings/crypto
-                ./src/bindings/lib
-                ./src/bindings/mina-transaction/gen/dune
-                (fileFilter (file: file.hasExt "js") ./src/bindings/mina-transaction)
-                ./src/bindings/ocaml/lib
-                ./src/bindings/ocaml/dune
-                ./src/bindings/ocaml/dune-project
-                (fileFilter (file: file.hasExt "ml") ./src/bindings/ocaml)
-                ./package.json
-                ./package-lock.json
-                ./src/bindings/ocaml/jsoo_exports
-                ./dune-project
-                ./.prettierrc.cjs
-                ./src/build
-                ./src/snarky.d.ts
-              ];
-            });
+              (toSource {
+                root = ./.;
+                fileset = unions [
+                  ./src/mina
+                  ./src/bindings/scripts
+                  ./src/bindings/js
+                  ./src/bindings/crypto
+                  ./src/bindings/lib
+                  ./src/bindings/mina-transaction/gen/dune
+                  (fileFilter (file: file.hasExt "js") ./src/bindings/mina-transaction)
+                  ./src/bindings/ocaml/lib
+                  ./src/bindings/ocaml/dune
+                  ./src/bindings/ocaml/dune-project
+                  (fileFilter (file: file.hasExt "ml") ./src/bindings/ocaml)
+                  ./package.json
+                  ./package-lock.json
+                  ./src/bindings/ocaml/jsoo_exports
+                  ./dune-project
+                  ./.prettierrc.cjs
+                  ./src/build
+                  ./src/snarky.d.ts
+                ];
+              });
             inherit (inputs.mina.devShells."${system}".default)
@@ -254,29 +274,29 @@
             SKIP_MINA_COMMIT = true;
             JUST_BINDINGS = true;
             patchPhase = ''
-            patchShebangs ./src/bindings/scripts/
-            patchShebangs ./src/bindings/crypto/test-vectors/
+              patchShebangs ./src/bindings/scripts/
+              patchShebangs ./src/bindings/crypto/test-vectors/
             buildPhase =
-            ''
-            RUSTUP_HOME=$(pwd)/.rustup
-            export RUSTUP_HOME
-            rustup toolchain link nix ${rust-channel}
-            cp -r ${o1js-npm-deps}/lib/node_modules/ .
+              ''
+                RUSTUP_HOME=$(pwd)/.rustup
+                export RUSTUP_HOME
+                rustup toolchain link nix ${rust-channel}
+                cp -r ${o1js-npm-deps}/lib/node_modules/ .
-            mkdir -p src/bindings/compiled/node_bindings
-            echo '// this file exists to prevent TS from type-checking `o1js_node.bc.cjs`' \
-              > src/bindings/compiled/node_bindings/o1js_node.bc.d.cts
+                mkdir -p src/bindings/compiled/node_bindings
+                echo '// this file exists to prevent TS from type-checking `o1js_node.bc.cjs`' \
+                  > src/bindings/compiled/node_bindings/o1js_node.bc.d.cts
-            npm run build:update-bindings
+                npm run build:update-bindings
-            mkdir -p $out/mina-transaction
-            pushd ./src/bindings
-              rm -rf ./compiled/_node_bindings
-              cp -Lr ./compiled $out
-              cp -Lr ./mina-transaction/gen $out/mina-transaction/
-            popd
-            '';
+                mkdir -p $out/mina-transaction
+                pushd ./src/bindings
+                  rm -rf ./compiled/_node_bindings
+                  cp -Lr ./compiled $out
+                  cp -Lr ./mina-transaction/gen $out/mina-transaction/
+                popd
+              '';
           kimchi = pkgs.kimchi-rust-wasm;
           ocaml-js = prj.pkgs.__ocaml-js__;