Acebook aims to be an easy-to-use and accessible platform that simplifies staying in touch with friends.
Acebook will connect people and make their lives betta.
Feature: Homepage
As a new user,
When I navigate to the site,
I want to see the logo, signup, and login buttons.
Feature: Signup
- As a new user,
When I am on homepage and I click on sign up,
I want to be taken to the sign up page,
I want to see the option to enter my first name, last name, email, password, confirm password,
I want to choose an Emoji Avatar,
So that I can signup.
Feature: Login
- As a user with account,
When I am on homepage I want to be able click login,
So that I can be taken to the login page,
And be able to enter my account details,
So that I can be taken to my homepage with my emoji displayed.
Feature: Logout
- As a user,
I want to be able to click logout,
So that I can end my session securely, And be taken back to the login page.
Feature: Posts Page
- As a logged-in user,
I want to be able to see posts, See comments on posts, and number of likes, and the emoji of the author user,
So that I can connect with other users.
Feature: Create Post
- As a logged-in user,
I want to be able to click create post,
And be taken to new post page,
Enter some content and add an optional Gif,
So that I can create a post.
Feature: Comment on Post
- As a logged-in user,
I want to be able to comment on an existing post,
by entering a comment and submitting it,
So that I can see my comment is reflected on the post.
Feature: Like a Post
- As a logged-in user,
I want to be able to like an existing post,
by clicking a like button,
so that I can see my like is reflected on the post.