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Name Description
APDS9007 Analog Ambient Light Sensor (Lux)]
ble112 Bluetooth Module
button Self-contained class for simple button I/O
DHT11 Temperature / Humidity Sensor
DHT22 Temperature / Humidity Sensor
Epaper Pervasive Displays ePaper Panel
expGpio GPIO Expander (Abstract class)
FT800_EVE Embedded Video Engine
HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Range Sensor
hih6131 Humidity Sensor
imp.o.scope "Oscilloscope" with web graphing
imp003-EVB Example code for the imp003 Evaluation Board
impeeduino Arduino programmer
ir_receiver Infrared receiver
ir_transmitter Infrared transmitter
L6470 "dSPIN" Stepper Motor
lineUART UART wrapper class that buffers line-by-line
lis3dh Accelerometer
LPS25H Air Pressure / Temperature Sensor
LSM9DS0 Inertial Measurement Unit (Accel + Magnetometer + Gyro)
max31855 Adafruit MAX31855 Thermocouple Board
MAX72XX 7-Segment Display Driver
modbus Modbus RTU Master (for PLCs, etc)
MPL115 Barometric Pressure / Temperature Sensor
PA6H GPS Module
pcd8544 "Nokia 5110" Monochrome LCD
pcf8563 Realtime Clock
pulseSensor Analog Pulse Sensor
rs485 UART wrapper class for RS-485
sa56004x Temperature Sensor
serializer Serializes Squirrel objects / generates CRCs
SerLCD PIC16LF88 Serial Display Driver
Sharp_LSxxxBx Sharp Memory LCD
SHT10 Temperature / Humidity Sensor
Si7021 Temperature / Humidity Sensor
sn54ls164w SN54LS164W 8-bit Shift Register
SpiFlash Flash Memory (NOR)
SX150x GPIO Expander
st7735 Color TFT LCD Driver
stm32 STM32 UART Bootloader
TCS3472 Color / Ambient Light Sensor
thermistor Generic NTC Thermistor class
TMP1x2 Temperature Sensor
tone Piezo speaker driver
tsl2561 Ambient Light Sensor
VS10XX Audio Code IC with analog front-end
ws2812 Neopixel driver class