diff --git a/admin/admin-tasks-fragment.md b/admin/admin-tasks-fragment.md
index 6278dfb60..9dcd4282f 100644
--- a/admin/admin-tasks-fragment.md
+++ b/admin/admin-tasks-fragment.md
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ The info in the following panels differs from TIC4001.
{{ embed_topic("peerEvaluations.md#intro", "Admin " + icon_embedding + " Peer Evaluations → Introduction", "3", indent="2") }}
{{ embed_topic("peerEvaluations.md#practicePeerEvaluations", "Admin " + icon_embedding + " Peer Evaluations → Session: Practice Peer Evaluation", "1", indent="2", status="expanded") }}
-{{ embed_topic("appendixB-policies.md#policy-deadlineExtensions", "Admin " + icon_embedding + " **Module Policies → Policy on Deadline Extensions**", "3", indent="2", type="primary") }}
+{{ embed_topic("appendixB-policies.md#policy-deadlineExtensions", "Admin " + icon_embedding + " **Module Policies → Policy on Deadline Extensions**", "4", indent="2") }}
[optional] Submit mid-term feedback for the module
diff --git a/admin/common-tutorials-fragment.md b/admin/common-tutorials-fragment.md
index 036610d4c..29ccf86c4 100644
--- a/admin/common-tutorials-fragment.md
+++ b/admin/common-tutorials-fragment.md
@@ -55,11 +55,11 @@
{% macro get_pr_link(username) -%}[{{ username }}]({{ url_module_org }}/{{ ip_repo_name }}/pulls/{{ username }}){%- endmacro %}
{% from "_module-" + module + "/studentData-fragment.md" import ip_pr_review_allocation with context %}
Tutorial | Reviewer | First PR to review | Backup PR to review
---------|----------|--------------------|---------------------{% for line in ip_pr_review_allocation %}
-{{ line[0] }} | {{ line[1] }} | {{ get_pr_link(line[2]) }} | {{ get_pr_link(line[3]) }}{% endfor %}
+{{ line[0] }} | {{ line[1] }} | {{ get_pr_link(line[2]) }} | %%backup:%% {{ get_pr_link(line[3]) }}{% endfor %}
{% if not ip_pr_review_allocation | length %}Allocation not available yet... {% endif %}
@@ -86,11 +86,11 @@ Alternatively, you can use PR labels (if any) to filter PRs/Issues.
{% from "_module-" + module + "/studentData-fragment.md" import ip_pr_review_allocation with context %}
Tutorial | Reviewer | Second PR to review | Backup PR to review
---------|----------|---------------------|---------------------{% for line in ip_pr_review_allocation %}
-{{ line[0] }} | {{ line[1] }} | {{ get_pr_link(line[4]) }} | {{ get_pr_link(line[5]) }}{% endfor %}
+{{ line[0] }} | {{ line[1] }} | {{ get_pr_link(line[4]) }} | %%backup:%% {{ get_pr_link(line[5]) }}{% endfor %}
{% if not ip_pr_review_allocation | length %}Allocation not available yet... {% endif %}
diff --git a/admin/tp-tasks-fragment.md b/admin/tp-tasks-fragment.md
index 159724f21..1ff6098df 100644
--- a/admin/tp-tasks-fragment.md
+++ b/admin/tp-tasks-fragment.md
@@ -298,9 +298,9 @@ As we are still at the early stages of identifying a problem to solve, do not th
* **What format?**: You may use a sentence format or a table format but do maintain the prescribed three-part structure of a user story. In particular, ==try to include the _benefit_ part in most user stories== as that will come in handy when prioritizing user stories later.
-* **How to record?**
- ==Keep records of intermediate steps (e.g., persona, scenarios)== in your collaborative project document started in the previous week.
- You can ~~write each user story in a piece of paper (e.g. yellow sticky note, index card, or just pieces of paper about the size of a playing card). Alternatively you can~~ use an online tool (some examples given in [Textbook {{ icon_embedding }} Specifying Requirements → UserStories → Usage → (panel) Tool Examples ]).
+* **Submission** (to be checked by the tutor later):
+ * Intermediate steps (e.g., persona, scenarios): Keep records these in your collaborative project document started in the previous week.
+ * Brainstormed user stories: Record them using an online tool (some examples given in [Textbook {{ icon_embedding }} Specifying Requirements → UserStories → Usage → (panel) Tool Examples ]).
@@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ As we are still at the early stages of identifying a problem to solve, do not th
{{ icon_tip }} **If you choose to use the GitHub issue tracker to manage user stories**, you need to set up your team's GitHub organization, team repo, and its issue tracker first. Instructions for doing those steps are in the panel below.
diff --git a/schedule/week3/admin-tic2002-fragment.md b/schedule/week3/admin-tic2002-fragment.md
index 58472e8c1..9e0bd8eba 100644
--- a/schedule/week3/admin-tic2002-fragment.md
+++ b/schedule/week3/admin-tic2002-fragment.md
@@ -39,7 +39,8 @@
#### {{ thumb(1) }} Setup Duke project on your computer {{ timing_badge("during/after the lecture", "secondary") }}
-1. **Fork** [{{ url_module_org }}/duke]({{ url_module_org }}/duke). The relevant textbook topic is given below for our reference.
+1. **Fork** [{{ url_module_org }}/duke]({{ url_module_org }}/duke). The relevant textbook topic is given below for your reference.
+ {{ icon_important_big_red }} Please ==retain the repon name `duke`== when forking. If you name your fork as something else, our grading scripts will not be able to find your fork.
{{ embed_topic("../../book/gitAndGithub/fork/text.md#body", "Textbook " + icon_embedding + " Git & GitHub → **Forking**", "1", indent=2) }}