Fourth year undergraduate with interests in Algorithms and Security
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- Double Degree in Computer Science and Pure Mathematics
- Computer Science CAP: 4.84/5. Focus Areas: Theory of Computation and Algorithms, Security.
- Dean's List (AY2016-2017 Semester I)
- Certificate of Distinction in Computer Security Focus Area
- Certificate of Distinction in Algorithms & Theory Focus Area
- Mathematics CAP: 4.63/5. Special Programme in Mathematics.
- University Scholars Programme: an interdisciplinary programme in NUS, from the top 3% of students in each cohort.
- Migrate the codebase of an online peer feedback platform to Java 8's date and time classes.
- Strenghten the app's security.
- Research about Homomorphic encryption and its applicatin on storing and doing computation on data in the cloud.
- Use Pixi.js library to develop an immersive gamified online learning frontend with visual novel elements for the university's freshman introductory programming module CS1101S Programming Methodology.
- Use Sail.js and Angular.js framework to build the backend and frontend of a nutrition and fitness tracking app for diabetes patients.
- Implement a client and server for a homomorphically encrypted key-value store in C++ (2k LoCs). Report here. Propose and implement a new feature: add sorting capability to the key-value store. Used parallelization to speed up the operations.
- Web Security:
- Discover Cross-Site Scripting vulnerabilities in Teammates and fix it.
- Assess the security of Teammates and make recommendations to strengthen it.
- Contribute to mitmproxy, an open source TLS-capable proxy to intercept HTTP traffic. List of PRs.
- Give a talk and write a short write-up about Cross-Site Request Forgery attacks.
- Give a talk about using "Find Security Bugs" static analysis tool.
- Cryptography:
- Detailed understanding of Homomorphic Encryption.
- Software Security:
- Able to read x86-64 assembly code compiled from C/C++ and write assembly exploits, return-oriented programming etc. Understand binary exploitation techniques and defenses (ASLR, PIE, StackGuard etc.) on Linux (i.e. ELF executables).
- Contribute to Teammates, an online peer feedback platform with 250k users and 140k LoCs. List of PRs
- Mathematics: Strong Logical Reasoning, Linear Algebra, Algebra, Analysis, Topology, Probability, Statistics.
- Hobby: Learn human languages: Vietnamese, English, Chinese, German.