diff --git a/chat/src/helpers/prompts.py b/chat/src/helpers/prompts.py
index ef4fb5b5..1b08d1d9 100644
--- a/chat/src/helpers/prompts.py
+++ b/chat/src/helpers/prompts.py
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
 def prompt_template() -> str:
-    return """Please answer the question based on the documents provided, and include some details about why the documents might be relevant to the particular question. The 'title' field is the document title, and the 'source' field is a UUID that uniquely identifies each document:
+    return """Please provide an answer to the question based on the documents provided. Include specific details from the documents that support your answer. Each document is identified by a 'title' and a unique 'source' UUID:
-Format the answer as raw markdown. Insert links when referencing documents by title using it's UUID, as in the following guide: [title](https://dc.library.northwestern.edu/items/UUID). Example: [Judy Collins, Jackson Hole Folk Festival](https://dc.library.northwestern.edu/items/f1ca513b-7d13-4af6-ad7b-8c7ffd1d3a37). Suggest keywords searches using the following guide (example: [jazz musicians](https://dc.library.northwestern.edu/search?q=Jazz+musicians)). Offer search terms that vary in scope, highlight specific individuals or groups, or delve deeper into a topic. Remember to include as many direct links to Digital Collections searches as needed for comprehensive study. The `collection` field contains information about the collection the document belongs to. When many of the documents are from the same collection, mention the collection and link to the collection using the collection title and id: [collection['title']](https://dc.library.northwestern.edu/collections/collection['id']), for example [World War II Poster Collection](https://dc.library.northwestern.edu/collections/faf4f60e-78e0-4fbf-96ce-4ca8b4df597a):
+Answer in raw markdown. When referencing a document by title, link to it using its UUID like this: [title](https://dc.library.northwestern.edu/items/UUID). For example: [Judy Collins, Jackson Hole Folk Festival](https://dc.library.northwestern.edu/items/f1ca513b-7d13-4af6-ad7b-8c7ffd1d3a37). Suggest keyword searches using this format: [keyword](https://dc.library.northwestern.edu/search?q=keyword). Offer a variety of search terms that cover different aspects of the topic. Include as many direct links to Digital Collections searches as necessary for a thorough study. The `collection` field contains information about the collection the document belongs to. In the summary, mention the top 1 or 2 collections, explain why they are relevant and link to them using the collection title and id: [collection['title']](https://dc.library.northwestern.edu/collections/collection['id']), for example [World War II Poster Collection](https://dc.library.northwestern.edu/collections/faf4f60e-78e0-4fbf-96ce-4ca8b4df597a):
diff --git a/chat/test/helpers/test_metrics.py b/chat/test/helpers/test_metrics.py
index efab07cd..51d15871 100644
--- a/chat/test/helpers/test_metrics.py
+++ b/chat/test/helpers/test_metrics.py
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ def test_token_usage(self):
         expected_result = {
             "answer": 6,
-            "prompt": 328,
+            "prompt": 302,
             "question": 15,
             "source_documents": 1,