.. automodule:: torch.cuda
.. currentmodule:: torch.cuda
.. autosummary:: :toctree: generated :nosignatures: StreamContext can_device_access_peer current_blas_handle current_device current_stream cudart default_stream device device_count device_of get_arch_list get_device_capability get_device_name get_device_properties get_gencode_flags get_sync_debug_mode init ipc_collect is_available is_initialized memory_usage set_device set_stream set_sync_debug_mode stream synchronize utilization temperature power_draw clock_rate OutOfMemoryError
.. autosummary:: :toctree: generated :nosignatures: get_rng_state get_rng_state_all set_rng_state set_rng_state_all manual_seed manual_seed_all seed seed_all initial_seed
.. autosummary:: :toctree: generated :nosignatures: comm.broadcast comm.broadcast_coalesced comm.reduce_add comm.scatter comm.gather
.. autosummary:: :toctree: generated :nosignatures: Stream ExternalStream Event
.. autosummary:: :toctree: generated :nosignatures: is_current_stream_capturing graph_pool_handle CUDAGraph graph make_graphed_callables
.. autosummary:: :toctree: generated :nosignatures: empty_cache list_gpu_processes mem_get_info memory_stats memory_summary memory_snapshot memory_allocated max_memory_allocated reset_max_memory_allocated memory_reserved max_memory_reserved set_per_process_memory_fraction memory_cached max_memory_cached reset_max_memory_cached reset_peak_memory_stats caching_allocator_alloc caching_allocator_delete get_allocator_backend CUDAPluggableAllocator change_current_allocator MemPool MemPoolContext
.. autosummary:: :toctree: generated :nosignatures: nvtx.mark nvtx.range_push nvtx.range_pop nvtx.range
.. autosummary:: :toctree: generated :nosignatures: jiterator._create_jit_fn jiterator._create_multi_output_jit_fn
Some operations could be implemented using more than one library or more than one technique. For example, a GEMM could be implemented for CUDA or ROCm using either the cublas/cublasLt libraries or hipblas/hipblasLt libraries, respectively. How does one know which implementation is the fastest and should be chosen? That's what TunableOp provides. Certain operators have been implemented using multiple strategies as Tunable Operators. At runtime, all strategies are profiled and the fastest is selected for all subsequent operations.
See the :doc:`documentation <cuda.tunable>` for information on how to use it.
.. toctree:: :hidden: cuda.tunable
CUDA Sanitizer is a prototype tool for detecting synchronization errors between streams in PyTorch. See the :doc:`documentation <cuda._sanitizer>` for information on how to use it.
.. toctree:: :hidden: cuda._sanitizer
.. py:module:: torch.cuda.comm
.. py:module:: torch.cuda.error
.. py:module:: torch.cuda.graphs
.. py:module:: torch.cuda.jiterator
.. py:module:: torch.cuda.memory
.. py:module:: torch.cuda.nccl
.. py:module:: torch.cuda.nvtx
.. py:module:: torch.cuda.profiler
.. py:module:: torch.cuda.random
.. py:module:: torch.cuda.sparse
.. py:module:: torch.cuda.streams